If Canadians hate the US, why doesn't Canada just sever ties with them?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
MHz hates Jewish people..
You forgot to mention that it is only when they are breaking the law, I do the same for Gentiles. I'm pretty sure you twisting the truth is you attempt to make yourself look good by making me look bad?? You want respect for having lower moral values than me?? That about sum your agenda up??

It didn't work a decade ago and the odds are less today. Give it your best shot, you already gave what your only alternative is, to leave. . . . chop, chop.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Why not let the members here to continue to bring this board down and then just claim it 'was a land without people' kind of thing??

A 'mass culling' looks better on a resume than 'took us a decade but we finally got all three varmints' kind of thing??


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Radical? lol Your idea is just stupid and you've deluded yourself into thinking they are otherwise.


This is what happens when you have OPEN BORDERS......................................

and give away free money to illegals etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I know - the amount of welfare money being handed out IS NOT ENOUGH for a Cdn individual to live on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the money PILES UP MUCH FASTER if you have 3 - 4 kids and access to "affordable housing".........................

with a BIG CHUNK of the rent SUBSIDIZED by govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And compared to the kind of crime and chaos a lot of these people had back home.........................

even the worst of Canada looks relatively PEACEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating what is wrong with LIE-beral multicult PROPAGANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another example of the whining being done by bigots within Canada!!

Air Canada made 12-year-old athlete remove hijab, civil rights group says.

With some comments of my own in brackets):
From CDN Press.

By Christopher Reynolds.

Published Sept 23, 2019

MONTREAL — Air Canada employees forced a 12-year-old member of the U.S. national junior squash team to remove her hijab at the San Francisco airport last month, a Muslim civil rights group says.

(OH GOSH!! These people should be told to SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!! We need to recall the number of Muslim and assorted other terrorists, criminals and trouble makers in the world!! For the sake of PUBLIC SAFETY - airlines have a DUTY to ensure that known trouble makers to NOT get on air planes - or plant bombs or drugs on planes either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Fatima Abdelrahman was waiting in line to board her flight to Toronto on Aug. 1 when an Air Canada agent approached her and demanded she remove the religious head covering, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Fatima, who was with her team en route to an international tournament, explained to the agent that she chooses to wear a hijab as part of her faith. She requested a private screening area with the "exclusive presence of female Air Canada agents," but employees refused and escorted her to a nearby tunnel where she had to remove her hijab publicly, according to a letter of complaint from the council Friday.

(This is a case of idiot individual rights run amok at the expense of others!! Cdns so NO SIN in exposing their faces and heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"This experience not only went against Ms. Fatima’s reasonable request to be able to adhere to her religious beliefs but also left her feeling angry and humiliated," council legal co-ordinator Ammad Rafiqi said in the letter, citing the agents' "flippant and callous attitude."

(The customer is 12 years old and is incapab,e of showing her HEAD in semi public for 30 seconds without suffering mental anguish?? She is TOO CRAZED to be a proper CDN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The incident violated Fatima's right to privacy and equal access, he said.

(I have stated in the pat that one way to block extremist Muslims from entering Canada is simply to INSIST that ALL entrants MUST SHOW their full face and head when in certain situations - such as when boarding a plane or testifying in court or engaged in other legitimate govt biz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In one case a Muslim BIGOT refused to BRIEFLY remove her head covering at the beginning of a university test so the prof could verify she did not have ear buds in place and thus COULD NOT CHEAT ON THE EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It is all very well for Muslim women in the Middle East to be so obstinate about covering themselves - after all women there are not permitted to leave the house without male permission and male escort - but women who wish to move freely in Cdn society should OBEY SECURITY NEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Fatima's older sister complained about the encounter on Twitter the same day. Air Canada responded in less than 30 minutes, tweeting it was "sorry to hear" about the situation and asking for the passenger's booking details in order to follow up.

The council's San Francisco Bay Area office said the airline's response failed to acknowledge the emotional distress and "discriminatory" nature of its actions, and demanded monetary damages and a formal apology for Fatima as well as cultural competency training for all employees.

(Tell them to bad and shut up as airline safety TRUMPS religious extremism!!!!!!)

After the incident the airline updated its boarding procedures to establish that identity screenings do not require removal of head coverings and that identity verification be done in a private space, the council said in the letter.

Air Canada did not immediately respond to questions from The Canadian Press.

(Sadly Air Canada essentially CANNOT COMMENT due to the hypocrisy of our LIE-beral sponsored Human Rights but usually Wrong Kangaroo Courts!!!!!!!!!!)

(Air Canada is caught in the middle between anti white LIE-beral bigots and their Muslim allies on one side and the LEGAL OBLIGATIONS to keep passengers SAFE -to avoid LAW SUITS like the one launched after the Air India bombing!!!! With the added bonus that air lines must NOT MAKE IT EASY for criminals and smugglers to travel or ESCAPE JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA), which was not involved in the incident, has said passengers can keep their head coverings on during the screening process.

(CATSA is a LIE-beral guided organization and might respond very differently to head covering issues if IT was facing a lawsuit for allowing an unidentified TERRORIST to blow up a plane full of passengers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(These civil service union HOG HYPOCRITES would LOUDLY sing a different tune if one of their family died in a terror bombing or hijacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Gosh MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are RIGHT FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why not DO US ALL A BIG FAVOUR.......................................

AND FLUSH YOURSELF??????????????????????????



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Rather, drive diplomacy and not much immigration to Canada.

HEY DIM BULB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Muslims all hate western values so very much........................................

THEN WHY are so many Muslims frantically TRYING TO IMMIGRATE..............................................

to the nearest western "infidel" country????????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
HEY DIM BULB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Muslims all hate western values so very much........................................

THEN WHY are so many Muslims frantically TRYING TO IMMIGRATE..............................................

to the nearest western "infidel" country????????????????????????
They still like our money .


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They still like our money .
NATO is deeper in the hole to the EU bankers than any Muslim nation. More lies from the Jewish supporters. Almost seems like there is a pattern emerging. How does the KSA end up owing $20B or so when they should be in the black (if any nation can).

Time to call a liar and a thief a liar and a thief and move them to the bottom of the social ladder as that is where they belong.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Can someone kick his ass to fix that broken record of his already? JFC...

You don't know my friends, Josh, so you don't know what they sound like.

OF COURSE WE KNOW what the pals of MrJoshua sound like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We hear them spewing their garbage regularly on ISIS inspired web sites!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they HAVE SUPPORTERS among the LIE-beral party....

and among the IDIOT cousins - Greenies and NDPees!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and Muslims are natural allies-they ALL think they are morally and intellectually SUPERIOR to the rest of us. So why then are they so HOSTILE to seeing us discuss their policies and programs in a public forum? The obvious answer is they are a bunch of nasty little dictators who want to TELL US what to think! Their definition of democracy is THEY SPEAK and WE LISTEN! Don’t believe me? Then consider the following:

This little gem of Muslim news appeared in the Sun newspaper the other day and its commenting on an invitation to join a “Pro-caliphate group gathering in Mississauga” this weekend. This is the story-with some comments of my own placed in brackets:

By Anthony Furey, Postmedia Network

First posted: Friday, May 20, 2016 04:55 PM EDT | Updated: Friday, May 20, 2016 08:01 PM EDT
Hizb-ut Tahrir Canada
A flyer promoting Saturday's event in Mississauga hosted by Hizb-ut Tahrir
A controversial pro-caliphate organization is holding another event in Ontario this weekend.

“Join us to discuss the strength of the ummah,” reads an invitation to an event hosted by Hizb-ut Tahrir Canada in Mississauga on Saturday. “Ummah” is typically used to denote Muslims around the world.

The goal of Hizb-ut Tahrir, which was founded in the 1950s, is to unify all Muslims and Muslim countries into a large caliphate. It’s banned to varying degrees in many countries around the world, ranging from Germany, France, Russia and most Arab countries.

(I say isn’t THAT NICE-our neighbours in Mississauga are so obnoxious they have even been banned in some ARAB countries-countries they CAME FROM!)

The causes of the bans range from alleged participation in terrorist activities to racism and anti-Semitism. In Canada and the United States it faces no bans or allegations of illegal behaviour. However, previous conferences in the US have been canceled due to controversy and public outcry.

The title of Saturday’s event is “Pillars of the Khilafah [caliphate] state”, with the invitation depicting those pillars as resources, population, industry and military.

(Note the immediate philosophical problem-one pillar of the Khilafah is the military-and they have not noticed that LIE-berals want to GUT our military! But then a disarmed/complacent Canada would be easier to defeat by enemies! But this is what the Trudeau’s-father and his sons WANT. The Trudeau vision is western nations groveling before their revolutionary overlords-as the Trudeau`s rebuild Canada in their socialist image! And the FIRST socialist step is to bankrupt us with debt and open us to new ways of governing after we lose faith in traditional ways!)

The Sun reported in January that the Canadian branch of the group hosted a similar event last November at a Mohawk College facility in Hamilton.

Mazin Abdul-Adhim, a prominent figure in the organization, gave a speech describing sharia as “the best system that exists on Earth.” He argued: “We’ve been sitting and not really doing very much for the application of Islam in society ... We’re required to call for something — the full implementation of Islam — we’re not allowed to call for anything else or compromise in any other way.”

(I have to say-isn’t that nice-we have allowed these people into the country and now these clowns are telling us they are MORALLY OBLIGATED to tell us WE NEED TO CHANGE TO ACCOMMODATE THEM! And please note they also feel obligated to implement Sharia Law as well-which would neutralize a BIG CHUNK of our Cdn constitution related to family law and women’s rights along the way!)

The college was unaware of the nature of the event when the space was booked but later told media the group is no longer allowed to host events there.

In a press release in January, Hizb ut-Tahrir stressed that it is a political party “that works with the global Muslim community to resume the Islamic way of life by re-establishing the Khilafah (Caliphate) in the Muslim lands, and this work is achieved through intellectual and political means alone.

(Really? Then why did the Imam in Maple Ontari-owe tell us that “it is the fate of Canada to become a Muslim nation”? Of course he was referring to the Muslim habit of having 4-6 kids while Cdn women have 1.6 kids or thereabouts-clearly Muslim reproductive rates will eventually make white a minority in their own land and thus vulnerable to Muslim voter pressure to change us! Do we really want people with such fundamentally alien views to become the majority here?)

“Hizb ut-Tahrir considers it impermissible (sinful/Haram) to use violence as part of this work, as the Shari’ah (Islamic Law) forbids it. Furthermore, Hizb ut-Tahrir does not promote hate speech, rather the efforts of the Hizb revolve entirely around creating awareness of the Islamic systems and how they correctly solve mankind’s problems, and disagreements are respectfully addressed through discussions and sincere debates in an intellectual manner,” the group stated.

(And again I say-isn’t that nice-they will solve all conflicts and disputes with discussion and sincere debate-and after we are informed of the wonder of Islam we will be expected to fall on our knees and acknowledge Allah as supreme-OR ELSE THERE WILL BE TROUBLE! We all know that those who refuse to recognize Islam and accept the wisdom of Prophet Mohammad above all other writings and all those who dispute the primacy of Sharia Law as the most correct system are deemed to be sinners and heretics of a sort RARELY dealt with mildly under Sharia LAW! And Infidels my be blown up, stabbed or run down like dogs as convenient to devout Muslims!)

A representative from Swagat Banquet Hall in Mississauga, where the event is taking place on Saturday, declined to comment on the matter when contacted by the Sun.

(I say once again we are reminded that our prime minister-The Boy with nice hair-for Brains is a dangerous doofus who wants to implement his fathers dream-he wants to build a revolutionary new society on the ruins of our old “Imperial” Canada. Pierre Trudeau was proven as a hard core socialist revolutionary who despised what he saw as Western Imperialist society and his wretched son has followed his dream by messing with our immigration system and letting into Canada a horde of people who have NO HOPE of being fully integrated into our society-sometimes because they lack language and educational skills but mainly because they see themselves as morally superior and more holy and -as the spokesperson stated “Sharia is the best system on Earth” and they are “ required to call for the full implementation of Islam”.)

( There can be no peace and no compromise with such people since-by their own statements- they cannot be good Muslims UNLESS they keep pushing their views. Muslims keep telling us Islam is the religion of peace but who really believes it? Just draw up a cartoon of Mohammad The prophet with a bomb in his turban and show it publicly and see what happens to you! WE know from Danish experience that your funeral will be a closed casket affair as you WON’T be fit to exhibit!) (And our idiot Boy wants to bring in another pile of these people-for the benefit of the LIE-beral party who will be BUYING those ethnic/religious votes at our expense! What it comes down to is that LIE-berals have given up trying to prove their genius to us and are now IMPORTING the voters they need to maintain power!)