Federal government want the grocery CEO’s to explain why groceries are high.


Electoral Member
Dec 26, 2004
I think the grocery CEO’s should do is bring in evidence of why they are high, and make sure that the group that is asking is made to provide written acknowledgment of the grocery CEO’s evidence, so that it cannot be swept under the rug, by the Liberal government, if it shows that their programs are to blame.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
…and a breakdown, by category of items in their grocery stores, of the profit margins.

What is the profit margin on Dairy & Eggs? Meat & Poultry? Fruits & Vegitables? Dried Goods? Pharmaceutical & Health Care? Etc…
The pharma and health care products have the highest profit margins in most grocery stores. And that's where the increased profits came from, increased sales of those products during the pandemic. Even though Loblaws net profit in 2022 was $215 million less than it was in 2021.

This is just a dog and pony show because A) The Libs are getting killed in the polls and B) They need someone to blame for their inflationary policies. It's just too bad the stupid little twat wasn't half as concerned about housing costs. Oh that's right, 20% of MPs own residential rental property so we can forget about any govt doing anything constructive about housing costs.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Is What Just-in is doing is trying to change the channel that his carbon tax is the largest factor in inflation, in groceries, so that he can look good? I knew a pimp like that once.
What percentage? And what are the other factors and their percentages?

Argentina's most recent food inflation rate was 133%, compared to Canada's 6.8%. Carbon tax being the largest factor in inflation in groceries, one can only conclude that Argentina's carbon tax is FIERCE!
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  • Wow
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What percentage? And what are the other factors and their percentages?

Argentina's most recent food inflation rate was 133%, compared to Canada's 6.8%. Carbon tax being the largest factor in inflation in groceries, one can only conclude that Argentina's carbon tax is FIERCE!
You forget to mention the devaluation of their pizza...err I mean peso.

Argentine peso steady after devaluation as central bank tightens control

By Jorge Otaola
August 15, 202310:16 AM CSTUpdated a month ago

BUENOS AIRES/LONDON, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Argentina's government devalued its currency by nearly 18% on Monday while the benchmark interest rate was raised by 21 percentage points to 118%, the central bank said, as financial markets reeled the day after a shock primary election result

Peso peso
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
What percentage? And what are the other factors and their percentages?

Argentina's most recent food inflation rate was 133%, compared to Canada's 6.8%. Carbon tax being the largest factor in inflation in groceries, one can only conclude that Argentina's carbon tax is FIERCE!
Please see Post #73 (I think) here:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
OK, so it may not be ALL due to the carbon tax, but it's definitely all True Dope's FAAAAAUUUULT!
When his policies only serve to exacerbate the problems, some of which HE created then yeah, there's certainly a measure of responsibility on his part.

So now here's my question to you. Since food prices have jumped significantly all over the world, why would Trudeau and Singh go after the grocers in Canada and try to get people to believe that Canadian grocers are basically price gouging us?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OK, so it may not be ALL due to the carbon tax, but it's definitely all True Dope's FAAAAAUUUULT!
It’s the one thing that could be changed immediately…as opposed to just posturing and optics, and it sure as hell not helping things. If that one thing that could be changed before the Thanksgiving weekend when this week started wasn’t an option, then you can count on the rest of it being bullshit.
When his policies only serve to exacerbate the problems, some of which HE created then yeah, there's certainly a measure of responsibility on his part.
The overboard CERB$$$ beyond any country on the planet from what I understand? The economic policies for the four years before COVID hit, and the financial floodgates then open completely?
So now here's my question to you. Since food prices have jumped significantly all over the world, why would Trudeau and Singh go after the grocers in Canada and try to get people to believe that Canadian grocers are basically price gouging us?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
When his policies only serve to exacerbate the problems, some of which HE created then yeah, there's certainly a measure of responsibility on his part.
His policies are the LARGEST factor. I know cuz a Canadian Conservative said so. Who cares what the Bank of Canada says? They're all Librul Commie Soshulist GROOMERS! Out to DESTROY CANADUH!
So now here's my question to you. Since food prices have jumped significantly all over the world, why would Trudeau and Singh go after the grocers in Canada and try to get people to believe that Canadian grocers are basically price gouging us?
Same reason you're blaming True Dope. Mindless blame-the-other-guyism.