If a baby can survive out of the womb at 6 months of pregnancy then Im damn sure that its life begins way before birth, my first daughter reacted to me playing music to her, she would calm down when it was played, another daughter used to tap back at my fingers if I pressed them on her, my other daughter had hicupps and when the light was turned on used to start kicking. my son who died in me at 5 months of pregnancy, he knew Im sure, the day he died he was very distressed and when I soothed him by rubbing my tummy and telling him everything would be ok, he calmed down, to say a life begins at birth is bull, life begins way before that, I am not against abortion, I believe if something is wrong then its the womens choice, or if the person is too young, well many reasons really, as long as its done before the 3rd month, By the end of the first trimester, the baby is about three inches long and weighs about half an ounce. The eyes move closer together into their positions, and the ears also are in position. The liver is making bile, and the kidneys are secreting urine into the bladder. Even though you can't feel the baby move yet, the baby will move inside you in response to pushing on your abdomen.
Ater the 3 month it would not be right.