Is Bush lying about his lies?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
This War Wasn't Started By Mistake

December 6, 2005

Would someone please ask George Bush what he is talking about when he says America won't "cut and run" and U.S. troops must remain in Iraq until they achieve victory? "Cut and run" from what — a mistake? The only way the Untied States could possibly secure a victory would be to discover the weapons that never were there in the first place.

After occupying the country for more than two and a half years without turning up any of Saddam Hussein's supposed weapons of mass destruction, the Bush Administration has finally admitted that pre-war intelligence about Iraq was dead wrong. Claims made before the war that Hussein was aiding al Qaida have also proven to be false. (If anything, he was trying to rid his country of radical fundamentalists who threatened his authority.) Nevertheless, the pretence used to sell Congress and the American people on this war was the threat that Hussein had nuclear weapons and was prepared to use them on the United States or provide them to terrorists who would. Remember all those mushroom clouds?

There are serious questions about why they believed this phony intelligence when all other signs indicated it was false. A rigorous search by UN weapons inspectors was unable to locate any such weapons and international watchdog organizations as well as other countries' intelligence agencies had determined there were no such weapons or terrorist alliances. But that was what they ignored then. Let's concentrate on what is being ignored now.

The corpse that everyone at this wake has been ignoring is that this war was not a mistake. You would expect anyone who made such a horrific blunder to be doing his best to correct, not compound it. But nobody appears eager to correct this "mistake." Instead, the administration's latest reason for continuing to occupy the country is that the U.S. can't leave until Iraq can provide its own security. But if the United States really wanted to stabilize the country, it would accede to the wishes of all factions in Iraq and get the hell out!

So the only conclusion any sane and rational person can reach is that this war is not about weapons of mass destruction, establishing democracies, or assuring security. It is about inflaming and destabilizing the region to the extent that it provides justification to eradicate as many of its inhabitants as possible. It's an objective best articulated perhaps by the criminally insane radio talk show call-ins who want to "wipe every damned Arab off the face of the earth!"

This is no different than the extermination of other racial, political and cultural groups carried out by other world tyrants. It's called genocide. Everyone who is not American must be wondering if they are going to be next.

The majority of those in Congress — Republicans and Democrats, alike — know what's going on and condone it, if only because wars are such lucrative ventures. The only reason they are finally piping up is that they can no longer justify supporting a war based on such flimsy excuses. They want Bush to provide them with a better one from his seemingly inexhaustible supply of phony pretexts. Because Congress and the President and their pals in Great Britain and Halliburton share the same agenda. They hate Arabs, need gasoline and like making money. The Iraq War is the genie that granted them all three wishes.

from Uruknet

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Is Bush lying about his lies?

Ten Packs said:

about the no mistakes made. .......are "we" to assume that everything he has done has been "intentional."??? :wink:

& yikes.


Electoral Member
May 10, 2005
pastafarian said:
OK, I'll admit it: we are officialy through the looking glass:

Check THIS out

Pakistan's government is to remove a poem from a school textbook after it emerged the first letters of each line spelt out "President George W Bush".

The anonymous poem, called The Leader, appeared in a recent English-language course book for 16 year-olds.

Critics say it praises Mr Bush. Its rhyming couplets describe someone "solid as steel, strong in his faith".

Whoah!!! Dim the lights and put on some incense, I believe I'm having a flashback!!!! 8O


Not to be paranoid, ( :happy10: m.b. i'm flashing :happy2: back too?? :happy10: ), but didn't Adolf do this sort of thing, in his quest, to rule the world???

The fact that he is even the "leader", is a LIE.
Remember :bs: Florida :bs: ......??


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Is Bush lying about h

So the only conclusion any sane and rational person can reach is that this war is not about weapons of mass destruction, establishing democracies, or assuring security. It is about inflaming and destabilizing the region to the extent that it provides justification to eradicate as many of its inhabitants as possible.

That says it all. The Bush Crime Family has been planning this since "W" was governor and Daddy Bush lost to Clinton.

This Iraq "plan" had at least 8-9 nears of planning by the Bush Crime Family.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Is Bush lying about h

no1important said:
So the only conclusion any sane and rational person can reach is that this war is not about weapons of mass destruction, establishing democracies, or assuring security. It is about inflaming and destabilizing the region to the extent that it provides justification to eradicate as many of its inhabitants as possible.

That says it all. The Bush Crime Family has been planning this since "W" was governor and Daddy Bush lost to Clinton.

This Iraq "plan" had at least 8-9 nears of planning by the Bush Crime Family.

the time span would make logical sense. Amazing after all those years of "planning" and pining for Iraq.......... they still did such a shoddy job.... 8O (but then look at the character of the planners... :evil:


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
Here is another lie:

Bush takes blame for faulty Iraqi intelligence

A teaser:

U.S. President George W. Bush said Wednesday that he accepts blame for sending troops into Iraq based on faulty intelligence, but he defended his decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Bush made the comments during a speech to Washington's Woodrow Wilson Center on the eve of a vote in Iraq that will give the country its first permanent, democratically elected government.

Bush said he accepted responsibility for sending the military into Iraq based on intelligence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. [/end of teaser]

Faulty intelligence my arse. Does he think we are all stupid like him? :roll: :roll:


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
Does he think we are all stupid like him?

I think he knows that he's in a different league. Besides, if he were really man enough to "take responsibility", he'd apologize to Cindy Sheehan and all other bereaved parents, resign, and disclose the real reasons he invaded Iraq.

Don't go buying ice skates for Hell just yet...