Jerry Falwell dead


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
And to answer this (entirely different) question: by your own reasoning, everybody that was hated by Fallwell was better than Fallwell.>>>Pangloss

No, because they equally hated him for being condemned by him, so naturally, they also condemn him.

The better man is one who condemns not, but takes into consideration the hold (Lusts) that life has on people and makes an effort to help loose those holds.

If you could understand the hold that held Falwell captive to his beliefs, and worked to persuade him of his error in condemnation of Gays instead of condemning his soul, you’d be the better man.
And you needn’t be any sort of religious fellow at that.



disturber of the peace
No, because they equally hated him for being condemned by him, so naturally, they also condemn him.

The better man is one who condemns not, but takes into consideration the hold (Lusts) that life has on people and makes an effort to help loose those holds.

If you could understand the hold that held Falwell captive to his beliefs, and worked to persuade him of his error in condemnation of Gays instead of condemning his soul, you’d be the better man.
And you needn’t be any sort of religious fellow at that.

Peace>>>AJ:love9: condemn someone who condemns that really the same?? Is that really on the same level?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Falwell's legacy: 1. Founded a university now with an enrollment of 42000.
2. Mobilized evangelical Christians to help elect 3 presidents: Reagan, and GB and GWB


Electoral Member
Apr 26, 2007
I can't say I believed in Falwell or his opinions, but do think he was in the wrong century. Had he been living during the 19th century, he might have become president. One thing I do realise, that he certainly was not unlike the politically correct among us. The same hatred is evident in their posts, as was his, in his statements. My hope is that time and tolerance for the beliefs of others will finally cause the extremists of all kinds to realise that this world was not created for their own personal pleasure. The man is dead, his methods and beliefs were flawed, that only makes him human, no more and no less. One day, the politically correct will face the same treatment, because their methods and treatment of others is no different.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
If there is a Hell ...I'd like to thank Jerry Falwell for occupying a space reserved for the likes of every evangelist like Oral Roberts, Jimmy Swaggart and James Bakker.

There won't be enough room in Hell to house these kinds of folk and the throngs of politicians destined for the same address....


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
So, you think he is great because he tried to recombine church and state in the US??
He did not try to combine church and state. No one wants the state running any church; that's a recipe for disaster. Falwell helped elect politicians who had beliefs similar to his. Everyone hopes to elect people who think the same way they do, but he was able to do it in a very organized and effective way.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
He did not try to combine church and state. No one wants the state running any church; that's a recipe for disaster.
I think he did want to combine church and state. He didn't want the state running the church though, he wanted the church running the state, which is equally a recipe for disaster.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California condemn someone who condemns that really the same?? Is that really on the same level?

Is there degree in condemnation? Either or? Ye or nay?

Falwell was standing for his principles just as much as the individuals accused were standing for their rights.
I was just trying to level the playing field by allowing condemnation both ways.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Knowing mankind's potential for messing things up, I too would fear a church government.

The two opposites attract (Church/government) and hopefully the fruit it bears is good fruit.

Religious instructions starts at home, and is tried by the world, and hopefully, good fruit may come about it.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
If there is a Hell ...I'd like to thank Jerry Falwell for occupying a space reserved for the likes of every evangelist like Oral Roberts, Jimmy Swaggart and James Bakker.

There won't be enough room in Hell to house these kinds of folk and the throngs of politicians destined for the same address....

If there is a hell, as you wonder, ("these kinds of folk and the throngs of politicians destined for the same address"), where would it leave the unbelievers? Heaven?

Or is there an in between?



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Church and state were not combined during the Founding as I showed previously by quoting extensively from Professor McGarvie's book on the subject. {op cit}


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Church and state were not combined during the Founding as I showed previously by quoting extensively from Professor McGarvie's book on the subject. {op cit}

Yes your right, but as time goes on, and this world gets smaller because of the growth of the population, knowledge has increased such that church and state are forced to mingle.

Hence the talk of a one world govenment. If that government were to be all a one world religion, then hell's definition would be mild compared to the evil that would be generated by that government.

A Babylon!

So, as long as we still have a fight between church and state, there is hope of some peaceful existence.


Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
just saw this snfu, and I'm not sure why it was changed... I merged two threads re: Falwell a couple days ago, and combined the names of both those threads. It's possible that more appeared so all Falwell threads were merged and given a generic title.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB

BBC, Dateline May 15 2007

Teletubbies member Tinky Winky issued a statement today on the passing of Jerry Fallwell. 'I have to confess, Rev Falwell was correct. I am a homosexual, and my true goal on teletubbies was to promote my lifestyle to infants in their formative years. I would like to announce also, that I am Jewish, and the anti-Chirst. Rev Falwell was your last chance. You mocked him, and now you're mine. Rev Falwell is the only worthy adversary I ever had '


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California

BBC, Dateline May 15 2007

Teletubbies member Tinky Winky issued a statement today on the passing of Jerry Fallwell. 'I have to confess, Rev Falwell was correct. I am a homosexual, and my true goal on teletubbies was to promote my lifestyle to infants in their formative years. I would like to announce also, that I am Jewish, and the anti-Chirst. Rev Falwell was your last chance. You mocked him, and now you're mine. Rev Falwell is the only worthy adversary I ever had '

Hi Zan, I beg to differ with Tinky Winky The greatest enemy you or I will ever have is ourselves.

Being Jewish or Greek has nothing to do with it. We all have evil resident in us and have to learn to manage it.
Those things addressed by Falwell are things which the bible speaks about as unhealthy for us.
But God does allow us to go which ever way we want, but at our own pearl.

So, if his gay, thats his choice. He deals with it.

God knew what was harmful to us and therefore set boundaries.

Children need boundaries for guidance otherwise, they will run a muck and cause themselves harm.

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Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Hi Zan, I beg to differ with Tinky Winky Peace>>>AJ:love9:

Hi AJ,

The Tinkster says he doesn't care if you agree, so I told him I can no longer in good conscience continue to deliver his press releases to the good folks at Canadian Content. He didn't seem perturbed by that either.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Hi AJ,

The Tinkster says he doesn't care if you agree, so I told him I can no longer in good conscience continue to deliver his press releases to the good folks at Canadian Content. He didn't seem perturbed by that either.


I'm OK with that.
