
Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Sorry Haggis but your hero Lance is no hero he's quickly becoming a mouth piece for Bush and makes most of his money of Nike which has one of the worse records of using child labour :evil:
Pedaling Away From Principle: Lance Armstrong Cozies Up to Bush
by Dave Zirin

" could, like me, be unfortunate enough to stumble on a silent war. The trouble is that once you see it, you can't unsee it. And once you've seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing, becomes as political an act as speaking out. There's no innocence."
- Arundhati Roy

"The Tour de Crawford." The words blared from a red, white, and blue piece of spandex that George W. Bush presented to Lance Armstrong at his Crawford, Texas ranch. The gifting followed a 17-mile bike ride where they gazed at the landscape that Bush calls "my slice of heaven." Armstrong gushed about Bush's riding prowess afterward, saying to ABC News, "That old boy can go ... I didn't think he would punish himself that much, but he did." By the way, the war and occupation of Iraq "never came up."

This is bitterly disappointing. Armstrong took a strong stand against the war right after his amazing 7th consecutive Tour de France victory. With the sweat still pouring down his face he said, "The biggest downside to a war in Iraq is what you could do with that money. What does a war in Iraq cost a week? A billion? Maybe a billion a day? The budget for the National Cancer Institute is four billion. That has to change. Polls say people are much more afraid of cancer than of a plane flying into their house or a bomb or any other form of terrorism."

Armstrong's Texas Toady Two-Step is even more maddening given that Crawford is not exactly neutral vacation space for George W. Bush these days. In fact his five-week siesta has been gloriously disrupted by the real world. Cindy Sheehan lost her son Casey in the Iraqi carnage, and came to Crawford to make her anguish Bush's problem. She has requested an audience with the President, and legions of supporters have flocked to her side. Sheehan, with striking moral and political clarity, is demanding not only answers, but immediate and total troop withdrawal from Iraq. She has garnered international attention at a time when Bush's poll numbers have never been lower. Yet Bush scoffed at the idea of meeting with Cindy, saying, "I need to get on with my life."

This is the political hornet's nest Lance Armstrong biked into. This is where Lance had an opportunity to to not just talk the talk, but also walk the walk. But Armstrong neither talked nor walked. Maybe its unrealistic to think that Lance could have suggested a bike detour to Camp Casey. Perhaps it's a flight of fantasy to imagine that Lance would organize a Critical Mass Bike Ride to jam the gates of Crawford. But his utter silence, given both what he knows about Iraq, and the presence of Camp Casey, spoke volumes.

To understand how Lance Armstrong can float so blithely from "Man of Principle" to "Man of Crawford," we need to understand the sport of cycling and the unique position that Lance occupies within this cloistered world. His privileged status compels him to stand alone, apart from his fellow riders, as sure as it compelled him to ride with Bush, and leave Camp Casey in the dust.

The Vicious Cycle

If ever there was a sport that needed a union, it is professional cycling. Riding on "the Tour" is literally a question of life and death. In the past decade two professional riders have crashed and died while racing, one on Lance's team. Also, during this year's Tour, a top Australian amateur, Amy Gillett-Safe, was killed while training in Germany. Team directors and doctors have ultimate control over riders and their health choices, reminiscent of the old NFL days when Novocain substituted for medical care. The one-day spring races, "the Classics," are run over courses designed to be long and brutal-including cobblestones, narrow farm tracks, steep hills, and of course they are commonly raced in the rain. As cycling maven Jesse Sharkey said to me, "The difficulty of the conditions is part of the allure of the sport, but the travesty is that riders themselves have virtually no say in any of the basic features of the racing world-from the courses to the clothing they wear, and often even what they eat and drink."

Lance is perhaps the sole exception. He is one of the only cyclists who sets his own terms. He is like Michael Jordan on the 1996 Bulls or Eddie Murphy in the 1982 season of Saturday Night Live. He is a man apart, the tour be damned. Armstrong decides what events he will do (very few) and what conditions he will race under (he dropped out of the Paris-Nice race this year when the weather got nasty.) In other words, while the overwhelming majority of cyclists eke out a living, Armstrong does it his way. He sees no benefit in solidarity and therefore doesn't exercise it.

To be fair, all of the above are the basic realities of the sport - Lance didn't invent them. But his position would give him the freedom to speak out for a more just system. Drug testing is a great example of this. In a sport with more physical pain than getting a lap dance from Dick Cheney, drugs have been for many the breakfast of champions. In 1998, the Festina team doctor was caught with a car full of doping supplies and 400 vials heading into France. Like most drugs in professional sports, doping in cycling has always been a team-sponsored affair. However, when the media and police frenzy erupted, it was riders who were dragged naked from their hotels, cavity-searched, and jailed. French champion Laurent Jalabert, speaking on behalf of all the riders in the race, said: "We are revolted by what is happening. We are treated like cattle and in consequence today we will no longer ride."

But Lance, in his June 2005 interview with Playboy, takes the company line, "...all I can say is thank God we're tested. When baseball players were charged with using steroids, what was their defense? Nothing. Saying 'It's not true.' Whereas my defense is hundreds of drug controls, at races and everywhere else. The testers could roll up here right this minute. They knocked on my door in Austin last week. In a way it's the ultimate in Big Brother, having to declare where you are 365 days a year so they can find you and test you. But those tests are my best defense."

This strain of 'anti-solidarity' in Armstrong's character was on sad display in his ride with Bush. While they worked up "a healthy sweat," family members of the fallen waited in vain to hear a plausible reason why Casey Sheehan and so many others continue to die. Lance had ample opportunity to ask the same question. He chose silence. Not only with Bush, but also toward those at Camp Casey who thought they had an ally in Lance Armstrong. As his lady-friend Sheryl Crow once sang, "Did you see me walking by? Did it ever make you cry?"

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
mrmom2 said:
Sorry Haggis but your hero Lance is no hero he's quickly becoming a mouth piece for Bush and makes most of his money of Nike which has one of the worse records of using child labour

Oh please. What does any of that have to do with his amazing successes. Are you saying that because he wears Nikes he must have taken drugs? Or because he went for a bike ride with a fellow Texan who happens to be president he must be corrupt?

The writer in question perfectly proves my point about the ordinary not being happy until they bring down the extraordinary.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Where do you think his money comes from Haggis :? Nike makes huge profits on the backs of children in India shall I deluge you with posts to this fact 8O Now hes turning into a Bush supporter sorry hes fast turning into a puke for the NWO :(As far as the Drugs go if he took them and it can be proven so be it Innocent until proven guilty :wink: I don't care about the drugs but this guy is leaning to become a politician and guess whos team he's leaning towards :? Bush's He's no hero


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
I know Haggis but why the sudden flip to the dark side doesn't make sense :? I don't want to argue with you on this Haggis i respect ya to much not to mention your twice as gritty as dirt 8O Time will tell with Lance and we'll all get to see what he's made of I hope your right :wink:

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
mrmom2 said:
I know Haggis but why the sudden flip to the dark side doesn't make sense :? I don't want to argue with you on this Haggis i respect ya to much not to mention your twice as gritty as dirt 8O Time will tell with Lance and we'll all get to see what he's made of I hope your right :wink:

:lol: Hell, I hope I'm right too, Mr. Mom... if for no other reason than you will SLAY me if I'm wrong!

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
PS To keep this thread on track, I will add that kids could do worse than to be allowed the occasional hero left unscathed by the media. Armstrong has inspired many a kid, cancer survivor, and out-of-shape wannabe cyclist.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Thats for sure those out of shape cyclists are all over our roads they look very funny in those shorts sweating away :lol:

Haggis McBagpipe

Walks on Forum Water
Jun 11, 2004
Victoria, B.C.
mrmom2 said:
Thats for sure those out of shape cyclists are all over our roads they look very funny in those shorts sweating away :lol:

And the numbers increase eponentially everytime Lance scores another win. I can practically see the fantasy word-bubbles above their heads as they cycle like madmen, "Lance "Bubbles" Armstrong, in the size XXXL shorts and pink jersey, in the lead, nothing can stop him now...."

Anyway you cut it, Lance Armstrong inspires people to do better, to work harder, to achieve the seemingly impossible. And that is a fine thing.


House Member
Sep 12, 2004
Even an evil, warmongering President provides publicity for Lance's foundation. If he can get a corrupt corporation, to take that money that they provide for his foundation...( even if it is in allowing him to make a living)... At least a little bit of good is coming out of it. Forcing the "evil" to do good appeals to me ...and my warped sense of justice. If it brings more attention and more donations to cancer patients...its not all bad.

I have to wonder why urine samples are being kept for six years. If that is true...what sort of security is provided to keep these samples from being tampered with? It seems a little unbelievable that anyone would go to the trouble and expense to secure samples for this long.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
I don't think it is a conspiracy to get him. The same outfit that owns the drug testing place also owns the Tour de France, so why would they go out of their way to tarnish the "golden boy"? Makes no sense.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
I understand that EPO is used in cancer treatments. Since these preceded his run in the TDF and since we don't have any guarantee that the "evidence" hasn't been tampered with, Lance is still in the clear and his wins remain unchallengeable. :D


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Here's a situation where politics means little, and is only but a piece of trivial acne on the face of a hard working, focused and driven sportsman.

In fact the greatest tectonic forces informing the future of mankind comes more from any endeavor that is not politics: the sciences, inventions, the arts, the writers, the explorers, the heroes who strive to accomplish something unique.

Politics is just a speedbump on this bike trail.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Even Eddie Meryck[French,5 time winner of the Tour De France]stood up for Lance and said that he was totally clean. Just a few sore losers with a grudge against Americans,started this nonsense.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Did you know that most (or, at least a sizeable number) of classical musicians playing in orchestras use Beta Blockers?

Performance enhancing drugs are everywhere. I drink mine from a cup, several times a day.....