How did the Remain campaign get the British character so wrong?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Remain campaign appear to think that we will simply believe whatever they tell us however much it conflicts with our own lived experience. They may be in for a surprise....

How did the Remain campaign get the British character so wrong?

Janet Daley
18 June 2016
The Teelegraph

Cameron and Osborne: have misjudged the British voter

It is inevitable that the tone of the referendum campaign will change. The cheerful slugfest of accusation and name-calling would seem grotesque after last week’s terrible event. But what will not – must not – be allowed to change is the substance of the argument. A hideous and pointless murder must not be elevated to the stature of a political statement. It must not, in effect, be given a meaningfulness that it does not deserve. It must be made absolutely clear by everyone of good conscience that acts of violence by unstable individuals have nothing to do with political discourse and cannot rewrite its rules.

According to all the available testimony – including the official police statement – this was an isolated incident with no connection to any wider organised forces. The accused man had a history of mental illness. His alleged attraction to far-Right extremism has been featured widely in the coverage of the crime.

So let’s state this categorically: the alleged murderer Thomas Mair is no more representative of voters’ concerns about uncontrolled immigration than the murderers of Fusilier Lee Rigby were representative of the British Muslim community.

The killing of Jo Cox was nonsensical and utterly gratuitous. It would be deeply immoral to turn it into a significant symptom of some larger problem with British life. It is absurd to discuss the “reasons” for acts of this kind, because they are inherently unreasonable. They reflect nothing and stand for nothing. Neither our politics nor the wider society stands condemned by the fact of them.

In truth, what became clear in the hours and days after this crime were the common humanity of the British people and the natural decency of the country’s institutions. The immediate, unanimous decision to suspend campaigning on the referendum; the expressions of obviously sincere sympathy and support from all sides of the House; and the decision by the major parties not to contest the by-election which will result from the death of a Labour MP: here was the traditional British character as I have come to know it. It was quite extraordinary to see politicians who had been bashing seven bells out of each other only moments before, instantly restored to benign civility.

This was the real revelation: not the shocking appearance of a single, isolated individual who seemed to be filled with hate, but the response of everyone else. This is not a vicious country full of antagonism and resentment. It could only seem that way to somebody who sat alone in front of a computer all day – which, of course, is precisely what unstable, isolated individuals are inclined to do.

And that brings us back to the substance of the great debate that must now be reignited. How is it that those very politicians who reacted to a startling tragedy with such immediate, faultless responsiveness to the national mood, could have been failing for weeks to show the slightest understanding of how their own countrymen think?

Almost from the off, and certainly since the going got rough, the Remain leadership in Downing Street has given out what seemed an almost explicit message that they know nothing about the people they govern – and what they do know, they don’t like. This strikes me as bizarre, as well as deeply wrong-headed. How can these politicians, who have famously come through the most quintessentially British educational institutions and established channels of national life, possibly be so ignorant (and unappreciative) of the instincts and character of their electorate?

Perhaps I am at an advantage here, having been born somewhere else. When you adopt a new country as your home, you are inclined to be peculiarly observant of its population because you want to adapt your behaviour to fit in. What struck me from the beginning was a quality that requires rather a lot of adjectives: calm, rational, tolerant, grown up, undaunted, and quietly brave.

I have seen that subtle virtue in play many times over a lifetime here. Under the truly terrifying wave of IRA bombings, when virtually nobody flinched or even altered their daily habits and when, most movingly, the population evinced almost no trace of anti-Irish prejudice. (A fashion for fairly benign Irish jokes was as far as it got.) I saw it again after the 7/7 terror bombings, when the population grieved but did not panic, and again manifested almost no hostility to the British Muslim community. So I now have a very firm idea of what the British are like – and they are not going to be bullied or frightened like silly children.

When somebody tells them that the world will come to an end if they do not do as they are told, their first response is to laugh, because they have been tested before and know they can survive, and the second is to become suspicious: why are these people trying to scare me? What’s in it for them? Hence, the conspiracy theories about elites and self-serving vested interests. If you have a persuasive positive case, you do not – thinks the voter – throw a sheet over your head in a darkened room and go: “Woooo, woooo.”
Perhaps, as I say, coming from somewhere else, I note and appreciate these things more than those for whom they are normal and predictable. But I am still amazed by the idiotic mistakes that have been made. How could David Cameron and George Osborne not have known any of this: not have understood that they were not intimidating voters but insulting them? This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “out of touch”.

As the warnings became more palpably absurd, they were replaced by threats, culminating in a particularly nasty one for Brexit-inclined pensioners: the promised triple lock on state pensions, which had been an article of faith with Mr Cameron since the beginning of his premiership could be withdrawn if the old gits had the temerity to vote the wrong way. I thought that was about as low as it could go, until George Osborne came along with his Punishment Budget which would, if it ever got through Parliament, lock the country into a loop of Greek-style recession. That really went well. I have never seen a politician explode so spectacularly. There weren’t even any pieces left lying around afterwards, just a kind of sticky residue.

This disconnect with the people has confirmed the widely accepted view of the Cameron-Osborne Tory leadership as – how to put this? – rather odd. On the one hand, they are so self-consciously modern and anti-traditional that they made gay marriage one of their flagship policies. But on the other, they seem so loftily contemptuous of the real‑life concerns of ordinary people that they make comic misjudgments about the effects of their public pronouncements.

Years ago, I worked with someone who was an habitual liar. He would blithely give colleagues completely false and conflicting reports about events and office conversations. We would all, of course, compare notes and discover the clumsy deceptions (“But he told me that you said…” etc, etc), which rendered the whole strategy demonstrably useless. But strangely, it never seemed to occur to him that we were able to do this: talk among ourselves and come to our own conclusions about what was really happening.

In a peculiar way, the Remain leadership seems to have the same flawed – almost childlike – illusion. They appear to think that we will simply believe whatever they tell us however much it conflicts with our own lived experience. They may be in for a surprise.

How did the Remain campaign get the British character so wrong?