Is the ongoing punishment of Adam and Eve justifiable?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Is the ongoing punishment of Adam and Eve justifiable?

Christian dogma says that Adam and Eve were murdered by neglect when God locked away the tree of life.

Eve was deceived by Satan and the talking serpent that God put in Eden. This caused the Original Sin concept that Christianity calls a happy fault and necessary to God’s plan.

Was gaining an education and a moral sense, which basically is what gaining knowledge is, justifiable to you?

Can you see yourself punishing your children for gaining an education and a moral sense the way God is punishing Adam and Eve to this day?



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Eve ill
de ville.

Proscribing things makes them profitable....keeps the priest hood well stocked in steaks wine and sex toys.

As far as adam and eve goes, there is the myth that solomon slept with the queen of sheba who was black. That is a symbolic tale of how African blacks had sex with neanderthals and produced white people. ( The WHITE Israelis are evicting the BLACK Ethiopian jews at the moment, eh?)

I think that's a good indicator of the real GENETIC story right there.

rev 22:!6
King James Bible
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

Venus, the morning star, of course is Lucifer, Solomon was the Sun of day vid.
The star of love, you kiss in the morning or the evening...

The Knights templar found the working cross and the Divine chi code in "solomon's temple".
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French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
I guess all the Christians have been chased a way.

Good to see a progressive Canada.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
LOL, I was being a grammar nazi...
because I thought that would be unexpected.

I'm pretty sure my divorced mother and schlep fodder( whatever he was) used to have the catalogues around back in the day...for conversation pieces they said.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
That particular dogma predates Christianity by thousands of years.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
That particular dogma predates Christianity by thousands of years.

Irrelevant since they plagiarized it for their own use and denigration and discrimination against women and gays.

Misogynous homophobic bastards.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Is the ongoing punishment of Adam and Eve justifiable?

Adam and Eve were created on one of the earth mountains (almost in the north of Iraq in Shaqlawa mostly) .. there was a garden there (one of the earth gardens), and it was not the Garden of Heaven.

Some here may smirk, and say that I only say this because I am Iraqi, but know then that not only Adam was created in Iraq (which was called Mesopotamia), so Noah was in Iraq, Jonah, Abraham, Lot and many other prophets were Iraqi also.

The Garden of Heaven is ethereal, not material .. the Garden of Heaven is inhabited by angels and the righteous men and women [their spirits or souls: not their material bodies.]

The sin of Adam concerned him only; he was in that excellent garden with fruits, water springs, birds and cattle .. then when he disobeyed God's command and approached the spiky tree of the raspberry or the black berry and his clothes were torn .. etc then he was punished: the garden water went to the valleys and the trees dried up and he was obliged to depart from that garden to the plain land to till and cultivate it .. etc.

Therefore, there is no need for any "redemption" by the Christ or anyone else.

To see the conditions essential for creating man and animal, see the interpretation of this aya of the Quran 2: 259
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French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Adam and Eve were created on one of the earth mountains (almost in the north of Iraq in Shaqlawa mostly) .. there was a garden there (one of the earth gardens), and it was not the Garden of Heaven.

Some here may smirk, and say that I only say this because I am Iraqi, but know then that not only Adam was created in Iraq (which was called Mesopotamia), so Noah was in Iraq, Jonah, Abraham, Lot and many other prophets were Iraqi also.

The Garden of Heaven is ethereal, not material .. the Garden of Heaven is inhabited by angels and the righteous men and women [their spirits or souls: not their material bodies.]

The sin of Adam concerned him only; he was in that excellent garden with fruits, water springs, birds and cattle .. then when he disobeyed God's command and approached the spiky tree of the raspberry or the black berry and his clothes were torn .. etc then he was punished: the garden water went to the valleys and the trees dried up and he was obliged to depart from that garden to the plain land to till and cultivate it .. etc.

Therefore, there is no need for any "redemption" by the Christ or anyone else.

To see the conditions essential for creating man and animal, see the interpretation of this aya of the Quran 2: 259

Thanks for this, but you did not answer the question.

Give it a try.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So you are not reading.
I said Adam was not created in Heaven, but on earth, therefore his sin concerns him alone, and he was punished in the time, but the original sin described by some Christian is not correct, and no one bears the sin of another one.

Some Christians and others think that Adam and Eve were created in Heaven, then when they disobeyed they were driven to the earth .. therefore, all humanity (according to their concept) descended to the earth because of the "original sin" of Adam, and that hadn't Adam sinned, all of us would have been in Heaven .. they call it the "original sin", and so the Christ came to rid the humanity from that "original sin" when he redeemed all mankind .. because he suffered and was crucified for this purpose so that all people will go to Paradise in Heaven because of his sacrifice .. this is in summary their belief.

But now I have explained that Adam was created on earth not in Heaven.
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French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
So you are not reading.
I said Adam was not created in Heaven, but on earth, therefore his sin concerns him alone, and he was punished in the time, but the original sin described by some Christian is not correct, and no one bears the sin of another one.

Some Christians and others think that Adam and Eve were created in Heaven, then when they disobeyed they were driven to the earth .. therefore, all humanity (according to their concept) descended to the earth because of the "original sin" of Adam, and that hadn't Adam sinned, all of us would have been in Heaven .. they call it the "original sin"

Yes but the issue is their ongoing punishment.

Do you think A & E in heaven or hell?


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have told you that there is no such ongoing punishment because of Adam's sin.

The mission of the Christ was like the mission of all the apostles or messengers of God: to invite people to worship God alone without associate and to warn people about the Next Life and to give the good news for believers.

The 'saved' will only be the believers, while the unbelievers will lose, and no intercession or redemption will be for unbelievers and idolaters neither by the Christ nor by anyone else.

However, Adam and Eve are in the Paradise of heaven following their death, because Adam repented and asked God's forgiveness and God forgave him, then God chose Adam for the prophecy: he was then a prophet: a monotheist and a righteous one and so he is in the Paradise of heaven.

Quran 2: 37, which means:
(Then Adam received – from his Lord – words [of revelation], and He turned towards him, for He is the All-Turning, the Most Merciful)

It means: Gabriel came down with some words to Adam so as to pray God with them, which are:

"God! No god but only You, glory and praise be to You; my Lord! I have wronged myself, so forgive me: You are the Best Forgiver.

God! No god but only You, glory and praise be to You; my Lord! I have wronged myself, so be Merciful to me: You are the Best Merciful.

God! No god but only You, glory and praise be to You; my Lord! I have wronged myself, so turn towards me: You are the All-Turning, the Most Merciful."

More explanation is in the link:


And this is in the Quran 20: 121-122, which mean:
(121. ... Adam did disobey his Lord and deceive [his wife Eve.]

122. Then his Lord chose him, and accepted his repentance, and guided him.)
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Isn't Adam and Eve a sex toy distributor?
No I think you have them confused with lubricants.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
However, Adam and Eve are in the Paradise of heaven following their death, because Adam repented and asked God's forgiveness and God forgave him, then God chose Adam for the prophecy: he was then a prophet: a monotheist and a righteous one and so he is in the Paradise of heaven.

So Adam was forgiven. That is not in the bible.

That aside, I asked you to describe the heaven for Adam and Eve so that I can see how your God treats Eves soul which is not equal to Adam's soul as Islam teaches.
