So what you are saying is that order is simply one accepted form, and chaos is another, and we can choose between them?
Since this is a one-shot existance as you claim, and I conclude that at least for myself order doesn't bring about the best that life brings, perhaps chaos is just as good a selection? I could steal with impunity, have your daughter for my own pleasure, become a rich man, litter the highways, take from the poor. All this just as long as I stay one step from man's law. I need to follow the law only to make man's stay comfortable until this generation too suffers nonexistance? Virtue is out and no longer required, as virtue molds us in conformity to God's laws. I can rightly console the people I offended with that wonderful hope that their torment I caused is just going to last their lifetime, and they can look forward to non-existance in peace and no torture just like I am destined.
I can see your groping with some ethical more to put me in conformity, but what ethic or morality do you choose? Force and torture don't work as we know these things are voluntarily taken on by man in many situations in life. You can execute me but you need to catch me, besides one situation is a still a possibility, in that all of man could choose chaos at once and nothing could be done about it. You can't choose a higher Authority's, as your adamant that God doesn't exist,. What's left is man's morals.
Here I can rightly ask you for proof that his morals are better than mine and the ideal model. To counter your selection I can pick one example of millions of it's imperfection, and state the Nazi moral was that their children should hand over their parents if they are not loyal. Here we have a bonafide law, set into rule by thousands both in spirit and actually, and implemented after a long contemplation.
Since I proved I am not any "worse" than these butchers, then I declare my conduct just.
You will finally end up saying that it's just not right and it's against conscience. But Ha, gotcha! In supposing a conscience, then you must also suppose an Authority that bestowed it.
Finally, you play a game of probability. If there is a God, you spent a lifetime not showing him the honour that is rightfully His as creator and provider of all that you enjoyed, and don't think that all you need to do is be a good person, as worship,honour and charity are goods that are owed Him and deserving to him as Creator. Perhaps He'll overlook that and forget you could have given Him the benefit of the doubt, and you ignored your own intellect and reason that he gave you to allow you to realize him. Or, you can chuck it all up to chance and risk a trillion years of making up for the debt in realization you are aware,can feel and suffer a true death.
Personally, I could think this way if I were alone but that would be irresponsible of me, and I would want my children to have all their bases covered. I owe it to them to at least say that I don't know, but it seems reasonable and just that there is a God, and he gave me you my children. Or as you believe I could also tell them that the only hope they have is limited and finite and not to worry but earthly death is truly a finality.
Indeed, what a waste.
You certainly could steal if that is what you choose. It's not my thing because to me it's dishonest, not because some benevolent creator tells me it's wrong. If it weren't for the societies we have created those transgressions would fall to the individual to mitigate through natural law.
I do not try to place you in conformity any more than what my society would expect of you. You're free to do as you like, and you will be required to accept your consequences. If I'm wrong and God does exist, I'll have my own consequences to accept, no? My morality is chose by me and society seeks to guide my choices, but ultimately the choices are mine to make, much like God gives us free will. Who is to say that your god has the ideal set of morals?
My conscience is a result of personal growth and an authority I grant to correct those tresspasses against me. I could choose to leave the comforts of society and live in chaos as you say, without order, but I do not.
My probability is the same probability you follow, only the other side of the preverbial coin. If there is no god then those who have lived their lives following said gods will have their satisfaction of knowing they lead a life under that gods virtues.
My children will be shown religion, I plan on taking them to church myself, and showing them the many other moralities people choose for themselves. Ultimately the choice is theirs to make not mine.
A life lived is never a waste and thats the truth.