Giving up the car?

CBC News

House Member
Sep 26, 2006
Young Canadians are more likely than their older colleagues to go green and cycle, walk or take public transit to work, according to the latest census data released Wednesday by Statistics Canada.
Owning a car used to be a rite of passage for young people, but environmental awareness among that generation has made gas guzzlers uncool, said Dan McDermott, director of the Ontario chapter of the Sierra Club of Canada.
The financial burden of car ownership, namely the high cost of gasoline, parking and insurance, are other deterring factors.
"The desire to own a car is diminishing for a number of reasons — environmental consciousness being high on that list," McDermott said.
"Certainly, economic reality weighs in as well and with gas scheduled to hit $1.50 a litre, that makes the question about buying a car one that young people on limited resources will look long and hard at before making that choice."
Full story
Is the desire to own a car dimishing? Have you owned a car but given it up in favour of public transportation?



Nominee Member
Jan 28, 2008
Everyone I know are on limited resources...old and young. I really don't know how people are able to afford to run a car, let alone maintain a home and raise children. I have never owned a car, a home nor do I have kids, and I still find it difficult to save money in this country. I have seen alot of people using credit cards, even people who I grew up with and said they would never own a credit card. I guess that's how some maintain their way of life.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Everyone I know are on limited resources...old and young. I really don't know how people are able to afford to run a car, let alone maintain a home and raise children. I have never owned a car, a home nor do I have kids, and I still find it difficult to save money in this country. I have seen alot of people using credit cards, even people who I grew up with and said they would never own a credit card. I guess that's how some maintain their way of life.

Congratulations to LIE-beral friendly CBC propaganda morons for turning economic necessity into virtue! The kids CANNOT afford a car!

In the 5 years after the 2008 economic melt down- the number of people aged 16 to 25 who actually had a drivers license DROPPED by 25 percent! That is not virtue- its being BROKE!

LIE-beral wage lies about our "booming' economy are a DISGRACE!

Her is an article illustrating how utterly poisoned is all LIE-beral economic policy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

How Wynne’s debt bomb derailed Ontario’s economy

BY Lorrie Goldstein. Published: March 24, 2018. Updated: March 24, 2018 6:50 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Wynne needs to come clean about cuts
BONOKOSKI: Trudeau Liberals can’t handle the truth

Premier Kathleen Wynne treats her government’s massive debt as if she’s won the lottery. To her, runaway debt is a force for good, helping her to treat Ontarians “fairly,” with no economic consequences. But the premier’s belief she can spend Ontario rich is nonsense.

(WE have of course seen this magic trick before and we all know how it ended for Bob Rae and his NDP moronic minions! Rae double the Ontari-owe debt and forced all manner of govt cut backs on us- with health care taking a big hit while trying to borrow us rich! And now we have the wretched LIE-berals who do work more slowly and cautiously than the likes of Rae- but the result is the same! Huge voter rage and soaring taxes and massive debts- it took Wynne-bag 15 years to double our debt- Rae did it in 4 years- but of course he was working with smaller numbers than LIE-berals to begin with!)

In reality, imposing decades of economic hardship on present and future generations of Ontarians by saddling them with record levels of debt, is the true legacy of 15 years of Liberal rule in Ontario, going back to Dalton McGuinty’s election as premier in 2003.

(Considering that the total debt from all 4 levels of govt is well over one trillion dollars it may take as much as a thousand years to pay it all off! Think of it- if we had a $10 billion dollar per year surplus and paid that against our debts- it would still take well over one hundred years to pay all the debt- and THAT ASSUMES that first we will somehow STOP ADDING to the debt! First- there is the $4.5 billion dollar deficit from 2017 that Wynne-bag LIE-berals are hiding with stupid accounting tricks, then- Alberta has a $9.5 billion dollar deficit for this year- Ontari-owe has $6.5 billion and Ottawa has $18 billion- making for over $38 billion in new debt this from only these 3 sources- without adding in the debts of the other provinces and other levels of govt or the debts of our arms length crown corporations such as colleges and hospitals! With the added bonus that China has just decided not to take our recyclable material off our hands any more and its going to cost municipalities many millions to deal with the sudden trash burden they can no longer export cheaply! WE are a LONG WAY OFF having that mythical $10 billion dollar surplus!)

Their reckless spending has put us on a treadmill of higher taxes, rising debt and deteriorating public services. Here’s why:

Since 2003, the Liberals have doubled government spending from $71 billion to $141 billion annually, while increasing provincial debt by 125%, from $138.8 billion to $311.9 billion, making Ontario the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower.

(SO much for that alleged LIE-beral 2 percent inflation rate target!)

Even the Liberals concede a healthy debt-to-Gross Domestic Product ratio for Ontario — a key indicator of economic health — would be 27%, which is what the Liberals inherited from the previous Progressive Conservative government in 2003.

By contrast, in their 15 years in power, they’ve increased the debt-to-GDP ratio to 37.5%, and rising, while lacking a credible plan to reduce it to 27%, according to the Legislature’s independent, non-partisan Financial Accountability Office.

And that was before Finance Minister Charles Sousa announced that in Wednesday’s budget, the Liberals will abandon the commitment they made a year ago to balance the province’s books in 2018-19 and 2019-20, after claiming they balanced them in 2017-18 following almost a decade of deficits.

(These happy go lucky LIE-beral clowns do not realize that bankers are watching us to see which party is elected- if LIE-berals are returned to power in June 2018 then we can expect a sh+t storm of new fiscal penalties to be dumped on spend thrift Ontari-owe by angry bankers! And our LIE-beral clown college does not realize that business leaders will be watching the up coming election with great interest as well- as biz leaders chose whether to abandon Ontari-owe in disgust over tax hikes, huge electrical costs, minimum wage bullying and the despised carbon crap and trade scam!)

But the Auditor General and Financial Accountability Office say that for the 2017-18 fiscal year, the Liberals are actually running a deficit of $4 billion to $4.5 billion, hidden by accounting tricks.

Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk says the Wynne Liberals have improperly claimed a $12.4 billion surplus in two public sector pension plans as an asset, because they cannot access these funds without the permission of the employees’ unions.

(Even worse- LIE-berals have ben caught claiming $10 billion in pension assets that actually belong to OSSTF/Ontari-owe high school teachers- but LIE-berals make NO MENTION of the over $55 billion in pension IOU`s that they have offered to OSSTF! Yeah- LE-berals are claiming a $10 billion dollar credit from people they have PROMISED $55 billion to! And LIE-berals do not expect this crap to come back and bite them? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!)

They have also, she says, improperly kept the $39.4 billion required to fund Wynne’s Fair Hydro Plan — temporarily reducing electricity rates by 25% before sending them skyrocketing — off the province’s books, by transferring the debt to Ontario Power Generation, meaning electricity consumers will have to pay up to $4 billion extra in unnecessary interest costs.

(And we have already been told that electricity WILL be going up and up and up again if LIE-berals are re-elected! LIE-berals have turned our electrical system into a giant slush fund for their personal benefit!)

Even using Wynne’s numbers, the Liberals in 2018-19 will spend $12 billion of taxpayers’ money — $1 billion a month — just paying interest on the province’s $311.9 billion debt.

(Think that over- 5-7 years ago we could have built the Young St subway relief line AND a very nice Toronto Shepard subway extension that would have cost LESS than 10 months interest on our current debt! And think of the cars taken off the road and climate change altered since those two subways would be a great lure to get people to drive less! LIE-berals tell us they are worried about the environment but the way they talk seems to mean that environment and LIE-beral ENTITLEMENTS are the same thing!)

In the four years Wynne has been premier, the Liberals have spent $44.5 billion paying interest on debt.

Not one penny of that — the government’s fourth-largest annual expenditure after health, education and social services — has gone towards improving public services, reducing debt, or lowering taxes.

All this during a period of historically low interest rates, when the Liberals should have been gradually reducing debt, especially now given their claim Ontario’s economy is booming.

Small wonder vital public services like health care are deteriorating, even as Wynne plunges the province further into debt to pay for her election promises, leading up to the June 7 vote.

Meanwhile, the Liberals are simultaneously raising the cost of living for Ontarians by $1.8 billion annually, through Wynne’s ill-conceived cap-and-trade carbon pricing scheme.

(LIE-beral Ontari-owe is “partnered” with California in the carbon crap and trade scam and California has PUT UP its carbon price from $10 to $18- and of course LIE-berals are holding back till after the election at which point we can expect the same increase in carbon cost! With the added bonus that federal LIE-berals insist that carbon cost MUST be driven up to $50 per tonne- or a 500 percent increase in 4 years! It’s a HUGE economic hit- all the provide ENTITLEMENTS to Hogs!)

The Liberals have both undermined Ontario’s economy and left the province in dire financial straits when the next recession hits, as it inevitably will.

(There are various foreign economic actions that could affect us but the way LIE-berals are madly spending- it is quite likely that we will hit the debt wall- just like Greece and then we will be forced into recession as we struggle with immense debts and the fiscal penalties that are showered on stupid and reckless spenders!)

As the Fraser Institute recently reported, during the “lost decade” of reckless Liberal spending from 2007 to 2016 — during which all provinces had to cope with the aftermath of the 2008 global recession — Ontario fell to seventh place among Canada’s 10 provinces in GDP growth per person; eighth in annual private-sector job growth; ninth in accumulated debt per person and tenth and last in median household income growth.

(Yeah- Ontari-owe has 40 percent of the national population and is SEVENTH now in GDP growth! How can so many people be so crippled financially except with LIE-beral greed and entitlements?)

Righting the ship will require a fiscal discipline Wynne is incapable of delivering.

Lgoldstein at postmedia.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Was talking to a friend about this very thing. We were remembering back to when you didn't even notice how much money you spent on gas. If three people chipped in a couple of bucks each that was good for the night.

Today a tank of gas will run you a hundred bucks?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Was talking to a friend about this very thing. We were remembering back to when you didn't even notice how much money you spent on gas. If three people chipped in a couple of bucks each that was good for the night.

Today a tank of gas will run you a hundred bucks?

Yes- and it`s ALL DUE to LIE-beral inflation! LIE-berals LOVE inflation- they borrow high value dollars then let inflation eat into the value and pay back with lower value dollars! Too bad anybody trying to save for retirement gets SCREWED by the artificially LOW interest rates that LIE-berals have set to "control inflation" -so they say! But there IS a reason why we call them LIE-berals! And it has to do with their tongues being so twisted they can open wine bottles easily with their mouths!

Here is an article illustrating that even the Toronto Sun gets it a little bit wrong once in a while- with some comments of my own in brackets):

Wynne's Liberals don't give a hoot about Toronto's social housing woes

By Sue-Ann Levy, Toronto Sun. First posted: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 06:32 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 08:02 PM EDT

It is clear Kathleen Wynne's Liberals don’t really give a hoot about improving the quality of life for the downtrodden in social housing.

(LIE-berals are interested in power and gravy only-all else, including all of US, are DISPOSABLE!)

Liberals leaving Toronto to fend for itself. Trust the provincial Liberals to muddy the fiscal waters enough to make you want to throw up your hands and say “uncle.” Not that we did.

(I ask why worry specifically about TORONTO Housing when there is such a HUGE number of people right across the province being abandoned by madly spending LIE-berals who think any and all problems can be resolved by throwing cash at LIE-beral FRIENDS!)

All the Toronto Sun wanted to confirm Wednesday was how much, if anything, the province under Premier Kathleen Wynne has given since 2013 towards clearing up the $2.6-billion backlog in repairs to Toronto’s social housing stock.

That was the year council approved a 10-year capital financing plan for Toronto Community Housing Corporation- TCHC- that asked the province and feds to chip in one-third (or $864-million each) to try to keep open all of the housing authority’s 58,000 units, many beyond their best-before date.

(This is a fine example of Toronto hypocrisy- Mayor Jackass John Tory wants other levels of govt to curtail THEIR idiot spending in order to free up cash to help HIM out-so he can continue with HIS idiot spending un-impeded by bankruptcy!)

(What’s really scary about the condition of TCHC units is that they city got hold of many of them in the aftermath of the Great Apartment Flip in the early 1980`s when Bill Player and some Saudi investors tried to use loopholes in the rent control laws to artificially increase the value of the buildings and the rents being charged so there would be enough money to maintain the buildings properly so they would not become the bedraggled slums they are today! Its been over 30 years since any real work has been done on the buildings and we are approaching real structural damage in those rotting piles- as Jackass John Tory has warned! Too bad he has no spine and thus can do nothing about this mess!)

And thus began an e-mail version of cat-and-mouse whereby Theresa Lubowitz, spokesman for housing minister Chris Ballard, threw at us a variety of numbers that really had nothing to do with repairs.

In the end, we were able to confirm the province has contributed $0, nada, nothing, zilch, zip toward that $864 million first requested in 2013.

(Considering that Ontari-owe LIE-berals have-for several decades- been giving Toronto ten dollars in transfer payments for each citizen compared to ONE dollar per citizen in other Ontari-owe municipalities, its going to be VERY HARD to persuade those outside GTA that their taxes should go up even further to benefit already overpaid Toronto Hogs! And with LIE-beral support at record low levels they will not be excited about paying even more to buy Toronto Hog support at the expense of the rest of the province! After all, LIE-berals can already count on support from Toronto Hogs- so no need to buy them twice! )

It was the same figure I’d first heard about at a TCHC board meeting a week ago, when officials contended that 325 units are already closed now and another 1,000 could close by the end of 2018 if $358 million doesn’t come their way for repairs next year.

(City Hogs want 358 million or they will close 1,325 units? That works out to $270,000.00 per unit-just how rotten are these places? And would it not be cheaper to knock the TCHC buildings down and simply fire the costly Hog staff and use the saved money to supply housing allowances to tenants to go live in privately owned buildings? Since most of the tenants are apparently either un-employed or retired or on some sort of disability pension, perhaps we should be shipping them in job lots to some smaller and cheaper municipality to live at less cost? A province teetering on the edge of bankruptcy like Ontari-owe does not have a lot of options with frills on them!)

(But why should stupid LIE-berals change their ways now? LIE-berals created much of this mess with their idiot immigration policies that let in any doofus who was smart enough to mark an `X` beside the name of a LIE-beral candidate and they brushed off concerns about the lack of ability of their newly purchased voters to survive in Canada without constant costly govt aid- which is WHY we keep speaking of PURCHASED VOTERS- LIE-berals have turned immigrant support and social worker `poverty pimps` who profit from badly planned immigration policy into a growth industry!! In addition, LIE-berals have ruined our economy with massive taxes and huge debts that are job killers-as proof, one has only to look at LIE-beral economic policy that offers grand tax discounts and outright gifts and grants to any company willing to set up here! If high taxes are not a job killer then WHY is there need to offer tax breaks as a lure to new business?)

(LIE-berals have made grandly paid careers out of buying immigrant votes and now the money has run out and the party is OVER! The next generation of Cdn leaders will have to make some HARD choices! And why is Toronto so convinced of its special status since it already gets TEN DOLLARS PER CITIZEN from the province versus one dollar per citizen for other municipalities- ten to one in favour of Toronto is not enough for greedy Hogtown-still they want WAY MORE!)

In fairness, as TCHC spokesman Brayden Akers confirmed Wednesday, the city has contributed nearly $1 billion since 2013 and TCHC, while it has its fair share of issues, has looked at a variety of funding sources including refinancing its mortgages and selling off single family homes- not enough of them mind you- to raise the needed cash.

And if I were Toronto Mayor John Tory, I wouldn’t be talking about a $1-billion Rail Deck park vanity project in one breath and no money for social housing repairs in another.

(But Jackass John BADLY wants a legacy project- something he can point to and say “there, that is what I did for the city”! And of course he is dreaming in technicolour! The city is bankrupt- and the only solution city staff has come up with is to seek more money from the bankrupt province!)

(Former mayor Rob Ford identified over 700 single family homes owned by the city that could be sold off to raise money for multi unit dwelling repairs. That most of the single family homes are un-occupied due to need for various repairs the city cannot afford is another reason to sell them. Under pressure from Ford- Metro Housing goofs did sell a dozen or so run down rat haven down town homes-at an average price- from 4-6 years ago- of about $800,000.00 each! If they sold all 700, at an average of $800,000.00 each they would recoup a gross amount of $560 million dollars- way more than enough to do those emergency repairs they need on 1325 units! By doing so the city could raise a nice chunk of cash, reduce its need for maintenance and security at the un-tenanted properties, let private companies create jobs while renovating the places and then see them turned into real estate tax generators for the city-how can any of this be wrong? Unless you are a socialist or LIE-beral?)

But getting back to the province, Lubowitz tried to pass off some $43 million Toronto got this year through Ontario’s Green Investment fund to retrofit aging buildings and reduce greenhouse gases as part of the money given to TCHC for repairs.

Of that, Akers said TCHC got $28 million to make their buildings more energy efficient - in other words, not to repair kitchens, cracked walls, decaying bathrooms and the like.

(Hey- replacing rotted out hot water boilers and installing modern heating systems is not chicken feed-it IS necessary-and we are back to WHY Toronto thinks it is more special and deserving than the rest of us? And we ask again why TCHC will not sell any of the vacant single family homes it owns and is ignoring?)

Lubowitz also listed all of the money ($100 million a year give or take since 2013) the province, as part of its “strong leadership in fighting homelessness” Toronto got for emergency shelter beds, affordable housing and the prevention of evictions.

(Prevention of evictions? Who are they protecting there? Drug dealers? Pimps? Gang members? We know that one old guy died in a TCHC stairwell a few years back after being evicted. Turns out the old guy was a little senile and didn’t properly fill out some papers for special grant money and fell behind in his rent and got thrown out! Funny how they can get rid of feeble old guys so quickly but can NEVER get rid of gun toting gang members! All those costly social working poverty pimps on public money and nobody cares to ask why the old guy is suddenly having his money troubles?)

Yet again, that has nothing to do with social housing repairs.

And just like the goobledygook her boss, Chris Ballard, fed to the media at Queen’s Park this past Monday- myself included, she tried to make it seem that the $130 million being given to social housing over the next three years out of Wynne’s cap-and-trade fund will actually go to repairs.

No, it will go to retrofits, and I’m betting there are pretty strict conditions on what gets funded.

She, like Ballard, mentioned another $340 million that will be given towards homelessness prevention over the next three years.

Aside from the clear attempts to muddy the waters, I have to wonder if anyone in Liberal-land thinks logically.

Let’s say those 1,000-plus TCHC units are forced to close by the end of 2018 due to disrepair and there’s an issue finding units to relocate tenants.

Wouldn’t a government so concerned with homelessness prevention be wanting to ensure there are units available so no one gets tossed out on the street - especially with a wait list tens of thousands of names long.

(Its my opinion that the LIE-beral response to the housing issue is a signal of impending bankruptcy! What little money LIE-berals have in their hands is ALREADY SPENT! They need it all- AND need a huge new supply simply to
pay off the civil service working family Hogs that have been promised so much! Newly appointed Ontari-owe premier McWynnty stood in front of that pack of teacher Hogs and swore she would do whatever was necessary to regain their trust- which translates into a stark and simple choice: gravy for Hogs OR money for housing repairs! Guess which way LIE-berals will jump on this choice? With their political future hanging in the balance-no gravy for Hogs means NO Hog voter support for LIE-berals-and political suicide for McWynnty and her party! But that was last spring before LIE-berals started whining about the edpanding need for homeless shelters! The ones desperately needed NOW to house all those newly arrived illegals who are being groomed to support LIE-berals- at huge expense to |Canada!)

It is abundantly clear - amid the province’s efforts to obfuscate and change the channel with a dizzying array of meaningless numbers - that they don’t really give a hoot about improving the quality of life for the downtrodden in social housing.

Social housing repairs aren’t sexy enough for them to get funding attention and it certainly doesn’t buy them votes.

Not that their lack of concern for Toronto’s most vulnerable surprises me in the slightest.

Slevy at postmedia

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Daddy supplies his daughter with a car, insurance and gas (too often). Well, it's sort of a car ... a Ford Focus wagon ... not sexy, not quite a death trap. She'll have to come up with the scratch for her own Lambo.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Oddly I believe the cell phone is also responsible for the declining interest in cars among the young.

Where in earlier times the car represented freedom and choice for the young, they get that now from the cell phone.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Oddly I believe the cell phone is also responsible for the declining interest in cars among the young.

Where in earlier times the car represented freedom and choice for the young, they get that now from the cell phone.

If your kids insist on Apple everything like mine do, the car is cheaper.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Freezing to death in a scrap yard is such a hard way to go.

Cycling is great around here. So is the boating and snowmobiling.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Oddly I believe the cell phone is also responsible for the declining interest in cars among the young.

Where in earlier times the car represented freedom and choice for the young, they get that now from the cell phone.

To a degree. The smartphone might replace long-distance travel (for which one might need a car), but maybe not hanging out with local friends (for which walking and cycling suffices).

Another non-financial matter might also have to do with more jobs requiring workers to sit in front of a computer all day. Even if a person could afford a car, some might still prefer to walk or cycle to compensate for the lack of exercise they get at work. That said, if they can afford a car, they're probably more likely buy one anyway unless they expected to use it so infrequently as to not make it worthwhile.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Right. If they travel downtown, then affording the car is just the first step. More people work online from home now too.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Desperate LIE-berals make virtue of economic necessity! All that crap about kids not wanting cars and using cell phones instead are signs of LIE-beral ignorance and desperation as all their policies collapse into the dirt!

And most people work online from home???? HAHAHAHAHA!!! CRAP!!!!

I watched a pair of teen girls recently wheedling their mother- my neighbour- to try to borrow her car so they could DRIVE to the air conditioned gym on a hot day- without needing to sweat in public riding on bicycles like poor people!

Here is a nice little story detailing how and why life is getting harder for any citizen NOT getting a govt pay cheque! And sadly, even the civil service Hog wage demands cannot keep up with insane loonie leftist LIE-beral style spending. I have included a few comments of my own in brackets):

From: Fortune/Chris Matthews. The death of the middle class is worse than you think.

From Brexit to Donald Trump, if there’s anything that current events tell us, it’s that the man on the street is angry and wants change.

A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute, with the chilling title “Poorer than their Parents: Flat or Falling Incomes in Advanced Economies,” shows just why this is the case. According to the paper, the trend in stagnating or declining incomes for middle-class workers is not just confined to the United States but is a global phenomenon hurting workers across the wealthy world.

The report found that as much as 70% of the households in 25 advanced economies saw their earnings drop in the past decade. The study tracked income brackets, not individual households, from 2005 to 2014. That compares to just 2% of households that saw declining incomes in the previous 12 years.

(I point out that one employed Cdn in three works for one of our four levels of govt-and its this group that is closest to being immune to rising taxes and inflation-however even they are finally being affected to some degree by the spending madness. One has only to look at our teachers who were offered contracts in 2015-that they have quietly REJECTED and are now seeking a way to reopen and redo-with MUCH INCREASED supplies of gravy!)

(But our civil service Hogs don’t want us watching as they compel LIE-beral govt back to the `negotiating` table-read DICTATING table-Hogs do not want the public to see Hogs shoving a stick up the ass of Ontari-owe premier McWynnty and making her dance like a cheap puppet -as they fear it might trigger a public backlash against Hogs and those `sell out` LIE-berals!)

(It is the justified LIE-beral fear of this public backlash that is currently preventing McWynnty-known to some as The Great Whore because she has sold herself, her party and OUR FUTURE to the Hogs-from completely capitulating to the Hogs.)

The authors estimate that this means that “while fewer than ten million people were affected [by flat or falling incomes] in the 1993-2005 period, that figure exploded to between 540 million and 580 million people in 2005-2014.”

To put it bluntly: A huge swath of the world’s population, one that had been taught to expect their material wealth to grow through their lifetimes and across generations, has learned that this promise was a lie. No wonder voters in the rich world are being seduced by radical politics and specious solutions to their economic problems.

(I point out that our always ARROGANT media whores claim that Britain left the E.U. due to racism-but the whores DO NOT make a distinction between racism and genuine FEAR! There were 50 KILLED and a hundred or more maimed in the London Tube bombing. There were British soldiers hacked to death with machetes in local streets. A suspected suicide bomber-later recognized as a case of mistaken identity- was shot to death in the middle of a crowded London subway car. These things happened in Britain and since its an island its MUCH HARDER to infiltrate than mainland Europe-or Canada! Ordinary Brits simply want greater safety and security and LOWER security bills and who can blame them-EXCEPT LIE-berals and the poverty pimps that make their living `helping` these radical trouble makers!)

(We look at Muslims murdering Danish cartoonists for a joke most of us LAUGHED AT! Or the Toronto 18 with plans to bomb the stock exchange, to behead our prime minister, to machine gun parliament; look at the soldier stabbed at his Young St. Office; look at the radicalized loon who stormed parliament and killed 2 people before being killed himself; look at the Muslim dorks who got caught planning to derail a Montreal bound Via train; look at the disruption being caused in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick schools by a batch of Muslim kids who are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to EVER integrate smoothly into our society. Then there is that HUGE array of deadly attacks in France.)

(Media whores with their left leaning attitudes clutching those cameras they seem to think are a magical shield against any trouble or retaliation call us racists because we are disgusted with the behaviour of radical Muslims that are targeting US PERSONALLY! After all, we DON’T have a magic camera and press accreditation to shield us from publicity hungry terrorists! And we DON’T get to sell a big news story after a terror attack-all we get is massive bills for the clean up after the bombs explode, the hospital costs for the dying and maimed, and the security details that are on over time closing the barndoor after the horse has escaped-and trampled the neighbours!)

(The current LIE-beral political model for dealing with Muslims is a lot like finding your house is full of Mosquitoes-and using a machine gun to kill them-you CAN kill them that way but its ROUGH on your house and the ammunition needed is COSTLY. Far better just to put up good screens and keep the pests OUT! And its ordinary people who have to deal with the bites and bullet holes!)

There are a few caveats. First, McKinsey researchers didn’t conduct a longitudinal study that tracks the individual fortunes of specific people over the course of many years. So while we know that the incomes of population segments (for instance a male 40-year-old college grad) are stagnant or falling, individuals within those segments may have much different fortunes. A 2015 study of the American middle class by by sociologists Thomas Hirschl of Cornell University and Mark Rank of Washington University show what a difference this can make. They found that because of large variances in income over a lifetime, individual earners spend part of their lives as top earners and parts of their lives on the bottom heap. Therefore what can seem like a slow and steady decline of economic fortunes for the middle class might not feel that way for many members of that class.

(Its no wonder that LIE-berals shun `longitudinal studies` since they would expose the scope of Hog greed! Example: LIE-beral Chretien govt quietly ALTERED the standard for measuring full time employment-used to be you were fully employed if you worked FORTY HOURS per week-the LIE-beral standard is now THIRTY HOURS per week-and SO WHAT if you cannot live on your LIE-beral version of full time work!)

(Or consider the LIE-beral version of measuring wage increases-they lump ordinary people in with Sunshine list Hogs and average things out. So what that the Hogs have gotten wonderful raises over the years while ordinary people starved-the law of averages HIDES ugly reality! And of course the Hog raises are largely supplied by BORROWED MONEY! Can you IMAGINE the screaming if govt was suddenly forced to give up any deficit financing and live within its means? That would mean an immediate TEN-TWENTY percent DROP in Hog wages-at a time when they are DEMANDING about FIVE PERCENT MORE! AND cancelling deficit financing would END the golden era of Hog pensions-they would ALL be BANKRUPT in a few more years! LIE-berals are borrowing money to BUY votes-and sticking ordinary people with the bills.)

(LIE-beral discrimination in favour of Hogs is so shameless that we peons are NOT ALLOWED BY LAW to have pensions as rich as those Hogs have enjoyed! We can invest up to 18 percent of our income in RRSP`s-assuming we have any income to spare! While Hogs are getting ONE THIRD MORE pay on average for the same work AND getting the equivalent of 33 percent invested in their pensions! And yet Hog greed is so great that their pensions are going bankrupt-LIE-berals simply cannot shovel in the cash fast enough to keep them afloat! And LIE-berals and their media whore pals will NOT TALK of this pension disaster!)

In addition, government redistribution is doing a lot to blunt the effects of this trend on those who are suffering from it. When looking at the number of household income after taxes and transfers of income (like social security payments) are taken into account, only about 20 to 25% of households in the countries studied saw their incomes stagnant or falling. And there was much variance between countries in terms of how many people were impacted by the trend. According to the report:

At one extreme is Italy, which experienced a severe economic contraction in the recession after the 2008 financial crisis and has had a very weak recovery since. There, real market incomes were flat or falling for virtually the entire population. At the other extreme is Sweden, where only 20 percent of the population had flat or falling market incomes. In each of the four other focus countries--France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States--the proportion of segments whose market incomes did not advance was in the 60 to 80 percent range.

The authors write that the reason for this variation “reflect differences in policy approaches; labor institutions such as the strength of unions and their role, or services for the unemployed; and a widely varying national economic, fiscal, and monetary policy responses.” For instance, one Swedish trait the authors point to--which they say helped protect workers in the aftermath of the recession--is a strong labor movement. They argue that the fact that 68% of Swedish workers belong to a union helped to keep wages rising. Furthermore, a labor sharing scheme, whereby the Swedish government worked with companies and unions to prevent layoffs by reducing hours worked rather than unemployment helped protect that country from the scourge of long-term unemployment that has depressed workers earning potential in the United States.

(Yeah-income redistribution is BEHIND a lot of the radicalized Muslim activity AND the Black Lives Matter bullshit-just take a walk around St. James Town or Thorncliffe Park and look at all the happy non-white faces living in Toronto Housing Authority SLUMS! Toronto Housing Authority is the biggest slum lord in Canada-and maybe in the entire world! No sane person would live in one of their buildings unless they HAD TO-govt throws CRUMBS to non white immigrants who ought not to have been let into the country and cannot find their way due to language problems and lack of education-and they too often blame white people for their troubles! Poverty, unemployment, language troubles, prevalence of drugs and gangs-all these things are fuel for various forms of `radicalization`-and I consider Black Lives Matter goons to be nearly as dangerous as Muslims!)

(And what of all those aging Cdns who have taken the `buy out`-their old jobs-the good jobs with decent pay are GONE-and they have been given a buy out and are now in their 50`s or early 60`s scraping along on a fixed income that is being ravaged by inflation-water bill up another 8 percent this year, hydro up 10 percent, natural gas up10 percent, food up 25 percent, auto insurance which people living in smaller-cheaper towns with no public transit MUST have-are getting hit with gross reductions in insurance benefits-it’s the dirty little LIE-beral story that your insurance is DOWN 15 percent but your benefits are down FIFTY PERCENT!)

(These people living on fixed incomes are looking at 0.5 percent interest on savings accounts and 1 or 2 percent on other types of investments because the good stuff-the BEST investments are RESERVED FOR HOGS! The outgoing chairman of the Ontari-owe high school teachers pension management fund came on TVO/The Agenda and told us teachers ROUTINELY get 20-25 percent returns on their investments-and doesn’t that make interest payments available to ordinary people get look STUPID!)

(Its so blatant a bias that when The Great Whore sold off Ontari-owe hydro stocks recently-ALL of those stocks were RESERVED for `preferred` investors-meaning LIE-beral pals-AND after selling this batch of stock LIE-berals have now deemed it proper to CLOSE THE BOOKS and deny public access to a Crown Corporation that WE OWN! Just how much chicanery ARE LIE-berals hiding from us?)

But whatever your policy prescription for solving the problem of wage stagnation, this report makes clear that is a new and growing problem in the wealthy world

(And here is the LIE-beral response to worried Cdns-those kids who cannot find a part time job to fund their post secondary education, and to those post secondary graduates who cannot find a job that will pay a living wage that lets them eat 3 meals a day AND pay off student loans, those parents who despair of ever seeing their adult offspring move out of the house into self sufficient adult life, those Cdns whose jobs have been packed up and sent to China, those Cdn’s who have been forced into retirement and are worried about out-living their money-to all these people LIE-berals say: “IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LIVE HERE THEN **** OFF SOME PLACE CHEAPER”! But LIE-berals cannot direct us to this Shangrila BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST! And if it did then most of us could not pay the LIE-beral tariff to get in!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The cost of housing is also a big factor in the decline of the automobile.

If you look at New York City, for example, almost nobody owns their own car.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The cost of housing is also a big factor in the decline of the automobile.

If you look at New York City, for example, almost nobody owns their own car.
Yet there are six million taxis on the road .