Hello I'm new!! Help!!!


Electoral Member
Nov 10, 2009
salisbury's tavern
You might want to try Long Branch, New Toronto or Mimico south of Lakeshore Blvd . The prices of homes in that general area are close to your target figure. This puts you near the Lake, the general area is becoming more & more gentrified and Liberty Village is one street car (Queen) from that area approx 45 minutes at the most from the end of the line.


Electoral Member
Nov 10, 2009
salisbury's tavern
You might want to try Long Branch, New Toronto or Mimico south of Lakeshore Blvd . The prices of homes in that general area are close to your target figure. This puts you near the Lake, the general area is becoming more & more gentrified and Liberty Village is one street car (Queen) from that area approx 45 minutes at the most from the end of the line.
Whoops I 'm misleading you regarding transit its really 2 street cars to get to Libety from Long Branch.You start on the Queens St/Lakeshore then transfer to the King car if I remember correctly at Roncesvalles.


New Member
Jan 21, 2011
Wantage UK
Whoops I 'm misleading you regarding transit its really 2 street cars to get to Libety from Long Branch.You start on the Queens St/Lakeshore then transfer to the King car if I remember correctly at Roncesvalles.
Thank you for that I'll have a look at these places too. I'm keeping everything crossed that this moves comes off as Canada looks so beautiful. xx