Is Iraq Finished as a Country?


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
If the US would leave Iraq, no nation will shed the
blood of its sons and daughters to help Iraq.

All this concern for Iraq is that of a movie critic
who has chosen that profession because he can't make
the movie.

No nation would move in to stop the violence
or take the risk to help even if the US left.

Proof of this is that no nation has the guts to step
into Dafur and take the lead.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: Is Iraq Finished as a Country?

jimmoyer said:
Proof of this is that no nation has the guts to step
into Dafur and take the lead.

Just like the USA staying out of Dafur. Same guts being used, I guess.

Just as I think that the same reasons the USA is willing to stay in Iraq are the same reasons an international force would intervene if the USA would step aside. I'm also sure the international community would love to show an improvement over the USA approach, and I'm equally sure the other Arab nations would love to get the USA out of there.

Won't know unless the USA asked as I outlined right? And to at least make that step would be the right thing to do.

But I don't think they have the guts.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Re: RE: Is Iraq Finished as a Country?

jimmoyer said:
Typical western blindness.

This western blindness comes in many forms.

1. All the problems were hidden and UNSOLVED
waiting to have its day under a STRONG MAN rule

2. The same egotism that got the US in Iraq is
the same egotism of the World thinking no further
damage will occur if we leave.

Some truth in that. At least in the second statement which I agree with. Leaving will cause more damage now.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Every few posts one has to check if one is reading Al Jareeza or Al Qaeda maifesto. The enemy within would be a joke if it was not serious. Aid and comfort for the enemy comes easy and passes for facts when it is actualy a cesspool of rubbish.
I wonder if 5th columnists expect special treatment if the enemy wins?
But time to move on to Iran. Divesting may be a start. That should include not only Iran but countries and companies that work to appease the nutter Mullahs.
Another lesson for Leftwing Pinko Commie Appeasing Saddamites.
Divest Iran
By Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
May 31, 2006

One of the most important public policy fights in years is taking place within the U.S. government. The debate is over how to deal with the growing danger posed by Islamofascist Iran.

In one corner are those who believe, against all historical experience, that appeasement of despots will work this time. Hence, their support of efforts by the so-called “EU-3” – Britain, France and Germany – to present a sufficiently attractive package of concessions to the Iranian mullahocracy to induce it to give up at least some of its program for developing nuclear weapons. The UN’s Kofi Annan and the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Mohamed ElBaradei champion this approach. So does the State Department bureaucracy, currently led by the Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Nicholas Burns.

Unfortunately, the record of recent efforts to appease Iran has been no more encouraging than were earlier efforts to divert other totalitarians from their chosen paths. To the contrary, Iranian officials have gleefully observed that they are indebted to the Europeans and their supporters for “buying time” for the regime in Tehran, allowing it to bring its so-called “nuclear power” program to fruition. Some are becoming ever-more- brazen in confirming that energy-generation is not the object of the exercise; rather, it is to obtain the Bomb.

Now, Nick Burns and Company are evidently supporting the international appeasers’ demand that the United States “engage” directly with the Iranians. The argument is that, only by so doing, can the Bush Administration demonstrate that it has left no stone unturned in trying to avoid a showdown, including possibly military action against Iran.

Those in the opposing corner, believed to include Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush, himself, are under no illusion about the consequences of such a step. It will not buy the United States any credit from its critics. Instead, it will embroil this country in talks whose sole purpose is to hamstring those who are threatened by the Iranian Islamofascists’ support for international terror and pursuit of nuclear weapons – if President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to be believed, for apocalyptic purposes.

Speaking of Ahmadinejad, one of the most bizarre aspects of the debate about what to do about Iran is the use being made by the appeasement camp of his recent letter to President Bush. It has been widely portrayed in the press as a diplomatic “breakthrough,” an opening for direct contacts that must not be allowed to slip away. In fact, a close reading of the document makes clear that what the Iranian regime has in mind for the United States is war, not diplomacy. Notably, the closing passage is a direct quote from a message sent by the Prophet Mohammed as he prepared to launch a devastating attack on its recipient.

The alternative to appeasement of Iran should utilize the sorts of techniques Ronald Reagan employed to counter the last horrific totalitarian ideology that threatened our destruction, the Soviet Union. These include using every available means to de-legitimate the regime. It also means helping those oppressed by our enemies, in order to assist them in undermining and, if possible, in bringing down their government – a popular aspiration lately confirmed anew by a spate of tumultuous demonstrations across Iran.

President Reagan placed special emphasis on one other initiative: drying up the funding streams that enabled the USSR to build up its military threat and to pay for anti-Western revolutions all over the globe. The same must be done to Iran.

The most obvious means of doing so – economic sanctions – are not supported by Iran’s strategic allies, Russia and China, and its business partners in many energy-hungry European nations and Japan. As a result, there seems little hope of imposing on a multilateral basis sanctions comparable to the long-standing American ones on oil purchases and other trade with Iran.

According to a front-page article in the Washington Post on Monday, a Treasury Department-led task force is trying a variation on the theme: It is seeking the cooperation of allies in eschewing business with “every Iranian official, individual and entity the Bush Administration considers connected not only to nuclear enrichment efforts but to terrorism, government corruption, suppression of religious or democratic freedom and violence” in neighboring states. Not surprisingly, the response has been underwhelming to date. The Post reports that, “So far, four financial institutions have signed on to the U.S. effort.”

Fortunately, America has an opportunity to bring more than moral suasion to bear on those who partner with our enemies and, thereby, help underwrite their threatening behavior: Make them choose whether they wish to do business with us, or with the Iranians.

Last month, the Louisiana Sheriffs public pension fund became the first in the nation to adopt such an approach in the form of a terror-free investment policy. Its portfolio managers, including T. Roe Price, have agreed that the sheriffs’ retirement money will not be invested in foreign energy, telecommunications, banks and other companies that engage in commercial activities and investment in state-sponsors of terror like Iran.

The U.S. government should encourage this model – call it Divest Iran – to be adopted by the scores of millions of other American investors whose decisions to hold or dispose of stocks will probably have a lot more influence with Iranian-connected enterprises than will pleas from our “engagement”-minded officials. Such a privatization of the effort to end the danger posed by the Iranian mullahs may not only make for a more coherent U.S. policy. It may even make it possible to avoid the use of force against Iran that could otherwise become unavoidable.

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., is President of the Center for Security Policy, a partner organization, and lead-author of War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World. He blogs at


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
RE: Is Iraq Finished as a

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., is president, CEO, and founder of the Center for Security Policy -- "a small think tank funded mainly by U.S. defence contractors, far-right foundations, and right-wing Zionists"[1] ( Gaffney is considered to be a "neo-con" (neo-conservative). [2] (

He was Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy (87) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under Richard N. Perle (83-87). Gaffney is the former chairman of the High Level Group at NATO. He is a senior advisor at Americans for Victory Over Terrorism (AVOT).

He is a regular contributor and "pundit" in FrontPage

In other words he's a lying prick who should be hung.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
President, Center for Security Policy
( archive | contact )
About Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.:

Frank Gaffney is the founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. The Center is a not-for-profit, non-partisan educational corporation established in 1988. Under Mr. Gaffney's leadership, the Center has been nationally and internationally recognized as a resource for timely, informed and penetrating analyses of foreign and defense policy matters.

Mr. Gaffney also contributes actively to these debates in his capacity as a columnist for the Washington Times and as a monthly contributor to Defense News and Investor's Business Daily. He is a contributing editor to National Review Online and a columnist for American Spectator Online, and He is a featured weekly contributor to Hugh Hewitt's nationally syndicated radio program and appears frequently on national and international television and radio programs. In addition, his op-ed articles have appeared, among other places, in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New Republic,The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor, The Los Angeles Times, and Newsday.

In April 1987, Mr. Gaffney was nominated by President Reagan to become the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy, the senior position in the Defense Department with responsibility for policies involving nuclear forces, arms control and U.S.-European defense relations. He acted in that capacity for seven months during which time, he was the Chairman of the prestigious High Level Group, NATO's senior politico-military committee. He also represented the Secretary of Defense in key U.S.-Soviet negotiations and ministerial meetings.

From August 1983 until November 1987, Mr. Gaffney was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy under Assistant Secretary Richard Perle. From February 1981 to August 1983, Mr. Gaffney was a Professional Staff Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, chaired by Senator John Tower (R-Texas). In the latter 1970's, Mr. Gaffney served as an aide to the late Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (D-Washington) in the areas of defense and foreign policy.

Mr. Gaffney holds a Master of Arts degree in International Studies from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.

Mr. Gaffney was born in 1953 and resides in the Washington area.

Recent Articles by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.:
May 31, 2006 - - Divest Iran (column)
Mar 6, 2006 - - Farewell to arms control (column)
Feb 28, 2006 - - Soul-trying times (column)
Feb 20, 2006 - - A Harriet Miers moment (column)
Jan 31, 2006 - - Patriots must act (column)
Jan 23, 2006 - - Energizing America (column)
Dec 19, 2005 - - A war to the death (column)
Dec 12, 2005 - - Preserve the Patriot Act (column)
Oct 3, 2005 - - War for the free world (column)
Sep 12, 2005 - - Sovereignty levees breached? (column)
Aug 29, 2005 - - Don't go there, Mrs. Hughes (column)
Aug 22, 2005 - - UN AmBush (column)
Jul 5, 2005 - - A memorial hijacked? (column)
Jun 6, 2005 - - Memo to Hillary (column)
May 23, 2005 - - Confirm Bolton (column)
May 16, 2005 - - Know thy enemy (column)
Apr 18, 2005 - - The Bolton vote (column)
Jan 31, 2005 - - 'Exit' to where? (column)
Jan 24, 2005 - - Freedom at sea, too (column)
Jan 10, 2005 - - Kerry's defense budget (column)
Jan 3, 2005 - - Hobson's choices (column)
Dec 20, 2004 - - Rummy's bad rap (column)
Dec 13, 2004 - - 'Wither' Israel? (column)
Nov 29, 2004 - - 'First, do no harm' (column)
Nov 1, 2004 - - The choice (column)
View All Articles by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
Naw you wont find any of his articles in Mao's Little Red Book which would explain your ignorance. 5th columnists always yearn to hang and murder Patriots.