Have the Liberals turned the media against them?


Electoral Member
Nov 1, 2005
RE: Have the Liberals tur

It's going to be very tight in Anne's race. I could easily see NDP support going to her at the last second. Green support is the big question, though.

Well i don't know if the Green support is as strong as they claim it is...but who knows. I would suspect that the NDP voters are quite content to stay to the NDP if they felt that a vote on Anne would be wasted anyways. This riding is hard to tell because more than any other riding in Alberta...the electoral boundaries cover such a wide gap. It goes into poor areas, extremely rich areas, downtown, rich suburbia, etc. And ultimately, it will come down to who they can get out to vote and this last week. Even I am not 100% sure who i will direct my vote to.