Just thought I'd share this with you.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
I thought I'd share this with you. Today my kid played a homosexual in a very disturbing drama about homophobia. Twice I watched him get beaten to the floor for playing this homosexual. I saw him being told he isn't good enough for the football uniform his character wore, his character was picked on, shoved and eventually killed by this group. I watched his character's friends try and protect him and fail, because there were only two of them. I heard his character scream "so what I'M GAY, how does this affect you?"

My kid is in grade 12 drama. The class wrote, directed and all played parts in this play.

I had to watch my child in this play (which was hard enough). Thank God I'm not watching this in real life, but some of us are.

Why the hell should gays and lesbians get bashed, beaten or killed because of someone else's fear and ignorance? Anyone?


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
I wish I knew. A friend of a friend recently came out to her parents and they've basically told her she's going to hell unless she overcomes this perversion through prayer... I don't get it.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I'll prolly get in trouble for replying to such a personal thread but oh well.

Sweetheart a great many people live in fear. And as the have children they teach those children to perpetuate that fear. In my experience we teach our children by example. That child has been taught that behavior. My sister and I are talking about another example this second. A student on her bus made a racial slur and she proved to that child it was NOT appropriate in public and thechild was sanctioned. The kids excuse was his mother said it so it was ok to say. He was quickly taught its NOT tolerated in the public school system!

I will add you to my candle ceramony for clarity tonight



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
RE: Just thought I'd shar

I am ignorant and I am afraid but I could not beat anyone because of that, maybe others can though, I don't know how
others handle thier own fear and ignorance. I think to commit such crueltys somehow elevates thier egos, provides
them with rotten self esteem that maybe they can't have any other way.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Re: RE: Just thought I'd share this with you.

tracy said:
I wish I knew. A friend of a friend recently came out to her parents and they've basically told her she's going to hell unless she overcomes this perversion through prayer... I don't get it.

I had an uncle who was virtually disowned by my grandmother when he came out. She didn't really even start talking to him until he was in pretty rough shape from AIDS. The reason? Religion.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
What IS heartning though is look at the responces you've recieved from open, kind and caring people. I think that says something. I pray to Goddess every single night for clarity and in petitioning for myself I also petition for the world to find clarity with a kinder clearer outlook. I see that here in these halls. People dont nessacarily agree but theres a real dialog for the most part. I think thats the key, communication. When we stop communicating all sorts of relationships die. Fear grips us and fear is the root of all evil. Jealousy, bigotry, hatred ....so on.

Just my two cents


Electoral Member
Apr 30, 2006
CsL, Mtl, Qc, Ca, NA, Er, SS,MW, Un
These days, homosexuals are having almost the same rights as heterosexuals, of course in some countries. Some religions, who are completly stranged from politcs cannot do much about it. But, in societies where religion still plays an important role the activity of gays are ristricted.

First of all who are gays?

I was making a little research about it and I found that there were gays in past. But because the religious people had much power, they banned them from the society. But I don't know if they were practising it in secret. About Alexander the Great, "he loved both: man and woman."

Now, religion is completly stranged from the politics. And the thing, one of several things, that matters to politicians is to garant freedom to everyone. The homosexuals are to be considered as voters and their proposal must be accepted.

I still don't have an answer to my question. Who are homosexuals? Naturally, human beings are atracted by opposite sex gender. And that's how it goes in nature as well. We don't see male horse attracted by male horse or female lion attracted by female lion. The same situation with other domestic and wild animals.

Homosexuality, is it something a person is born with? Do their brain differ from heterosexuals' brain? The answer is given by LeVay,a neuroscientist and author known for his studies about brain structures and sexuality
LeVay discovered in his double-blind experiment that approximately 10% of homosexual male brains were physiologically different from their heterosexual counterparts, some people take this as showing that people are born as homosexuals however in LeVays own words:

"It's important to stress what I didn't find. I did not prove that homosexuality was genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn't show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain INAH-3 is less likely to be the sole gay nucleus of the brain than a part of a chain of nuclei engaged in men and women's sexual behavior...Since I looked at adult brains we don't know if the differences I found were there at birth, or if they appeared later" (D. Nimmons, "Sex and the brain," Discover [March 1994), 64-71).

I am afraid to tell that homosexuality is not a natural behavior of a person, instead it is something person chooses and wants to be.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Regardless, it's not for a single one of us to decide for another what their choices should be if those choices impact only themselves.

By all appearances, the judgements that incite nasty reactions to homosexuality do far more harm imo than anything 2 consenting people do behind closed doors.

I'm not convinced about that research either I'm afraid - I've not looked deeply into this, but I thought I'd read somewhere within the last few years that there ARE physiological differences to be found ... I don't have time to research this right now, anyone have any links to refuting evidence?


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
I have to argue with the poster who thinks homosexuality isn't prevalent in Nature, and all animals are straight. Wrong! I suggest you study this topic for a bit and then you will know that it is commonplace among most animals. As to history--most of the gays flocked to the clergy and many of the Royal Families and nobles were gay.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
dekhqonbacha said:
I am afraid to tell that homosexuality is not a natural behavior of a person, instead it is something person chooses and wants to be.

Really, I thought we were past that bit of folly by now. You should be afraid to tell us, because it's false. Knowing how this society treats homosexuals, you actually think anyone would choose to be that way?

What does it mean for something to be "a natural behavior?" You need to do a little more research; homosexuality does exist in nature, in other creatures than humans. You might start with Richard Dawkins' insightful little essay "Genes Aren't Us" in his book, A Devil''s Chaplain, paying particular attention to the last two paragraphs of it.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
GreenGreta said:
I thought I'd share this with you. Today my kid played a homosexual in a very disturbing drama about homophobia. Twice I watched him get beaten to the floor for playing this homosexual. I saw him being told he isn't good enough for the football uniform his character wore, his character was picked on, shoved and eventually killed by this group. I watched his character's friends try and protect him and fail, because there were only two of them. I heard his character scream "so what I'M GAY, how does this affect you?"

My kid is in grade 12 drama. The class wrote, directed and all played parts in this play.

I had to watch my child in this play (which was hard enough). Thank God I'm not watching this in real life, but some of us are.

Why the hell should gays and lesbians get bashed, beaten or killed because of someone else's fear and ignorance? Anyone?

Remember when they used to do Shakespeare?


Electoral Member
Apr 29, 2006
Oakville, Ontario
It's because humans are inhumane creatures and we get joy and pleasure out of treating those who are different like shit and beating them up because their not the way we want them to be, so our solution is to try and rid the world of what we don't want here because it's different.

I had an uncle who was gay and when he was 18 he attempted suicide by overdosing on drugs, but he survived and his brain had gotten fried because of it. He did it because he was afraid his dad (my grandpa) would disown him because he thought him being gay he was doing something wrong.

Also being gay and lesbian is illegal in some or most of the states in the united states including the state I live in.


Electoral Member
Apr 30, 2006
CsL, Mtl, Qc, Ca, NA, Er, SS,MW, Un
Dexter Sinister, I know what I'm afraid of. You cannot express your mind by my words.

I've never heard about "Genes Aren't Us". Thanks, I'll look at it. I'm afraid it might have found some exeptions in nature, and might have made all the assumptions based on those exeptions. I shoundn't be guessing until I read. I'll look at it, anyways.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
Look into female animals more than males. However there is a breed of monkey that not only practices homosexuality, they also have sex for amusement like we do, not just procreation. You will see this monkey performing oral sex on another.

I will tell you this... If I EVER see anyone bashing a gay person, I will personally knock their teeth down their throat. I have had physical confrontations with people over this in the past and I certainly feel it even stronger now. My kid was sh*tkicked (again, it was play) because of idiots who hate gays. And why do they hate gays?

Driven by hate, consumed by fear.... Don't be a sheep.


Electoral Member
Feb 5, 2006
I think its brilliant that your kid's school is running such a play. Education is the key to awareness and acceptance and if these kids are shown how some people are treated just because of their sexual orientation then they will hopefully grow up more accepting and tolerant. Gay people are still people, there's no difference and people need to understand that.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
Re: RE: Just thought I'd share this with you.

dekhqonbacha said:
I aint againt them. I don't hate them. I'm saying my point of view.

Everyone can have different opinion. You cannot threaten people because of them having opinion different of yours. It makes you looser.

Gee whiz, I didn't mean you cutie, I just meant the actual physical gay bashers. Not my buds online. Sorry for the confusion, fella.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
missile said:
I have to argue with the poster who thinks homosexuality isn't prevalent in Nature, and all animals are straight. Wrong! I suggest you study this topic for a bit and then you will know that it is commonplace among most animals. As to history--most of the gays flocked to the clergy and many of the Royal Families and nobles were gay.

The 10% number seems to run through all species that I'v read about and observed, homosexuality is perfectly normal. Cultures have valued
homosexuals in the past for thier duality some tribal cultures preferred gays for shamanistic dutys. If we are ever stupid enough to exterminate homosexuality the human race would not survive.