Is the world starting to turn against Bill Cosby?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

Yup needs more botox in the lips for sure and another facelift, for sure. Sue Cosby.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Yawn. The 60's was a time when everyone experimented with drugs..

...and seriously, 30 years later they come forward. If it was such a tragedy, they would have filed a police report back then.. now 30 years later, they need money, that is when the sharks circle.

If you take a look at the accusers, they need to money because they are washed up has-beens.

FFS look at her, she has had so much plastic surgery.. another washed up old bag hoping to hold on the fame.

I don't think these were all in the 1960s. He seems to have spaced them out over several decades.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

Please tell me that you don't mean this. You can't truly be as thick as that...

Yes that was over the top and harsh... but!

No I don't agree with rape, or condone it. Honestly, child rapists should be put on death penalty along with murders.

But I also can see through a scam, and all these women 30 years later and not one police report at the time of the so called incident.

I'm calling Bull Sh*t.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
While I also think where there is smoke there is fire is usually pretty true, I think it very odd with all these women not one has filed a criminal complaint against him. What he did was against the law if he did it. He should be in jail.

Several reasons like they may feel stupid for getting into the situation in the first place. Second the adversary maybe be too daunting especially as he has tons of money and they likely don't. Or they don't want their name splashed in the news for sake of family and probably several more I can't think of. Some of them may have felt (wrongly) that it was partly their fault.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
"Due Process? What's That?

I have never been more sure that the Bill Cosby Rape allegations are both a hoax and a pure and simple media lynching as when I read a story today that should have been entitled “2,600 people give Cosby a standing ovation in Canada,” but instead bears the title “Bill Cosby jokes woman should be careful drinking near him.”

...more of the story here

Oh yeah one of the accusers, TPS, admitted to calling Cosby back and continued to see him over the next few weeks, sometimes in a hotel room and would get money from him. Yeah I can see the rape there.

Several reasons like they may feel stupid for getting into the situation in the first place. Second the adversary maybe be too daunting especially as he has tons of money and they likely don't. Or they don't want their name splashed in the news for sake of family and probably several more I can't think of. Some of them may have felt (wrongly) that it was partly their fault.

So never report a rape, because it will tarnish your name and upset your family.

Maybe people should be listening to them. If it was one or two or even three, it might be dismissed as "sour grapes", a Hollywood idol doesn't necessarily make a hero. If I was innocent and in his boots a lot of women would have to put their money where their mouth is.

Holy sh*t you are completely blind. Keep living in your rapey fantasy world.
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The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
While I also think where there is smoke there is fire is usually pretty true, I think it very odd with all these women not one has filed a criminal complaint against him.
I don't find it odd. Being completely honest, and I don't scare particularly easily, but if I were the victim of a sexual assault, I'm not 100% sure I'd report it either. I can't say with any degree of reasonable certainty that I trust the justice system, or society, enough with that kind of trauma. Not to mention adding the power and influence of someone like him into the equation.

The only reason I might report it is to prevent the same thing from happening to someone else, but otherwise no. The way I've seen rape victims treated, it's almost worse than being raped.

Mind you, I would also not be coming back decades later with a lawsuit either.
What he did was against the law if he did it. He should be in jail.
Yes it is and yes he should be.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Yes it is and yes he should be.

Yeah, you obviously didn't read the statements given under oath by the accusers.

Many after the so called rape, came back and dated him. They tried the "oh I'm pregnant" shlick and give me moneyand take care of me.

They got pissed after he showed them the curb.

A women scorned.

What's really funny, all this came to light in 2011 after he insulted Donald Trump on national TV and a buddy of Trump, a newspaper man dug up this bull crap.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
SLM hit it on the head. Also, some of these women consented to take drugs. Some people wrongly feel that if a woman is drunk, stoned, dressed scantily, is flirty then regardless of the fact that she doesn't want to have sex, forcing sex upon them is permissible.

As for the reporting it years later, it can also take years for a rape victim to acknowledge to themselves that they were in fact raped or sexually abused. That's the problem with traumatic abuse, the brain tries to push it away and down and forget about it as best as possible. The numbness that comes with shock dulls the brain. A person who's a physical accident will go into shock. A rape victim ALSO suffers a form of shock.

Having experienced it myself, first hand I can tell you the brain does not always remain in the persons control. You hear stories of men in war being shot up and instead of seeking medical attention they are seeking to go home to family. Shock. Fear. Disbelief.

I can't imagine having to my name and shame made public to the world. It was bad enough talking to the police and my family.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
SLM hit it on the head. Also, some of these women consented to take drugs. Some people wrongly feel that if a woman is drunk, stoned, dressed scantily, is flirty then regardless of the fact that she doesn't want to have sex, forcing sex upon them is permissible.

As for the reporting it years later, it can also take years for a rape victim to acknowledge to themselves that they were in fact raped or sexually abused. That's the problem with traumatic abuse, the brain tries to push it away and down and forget about it as best as possible. The numbness that comes with shock dulls the brain. A person who's a physical accident will go into shock. A rape victim ALSO suffers a form of shock.

Having experienced it myself, first hand I can tell you the brain does not always remain in the persons control. You hear stories of men in war being shot up and instead of seeking medical attention they are seeking to go home to family. Shock. Fear. Disbelief.

I can't imagine having to my name and shame made public to the world. It was bad enough talking to the police and my family.

Yeah, but did you go back to the rapist for a date?? As Cosby's accusers did, to get more drugs and money.

BTW, sorry to hear you were violated.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Due Process? What's That?

I have never been more sure that the Bill Cosby Rape allegations are both a hoax and a pure and simple media lynching as when I read a story today that should have been entitled “2,600 people give Cosby a standing ovation in Canada,” but instead bears the title “Bill Cosby jokes woman should be careful drinking near him.”

...more of the story here

Oh yeah one of the accusers, TPS, admitted to calling Cosby back and continued to see him over the next few weeks, sometimes in a hotel room and would get money from him. Yeah I can see the rape there.

So never report a rape, because it will tarnish your name and upset your family.

Holy sh*t you are completely blind. Keep living in your rapey fantasy world.

You're out of steam Boomer, better to shut up and appear a fool than to keep going and remove all doubt!:)I


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Yeah, but did you go back to the rapist for a date?? As Cosby's accusers did, to get more drugs and money.

BTW, sorry to hear you were violated.

Stockholm syndrome is a interesting and complex condition. You don't have to be kidnapped to suffer.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Trial by media.

Thought you were smarter than to be sucked in by the hype, but I guess your age and dementia can be blamed.

Actually you are dead wrong. I wouldn't mind seeing it go to trial. Is there a chance dozens of women are lying? I don't think so.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
SLM hit it on the head. Also, some of these women consented to take drugs. Some people wrongly feel that if a woman is drunk, stoned, dressed scantily, is flirty then regardless of the fact that she doesn't want to have sex, forcing sex upon them is permissible.

As for the reporting it years later, it can also take years for a rape victim to acknowledge to themselves that they were in fact raped or sexually abused. That's the problem with traumatic abuse, the brain tries to push it away and down and forget about it as best as possible. The numbness that comes with shock dulls the brain. A person who's a physical accident will go into shock. A rape victim ALSO suffers a form of shock.

Having experienced it myself, first hand I can tell you the brain does not always remain in the persons control. You hear stories of men in war being shot up and instead of seeking medical attention they are seeking to go home to family. Shock. Fear. Disbelief.

I can't imagine having to my name and shame made public to the world. It was bad enough talking to the police and my family.
i'm sorry to hear that. :(


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Actually you are dead wrong. I wouldn't mind seeing it go to trial. Is there a chance dozens of women are lying? I don't think so.

There's your side of the story, there's my side to the story.... and then there is the truth.

I don't believe any one of the B*tches, and furthermore, using "Rape" to justifying harassing old man 30 to 40 years later is shameful.

They are a bunch of bitter old women, past their prime and out of money, looking for an easy payday.

It also takes away the credibility of other Rape victims.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There's your side of the story, there's my side to the story.... and then there is the truth.

I don't believe any one of the B*tches, and furthermore, using "Rape" to justifying harassing old man 30 to 40 years later is shameful.

They are a bunch of bitter old women, past their prime and out of money, looking for an easy payday.

It also takes away the credibility of other Rape victims.

That is a distinct possibility ...............but VERY remote. I can only imagine what I'd do if was in Bill Cosby shoes and financial position if I was falsely accused. Those "bitter old women" would be in court defending themselves against a libel or slander charge. Why do you suppose he hasn't done that?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
That is a distinct possibility ...............but VERY remote. I can only imagine what I'd do if was in Bill Cosby shoes and financial position if I was falsely accused. Those "bitter old women" would be in court defending themselves against a libel or slander charge. Why do you suppose he hasn't done that?

Well for one, if I were him lets say, at his age..

1. I wouldn't waste my time giving these b*tches the publicity they want and continue to hound for.

2. I would move my money offshore to Belize, Barbados, Panama or some country warm.

3. I would sell off anything I have in the USA and move.

4. I would give my middle finger to the media wh*res and enjoy retirement.

There are plenty of folks who will pay to see him in Canada and other countries, and give him a standing ovation.