It's the 21st Century and forced sterilization is still a thing

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well considering the "White institution" of Religion has seriously fucked them over, how health "care" has fucked them over, how "education" has fucked them over, I'm not sure why anyone thinks they DON'T have a reason to hate "White" people.
With respect to “White Institution” of Religion (& Education) seriously fucked them over, you’re referring to this right?:

Practically everyone agrees that Canada’s First Nations have many legitimate grievances and wishes justice for them. To accomplish this, we must not only produce a radically new policy; we must also undo the injustices we have inflicted on ourselves. The controversy over the “unmarked graves of missing children” has gone quiet, presumably because its propagators declined to use the money that has been allocated to establish whether there are any such graves.

This controversy blew up so quickly into shocking charges bandied about and repeated all over the world that a pause enables us to review them briefly with no hyperbole.

The discovery of the 215 supposed graves in Kamloops was selected by Canadian newspaper editors as the news story of the year. Other First Nations conducted their own GPR scans and announced similar revelations. Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan of the discovery of 751 unmarked graves near the site of its former residential school.

(At this time, 68 mainly Roman Catholic churches, many of them Indigenous parish churches, were vandalized, and several were burned to the ground in apparent reprisal for the “murdered children.”)

No groups of unmarked graves have been discovered anywhere in Canada; that hundreds of soil disturbances have been detected but despite the generous provision of public funds to conduct the necessary forensic investigation, it is not known if any of them are human burials, much less children’s graves.

The anthropologist who conducted the GPR search later cautioned that excavations would be required to be sure that what had been found were in fact burials.

It is almost completely unpublicized that much of the GPR research was conducted in community cemeteries not restricted to Indigenous people located near residential school sites, and that graves were often marked by simple wooden crosses that could not long survive the Canadian climate. There may be thousands of now unmarked graves of Indigenous (and non-Indigenous) people of all ages.

School attendance by Indigenous children was only made compulsory in 1920 for the same reason that that rule was applied to all other children. The majority of Indigenous schoolchildren attended day schools, and those who attended residential schools only did so after applications were signed by a parent or guardian. A great many of these application forms are publicly available through government archives, and have been conspicuously ignored.​

Throughout society in the 19th century, there were many children who died of tuberculosis, but all such deaths were recorded and obviously families were informed; there were never any inquiries about missing Indigenous children filed with police or other authorities. Indian residential school students were meticulously enumerated, partly to calculate the Department of Indian Affairs’ per capita subsidy to the schools.

The schools undoubtedly inflicted many episodes of mistreatment. But their purpose was to lift Indigenous children out of poverty and illiteracy and launch them promisingly into adulthood.
It shouldn't matter the reason they were sterilized. It's that they were, without their permission. I mean, if this is okay for Native women, then it'd be okay for anyone and...
Is this really about “Native” woman (?) or about woman in general? Where they sterilized because they were Native or for some other potentially irrelevant reason?
The original link didn't say, yes, I agree to that. Which is why I gave a second example and the doctor there WAS white.

At the end of the article there's this. "Dr. Ewan Affleck, …He noted an ongoing “power imbalance” in the country's health system. “If you have a white doctor saying to an Indigenous woman, ‘You should be sterilized,’ it may very likely happen,” he said."

Now, again, are ALL the doctors doing this white? We don't know - confidentiality reasons - but there are some, enough to mention it.

I do wonder now, though, if even the doctors WEREN'T White, that they're being called that as a general, all use term...
Oddly, Cracker doesn't bother me as much as Colonizer.
Degrees of more or less acceptable slurs.
Mine came from Scotland and England and Ireland. Unless we're Native, we all came from "Somewhere else".
The Natives also came from “Somewhere else” didn’t they? I just found the above comment interesting.

Why did yours come from Scotland and England and Ireland to North America? Mine fought Boers for the privilege of leaving a penal colony to land somewhere else in the commonwealth, which happened to be Canada.
If we're gonna talk Reparations - which is a whole other subject - we can do that.
If this isn’t about Reparations or whatever applicable term applies, the lawsuit wouldn’t be “generational” including payouts to their spouses, and other children, and grandchildren, and heirs, etc…


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The controversy over the “unmarked graves of missing children” has gone quiet, presumably because its propagators declined to use the money that has been allocated to establish whether there are any such graves.
You never heard?


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You never heard?

The mass graves thing, and the political posturing surrounding that, is unproven, but Rouillard, who first made his case for what he said was a total lack of evidence for the mass graves in a January essay, doesn’t deny that serious abuses may have occurred at residential schools.

Canadian professor Frances Widdowson said that no one dares question indigenous leaders in Canada these days, which makes it difficult to check their claims about buried remains of children.

Undoubtably, some shitty shit happened, but if you keep it real to the provable, it’s much more convincing, but much less politically useful. Sheeple gonna sheep.

To date more than $3,000,000,000.00 have been paid out to 28,000 or so Residential School Students in Canada, & some of them did face horrible nasty treatment. Of that I’m sure is real and provable (proven), but the speculative claims that aren’t allowed to be proven (or disproven) make the proven diminished in comparison. Potentially making questioning the unproven a crime seems very wrong to me, but it is what it is.

Reparations have been made & paid. Selfies have been taken, and political mileage used and abused. Where do we go from here?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The mass graves thing, and the political posturing surrounding that, is unproven, but Rouillard, who first made his case for what he said was a total lack of evidence for the mass graves in a January essay, doesn’t deny that serious abuses may have occurred at residential schools.
Yes abuses happened in school. To me. Remember the strap?
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Oh yeah, four of us got caught in the Principals Office, by the Principal (he was actually pretty cool in hindsight) using a chair to jump off of for extra height…to give each other the strap across the palms to see who would flinch first.
Was that Grade 1 or 2?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Was that Grade 1 or 2?
Grade 7, & I think they found us because of the sound of the strap going across each of our palms. Makes a heck of a crack if you can get enough height & Momentum before it connects.

When the principal came in, and could see what was happening, he simply said “Put it back where you got it from” & not to tell anybody about this. It came from two pegs on the wall behind his desk, probably as a joke and conversation piece as I’m sure it was an antique already at that point.

Every child knew it was there that had ever been into his office, or heard about it from others who’d seen it there, and it was a silent unspoken threat that would’ve lost its power if we would’ve talked about it.

{The school went up to grade 8, but by grade 7 the four of us were the largest students in the school, and larger than the janitorial staff (& younger). The next day was going to be a function at the school, and we were paged to the principals office (he wasn’t there yet) as he was about to recruit us to haul all the chairs to the auditorium, and set them up.}


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Grade 7, & I think they found us because of the sound of the strap going across each of our palms. Makes a heck of a crack if you can get enough height & Momentum before it connects.

When the principal came in, and could see what was happening, he simply said “Put it back where you got it from” & not to tell anybody about this. It came from two pegs on the wall behind his desk, probably as a joke and conversation piece as I’m sure it was an antique already at that point.

Every child knew it was there that had ever been into his office, or heard about it from others who’d seen it there, and it was a silent unspoken threat that would’ve lost its power if we would’ve talked about it.

{The school went up to grade 8, but by grade 7 the four of us were the largest students in the school, and larger than the janitorial staff (& younger). The next day was going to be a function at the school, and we were paged to the principals office (he wasn’t there yet) as he was about to recruit us to haul all the chairs to the auditorium, and set them up.}
I was in grade one or two when I got "the strap". It was used into the 80s before sanity set in.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

I was in grade one or two when I got "the strap". It was used into the 80s before sanity set in.
What I’m describing above was in the early 80s. When I was younger at a different school, turns out that school principal in Regina was my Fathers high school teacher (both from the same prairie town of Alysbury) so no strap was ever needed at school when a simple phone call to my home would’ve sufficed. That & my principal at the time, not only knew my father, but all of my uncles and grandfather. There was no screwing around in that situation…not for me anyway.

Different school and different principal when we got caught screwing around with the strap. I’m guessing about 1982. What was he going to do? Give us the strap?😉 We were free labor and we appreciated being so. The worst thing he could’ve done would’ve been to just send us back to class.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
It's the 21st Century and forced sterilization is still a thing
looks like they were on to something. if only this could be applied to all of the refusegees that justine keeps letting into the country. 💡 ;)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
How and why do forced people sign consent forms after having risks explained and after stating "I don't want anymore children"?