Green In Action


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I had an extra 16 minutes this morning to reflect on the achievements of the green movement while I waited for a brand spankin' new 220+ car oil tanker train.

The stars faded out to reveal a picture perfect morning in the pristine Prairie sky with nary a windmill blocking the view.

No glints of breaking light reflecting off solar cells or water heaters like it did off of the amazing moon which could be seen in incredible detail through the cool, crisp, clean air.

The Prius taxis were lined up at the pumps at the Regina Cabs/Saskwash discount gas station for their morning run.

There were no "blind squeegee bears" panhandling for hassling people for seal burgers while people were enjoying their morning THC (Tim Horton's Coffee).

The forecast on the radio called for a perfect day of 27C that is perfectly on average.

It's nice to see that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Keep up the good work