Let Us Remember 9/11 Victims at 4th Anniversary

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
By misuse Rev, I meant the worst degenerates of our society

So do I.

The rest of your post does not answer the question put to you. You claim to be a Christian. Your book says that Christ taught that rich people had a very slim chance of going to heaven, yet you worship money and wealth. Your book, according to scholars who have spent their lives studying it, says that Christ taught that should be a separation between church and state.

So why is it that you aren't following the teachings of the man you named your religion after? Having read the book that is supposed to be a de facto users guide to your religion, and having read your posts and listened to the people you support, I can only come to the conclusion that you are not a Christian at all.

Our freedom is worth fighting for and we are willing to pay a price to keep our freedom.

What price? Murdering a 100,000 women and children who commited the crime of living in the wrong country? Torturing people for no reason? Destroying your own democracy? You have no freedom, Nascar Nero. You are trapped in the cage of a corrupt ideology.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Nascar_James said:
Let us not forget Jaun, that prior to surrender by Japan, the Japanese were Nazi sympathizers. I see no problem in insulting a Country who attacked us first and to top it off were Nazi sympathizers. I mean who really cares that anyone would be insulted if I use a term where a bunch of Nazi followers met their death?

Prescott Bush was a Nazi sympathizer...what then should we do with his progeny?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Nascar_James said:
Ocean Breeze said:
Secondly, President Bush's response to 9/11 has avoided another attack on US soil.

this says that you don't give a sh** if US interests and citizens are attacked outside the US........as long as the mainland is not attacked..........YET.

interesting......but not surprising.

I didn't say that I don't care. However, if some countries such as Canada refuse to invest in defense and/or missile defense then they have no one to blame but themselves and especially those who have elected the current government if an attack occurs on Canadian soil. We cannot help those you do not want to help themselves.

this is where the BIG difference lies between our societies. Canada is a peaceful nation, works towards peaceful solutions. the US is a MILITANT , WAR loving , hostile nation....... which has pissed so many on this planet off.......it is no wonder it is in dire need of exotic "security" measures and the massive quantities of WMD. Even IF CA was attacked by terrorists....... WMD such as the US has are useless anyhow. and it has been proven by the fact that the most militarily equipped nation,.....all that hi tech stuff and all it took was a few box cutters to create havoc. And so many still don't get it... :roll: Ca would find less destructive means to deal with terrorism.......as the issue is terrorism ....and not WAR.......(as the bushkins would have you believe and do so.)

Quite frankly , Would prefer to see CA without a traditional military.......but a modern peacekeeping force (vast) that can be sent to any hot spot on this planet on a moments notice.

Totally different focus from the angry war mongering, meddling one the US has. After the un nec invasion of Iraq......the US had better be bloody afaid. But keep your fears contained within your borders.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Let Us Remember 9/11

Nascar_James said:
The factors that make evil likely are essential to there being a world at all and/or to the excellence of its design. For example, the fact that God made us free is a good feature of the world that we would not want to change. But it means that human beings and Satan who misuse that freedom can cause great misery (example the 9/11 terrorist attacks). In short, any good world would carry with it the possibility of evil. Therefore, if there is to be a world at all and a good world, evil is a likely feature of it, but this does not at all impugn either the power or the goodness of God.

This is the most ridiculous explanation for nothing that I've ever read...it actually gave me a headache just trying to reason through this inane strand of illogic...but I think I got the jist of it...

Basically, what you've said is that there has to be a devil, or there would be no god...which is true, but not in the way that you intended...

...and as to your god, if your book of bedtime stories is to be believed, he has been guilty of far worse crimes against humanity than anything that the terrorists could dream up...

...of course we all know that part of the appeal of Christianity is that it partitions reality of the faithful into shades of black and white upon which they can cast judgement, as they haven't the moral or intellectual capacity to see the shades of grey...

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Nascar_James said:
After all, we are living in a Nation under God. We elect the leader that makes these decisions.

Why is that so James? If you are truly one nation under god, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote, as your president would be chosen by divine right? After all, there's always the danger that evil people might vote for the wrong guy... :roll:

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Our freedom is worth fighting for and we are willing to pay a price to keep our freedom.

and the irony is.........the more you "fight" for your freedoms.......the more you are losing them........and pathetically don't even know it.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
After all, we are living in a Nation under God. We elect the leader that makes these decisions.

that makes it sound like your leader is "God's " representative in the US. :roll: :roll: :wink:

Ok........let's allow the possibility of the "God " factor....( whatever form it /he/she might take)...... how about starting to think ONE WORLD under "God".......instead of isolating yourself so much. You are not 'better'........you are just different.

How about JOINING the world community , instead of fighting it???

(and NO James......"you" don't give a sh** about anyone by yourselves....... so it might be an idea to dispell that delusion. If you all cared.......you would NOT be so fecking war hungry and kill so many in a foreign country for no God da**ed good reason......except what the sick lying SOB politicians you elected gave you . Face it james.......the US is NOT great. It has serious problems......and particularly now...and all the spin/lies will not change that.

Steve French

Nominee Member
Jul 10, 2005
RE: Let Us Remember 9/11

Snore, whatta bore.
I'm sick of hearing the idiots wax melodramatic every two minutes about stupid ole 911....give it a rest already.
Hows about we have a day where we DO NOT talk about 911?
That would be a nice change...

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Let Us Remember 9/11

Steve French said:
Snore, whatta bore.
I'm sick of hearing the idiots wax melodramatic every two minutes about stupid ole 911....give it a rest already.
Hows about we have a day where we DO NOT talk about 911?
That would be a nice change...

hmm. actually you have a good point. the collective "we" sure don't hear a repetative chorus from Spain about their 3-11. ( but then Spain has more maturity, dignity, wisdom and class). We don't hear a continuous self serving , dramatizing sensationalism of the recent London bombings , do we??? Again. They dealt with it, are continuing to deal with it and don't have the insecurity of imaturities to keep drawing attention to themselves.

With every disaster a new memorial is established...... to the point , that all we do is spend our time remembering and not living...

just another perspective.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
However, when someone comes along and attacks our freedom, such as the terrorists did on 9/11

James...... Please explain in factual detail HOW the terrorists attacked your "freedoms" and please specify which ones......(thx)

(this I gotta hear... :wink:

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
12.9.2005. 08:58:49

The Australian city of Melbourne along with Los Angeles in the United States, have been named as targets in a videotape purportedly from a US-born member of the radical al-Qaeda group.

The 11-minute-long tape was aired on the American ABC television network after it was sent to the broadcaster’s office in Pakistan.

“Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne,” said the masked speaker, believed to be American Islam convert, Adam Gadahn.

“At this time, don’t count on us demonstrating restraint or compassion,” the speaker continued.

“We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators.”

A police spokesman for the Australian state of Victoria, of which Melbourne is the capital, said Australian authorities are waiting to receive a copy of the video to verify its authenticity.

“We are working with our federal and international counterparts to obtain a copy of the tape,” Inspector Craig Walsh said.

“Once obtained, the tape will need to be authenticated and its contents analysed and considered prior to making any further statements.”

Gadahn made a similar tape last year that US intelligence said was authentic, but Los Angeles’ police chief said he seemed to be “a mouthpiece, a spokesman, not an operative” of Osama bin Laden’s organisation.

US authorities in Los Angeles told the ABC News that strong measures were already in place and that there was no need to impose additional security in the absence of any known credible threats against the city.

“We have a very robust counter-terrorism operation here in LA, similar to New York and Washington because we are always a prime target,” Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton said.

The videotape statement, coming on the fourth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, underscored memorials in the cities of Washington and New York.

US President George W Bush led the nation in a minute’s silence on the lawn of the White House at the time the first hijacked aircraft struck New York’s World Trade Centre at 8:46 am (10:46 pm AEST).

Crowds gathered at Ground Zero, the site where 2,749 people were killed when the two towers of the trade centre collapsed in downtown New York.

A roll call of the victims was read out and sympathies were also extended to the country’s hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast.

SOURCE: World News

US born .......no less..

Steve French

Nominee Member
Jul 10, 2005
RE: Let Us Remember 9/11

//are continuing to deal with it and don't have the insecurity of imaturities to keep drawing attention to themselves."

Yes, actually, I was kinda hoping this latest disaster in New Orleans would slow the 911 sobfest crusdade - Bush invokes all the 911 buzzwords many times in every speech. But then I remembered that unlike 911 there is no political hay to be made out of the hurricane thing, unless of course, Bush is planning on declaring 'War on Nature' which would not surprise me given his arrogance and stupidity.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
But then I remembered that unlike 911 there is no political hay to be made out of the hurricane thing, unless of course, Bush is planning on declaring 'War on Nature' which would not surprise me given his arrogance and stupidity.

there is no limit , no low as to how far the bushgang will go to politicize an event. Katrina is already a political football. watch the Dr. SpinRove ...... twist this into a bush "advantage". (or try to.)........and those silly sheeple will buy into it......like they do every time. Seems they can only deal with buzzwords that are simplistic and catchy. .......Require NO THINKING. They are the most manipulative , greedy/dangerous bunch that have walked the planet in a long time.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
don't know about anyone else......but I have not and will not watch ANY of the 9-11 stuff (memorial or ???) on the telee today. Have long ago.......reached saturation point with how undignified the US is about everything.....including their own victims.

overload, is overkill. Just waiting for this day to be done with for another year.


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
#juan said:

I would never say that those who died on 9/11 deserved to die, but what I will say, is that the attacks on 9/11 were the direct result of American foreign policy, or what passes in it's stead. If America had been half as generous with the Palestinians as they have been with Israel, 9/11 would never have happened.

Juan, you do not negociate with terrorist based groups. The Palestinians were previously affiliated with Hamas and Arafat himself was heavily involved with terrorism in his lifetime. We are sure as hell not going to cave in to the terrorists. We will go after them wherever they are hiding. They have already paid a heavy price and will continue to pay the consequences of their actions.
This also applies to countries that produce or harbor terrorists.

The war against terrorism appears to be working here within the US. There have not been anymore attacks since 9/11.


Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
Nascar_James said:
#juan said:
My God! A living, breathing, rightwing, fundamentalist.

Everyone has a right to live in a free society. However, when someone comes along and attacks our freedom, such as the terrorists did on 9/11 we then need to act and restrict their freedoms. And restrict their freedoms we did. Our freedom is worth fighting for and we are willing to pay a price to keep our freedom.

Answer - then you should have attacked the terrorists rather than Iraq. Didn't the Iraqis have the right to live without your bombing them. Such arrogance. Such self-patronizing bullshit is below a thinking man. Look around you. The U.S. is much less free then it was 4 years ago, or are you unaware of the change of Laws? Or do you truly believe that if restrictions are imposed and don't appear to affect you directly, that makes the restrictions alright? The Americans pissed their freedoms away and are to brain-washed to realize it.


Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
Nascar_James said:
#juan said:

Juan, you do not negociate with terrorist based groups. The Palestinians were previously affiliated with Hamas and Arafat himself was heavily involved with terrorism in his lifetime. We are sure as hell not going to cave in to the terrorists. We will go after them wherever they are hiding. They have already paid a heavy price and will continue to pay the consequences of their actions.
This also applies to countries that produce or harbor terrorists.

The war against terrorism appears to be working here within the US. There have not been anymore attacks since 9/11.

Answer - What is your definition of a terrorist? Is not Sharon's devastation of a Palistinian refugee camp an act of a Terrorist. Is not the displacement of thousands of people from their homes and the siezing of their land acts of a Terrorist. Why do you back up the Terrorist state of Isreal to the tune of 6 billion dollars a year? Look up the word hypocrite.

The Terrorists only have to strike at the U.S. twice in ten years and they change it into a fascist state. I'd say the Terrorists won big time. Just look at what your country turned into. How very sad.


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
Ocean Breeze said:
However, when someone comes along and attacks our freedom, such as the terrorists did on 9/11

James...... Please explain in factual detail HOW the terrorists attacked your "freedoms" and please specify which ones......(thx)

(this I gotta hear... :wink:

Explain how the terrorists attacked our freedom? You are kidding right?

The freedom of thousands of civilians on 9/11 came under direct attack by the terroists.

The terrorists hate our freedoms ... our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. They find it ok to attack us because of our freedoms, which they lack.

By flying airplanes into buidings, the terrorists tried to initiate fear into us, envious of our freedom, they had attempted to take our freedom away from us. For the many unfortunate victims of 9/11, their freedom was unforunately tragically taken away.

As a result of the terrorists attacks we were required to initiate policies at the cost of some civil rights and civil liberties, restricting our freedom.

Bottom line is ... enemies of freedom will not win. It will be a cold cold day in hell if we let the terrorists take away our freedom once again as they did on 9/11.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
For God's sake James

I'm not sure who you think you are talking to. but one thing is clear, you don't know what you are talking about.

In 1948 the U.S. and Britain (mainly the U.S.) bullied the UN into giving over half of Palestine to the Jews. The Palestinians had lived and farmed in this area for over twelve hundred years. The Palestinians, up to this point were not terrorists. The Jews, or Israelis as we now call them, with heavy assistance from the U.S., had armed themselves very well. The following link is to a brief history of the Palestinian conflict written by Jews who live in Israel, and who were involved in the conflict.


You will see that with a few pre-emptive wars, the Israelis, who were heavily armed by the U.S., have taken control of all of Palestine, and parts of Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon. The Palestinians, who you now call terrorists, are fighting for their country. There have been no less than a hundred and fifty UN resolutions calling for the Israelis to get out of Palestinian land, and all were vetoed by the U.S.. Would you sit by while someone attacked your country and drove your people into refugee camps? Maybe you would.