Jews against Zionist


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
I'm just curious what would be a solution to all those that want the Jews booted from Israel. What's your solution? I have never heard of any other than criticizism of the status quo.

my solution is to kick everyone out, then burn everything to the grounds, after salt the ground so nothing can grow there. and then we will have peace :D [/quote]

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Machjo said:
Prior to Zionism, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully in Palestine. history will back this up.
No it won't. There's been more or less constant warfare in that part of the world for about 3500 years, including at least two creations and destructions of a Jewish state.

Ali Mahdi said:
...we just want "Israel" destroyed...
Ah. That's the moderate position, is it, the destruction of Israel? The extremist critics of Islam would appear to be right, based on that. there can be peace...
You really think the destruction of Israel would help achieve that? Such naivety is staggering. Think the United States would sit by and let that happen?

...and ONE state for Palestinians and Jews...
Oh sure, that'll work... :roll: It's way past too late for that. The waters have been poisoned.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Jews against Zionist

Ali Mahdi said:
I, and most Muslims, don't have a problem with Jews, (in general), it's the Zionists we hate. Jews can stay in Palestine, we just want "Israel" destroyed so there can be peace, and ONE state for Palestinians and Jews that doesn't discriminate on the basis of race and religion.

Oh yeah, RIGHT!

Perhaps now you would like to explain to me what happened to the Jewish communities in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia......etc.

Compare that with the treatment of the Arab community in Israel.

Then go to the corner and hang your head in shame for your people.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Dexter Sinister said:
Machjo said:
Prior to Zionism, Jews and Arabs lived peacefully in Palestine. history will back this up.
No it won't. There's been more or less constant warfare in that part of the world for about 3500 years, including at least two creations and destructions of a Jewish state.

And of course there are plenty more resources (just do a google search) indicating that the orthodox Jews living in the land of Palestine prior to the birth of Zionism lived peacefully side by side with the Palestinians, ever since the Automan Empire had passed the law of return in 1844 allowing Jews return to the Holy Land.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Jews against Zionist

Colpy said:
Ali Mahdi said:
I, and most Muslims, don't have a problem with Jews, (in general), it's the Zionists we hate. Jews can stay in Palestine, we just want "Israel" destroyed so there can be peace, and ONE state for Palestinians and Jews that doesn't discriminate on the basis of race and religion.

Oh yeah, RIGHT!

Perhaps now you would like to explain to me what happened to the Jewish communities in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia......etc.

Compare that with the treatment of the Arab community in Israel.

Then go to the corner and hang your head in shame for your people.

Just a point here; just as some Jews oppose Zionism, some Muslims equally oppose the politicization of their religion also. I don't know where Ali Mahdi stands on this one, but before making an assumption that he's two-faced, let's ask him first. If he's equally opposed to the politicization of both judaism and Islam, then I see nothing for him to be ashamed of, since there is then no double standard there.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Re: RE: Jews against Zionist

Machjo said:
I don't know where Ali Mahdi stands on this one
Seems pretty clear he stands for the destruction of Israel, which for me renders any other of his opinions not worth taking seriously. Not that I have any particular feelings for Israel one way or another, but destroying countries doesn't seem to be a useful solution to anything. That'd just create a Jewish version of Hamas and the PLO, and things would remain pretty much as they are.

That's the Ottoman Empire, by the way, not Automan. That can't possibly be a typo; I wonder if you've actually seen that written down before. Whaddya think, it was an empire of mechanics and used car salesmen?


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I interpreted the post of Ali Mahdi in a different light than seems to have been propagated thus far; I think he meant, by "destroying" Israel, that he would rather be in favour of abolishing the borders between Israel and Palestine, in lieu of one unified Government and people, devoid of discrimination. I would see no problem with such a vision. Perhaps unrealistic in today's political climate, but nonetheless, not problematic.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Re: RE: Jews against Zionist

...we just want "Israel" destroyed doesn't seem open to much interpretation to me. He put "Israel" in quotes and you put "destroying" in quotes, which suggests neither of you are using those words in their usual meanings. You explained yourself and clarified what you meant. He didn't, so I take his words at face value.

The borders of Palestine are pretty fuzzy, but it certainly includes all or part of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. I think those countries might have a few sharp things to say about a single unified Palestinian state.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Well, Ali Mahdi, I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, since it appears that English may certainly not be your first language, but you might have to explain your position in more depth — I would be curious as to exactly what you mean by "destroying Israel."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Jews against Zionist

"I don't know where Ali Mahdi stands on this one" Seems pretty clear he stands for the destruction of Israel, which for me renders any other of his opinions not worth taking seriously."

Hitler had actually said once that children were teh future of Germany. Now are you going to dismiss that just because of who said it?

As far as I'm concerned, I just want a solution to the Middle East. If it simply means respecting UN resolutions and having both an Israel and a Palestine, so be it. If Jews could live in a peaceful Palestine, then great. In the end it's just too complicated, so I won't worry about the details. But certainly Zionism has got to go, and if ultra-orthodox jews can help, then so much the better.

Not that I have any particular feelings for Israel one way or another, but destroying countries doesn't seem to be a useful solution to anything. That'd just create a Jewish version of Hamas and the PLO, and things would remain pretty much as they are.


That's the Ottoman Empire, by the way, not Automan. That can't possibly be a typo; I wonder if you've actually seen that written down before. Whaddya think, it was an empire of mechanics and used car salesmen?

You'd be surprised at my typos. I sometimes need to type in IPA, and often in Roman letters. I read and type in English, French, Pinyin and Esperanto regularly. They all have different rules for spelling and pronunciation. So when I'm just typing casually and quickly as opposed to work, as I do in forums, I'll make the strangest typos as you might have already witnessed in many of my previous posts. But I'll be careful next time. Sorry.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
When the Arabs actually help their Palestinian brother
with jobs and infrastructure with all their OIL money instead of leaving them swing in the wind with the zionist to provide them jobs and access, I'll reconsider how I view things over there.

By the way, check out both the average and median
age of the Palestinian. It will freak you out.

This demographic is missing in all our so-called


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014