Why only mention the so-called Muslim ‘atrocities’? The fact of the matter is that other civilizations have committed much greater atrocities in terms of scale. On another entry on this forum I mentioned how the Anglo-Saxons ethnically cleansed the Britons beginning in the 5th century. Don’t forget the Crusades and the massacres of Muslims, Jews and even other streams of Christianity. The Crusaders massacred the inhabitants of Jerusalem when they conquered it. The Spanish massacred many Muslims and Jews during their ‘Reconquista’ of southern Spain. They also wiped out millions of Indigenous peoples in the Americas beginning in 1492. What about the atrocities in World War 2, like the Holocaust of Jews and Roma people by the Nazi Germans, and the genocidal acts of the imperialist Japanese in southeast Asia. What about the trans-Atlantic slave trade which enslaved millions of Africans in the worst manner possible? What about the Golden Horde of Mongols who massacred Muslims, including the butchery that occurred when the Mongols conquered Baghdad? What about the Serbs who ethnically cleansed the Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s, and then the Albanian Muslims of Kosovo? What about the ongoing genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Burma happening right now? These and many more genocides and atrocities committed by Christians and other religions like Buddhists. Christians by far have committed the worst atrocities in the history of humanity, Muslims don’t even come close to matching that.
And why should Muslims be expected to assimilate? Is assimilation a good thing? Should we all become like the Borg? Diversity is superior to assimilation which is boring and denies the vibrancy of the human race.
The Crusades and Spanish Inquisition were in response to Muslim incursions into Spain, France, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Jerusalem. It affected Jews also because of their submission to Islam.
There is no greater genocide than the Moghul Empire of India that killed 400 million Hindus in 800 years of rule.
Muslims profited from the Atlantic slave trade and to this day many still keep slaves, while white men abolished it in the western world.
The Mongol Horde massacred Muslims because when Genghis Khan sent messengers to declare a peace treaty with the Shah the messengers were killed, an act of war.
The Serbs, Albanian massacre of Muslims was because 100 years earlier the Ottoman's were doing the same shit to them.
Robingya Muslims are persecuted because of Islamic terrorist activities that have been occurring there for quite some time.
Muslims should learn that payback's a bitch.
Assimilation is a part of a good multicultural society, right? My parents are Italian and only brought recipes with them to Canada while leaving their customs in Italy.
Why don't you answer the rest of my post above? Am I right on about Islam's intolerance?
Why doesn't Islam tolerate criticism, apostasy, homosexuality. Why are Muslim women that don't wear the hijab ridiculed and labeled whores?
The pre-condition is “if you fear you will not be able to treat them justly”, i.e., a genuine fear that you won’t be able to be relatively just to all your wives, in which case stick to monogamy. This is not the same thing as the Qur’an saying that even when you desire to treat your wives equally you are ultimately unable to practice perfect justice because that’s simply beyond human capacity. Two distinct things. If I married multiple women I’m not afraid that I will treat them unjustly, because I know that ultimately I’m a fair and just person, nevertheless, the Qur’an informs me that ultimately no one can be perfectly just no matter how hard they try, but that cannot be construed as prohibiting polygamy, only revealing a universal truth about the human condition.
We Sunni Muslims acquire our understanding of the Holy Qur’an from the practical implementation and interpretation of it by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), known as his Sunna, from whence the ascriptive name Sunni is derived. The Prophet himself not only married multiple women, but didn’t object to his companions and disciples marrying multiple women either, which is decisive in making us understand that Islam does not prohibit polygamy. After all, who can better understand the meaning and purpose of the text of the Holy Qur’an than the Prophet to whom it was revealed directly and through whose agency we received it?
Mohammad (may piss be upon him) was also a lustful pedophile, war-mongering maniac.