Last speech of Adam Kinzinger


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

It's Republicans like him that are needed.

"“To my Democratic colleagues, you too must bear the burden of our failures. Many of you have asked me ‘Where are all the good Republicans?’ Over the past two years, Democratic leadership had the opportunity to stand above the fray. Instead, they poured millions of dollars into the campaigns of MAGA Republicans, the same candidates President Biden called a national security threat, to ensure these good Republicans do not make it out of their respective primaries.

“This is no longer politics as usual; this is not a game. If you keep stoking the fire, you can’t point the fingers when our great experiment goes up in flames.”

Both parties have “weaponized fear,” with too few Republicans or Democrats having the “spines to stand up and put country over party,” Kinzinger said."

I absolutely agree with his calling out Dems and the 'analysis' of how things are now politically.

I may not agree with some of his policies, but damned if I can't respect the man for this.

HIS kind of Republican is what's needed.

Not the current idea of Republican.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

It's Republicans like him that are needed.

"“To my Democratic colleagues, you too must bear the burden of our failures. Many of you have asked me ‘Where are all the good Republicans?’ Over the past two years, Democratic leadership had the opportunity to stand above the fray. Instead, they poured millions of dollars into the campaigns of MAGA Republicans, the same candidates President Biden called a national security threat, to ensure these good Republicans do not make it out of their respective primaries.

“This is no longer politics as usual; this is not a game. If you keep stoking the fire, you can’t point the fingers when our great experiment goes up in flames.”

Both parties have “weaponized fear,” with too few Republicans or Democrats having the “spines to stand up and put country over party,” Kinzinger said."

I absolutely agree with his calling out Dems and the 'analysis' of how things are now politically.

I may not agree with some of his policies, but damned if I can't respect the man for this.

HIS kind of Republican is what's needed.

Not the current idea of Republican.
Democracy only lasts until people keep voting for free stuff , how long should we continue ?