Coronavirus afflicts the idolaters

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
When we check the countries where Coronavirus has spread, we see it has overwhelmed China, South Korea, Iran and Italy.

China: wrong-doers; they persecute the millions of Muslims there, in addition to their atheism, communism and idolatry.
South Korea: mostly a religious sect has been the main victims, who moreover spread the infection to others. The members of this sect are enthusiastic about Jesus Christ and about their own leader.
Iran: it started in the city of Qom, which is a major center of the idolatry and the tomb worship. Then it spread to others mainly the visitors of tombs of the imams.
Italy: is the most idolatrous among Christians, where the worship of Jesus Christ and the patron saints is prevalent.

Therefore, the Coronavirus targets mainly the idolaters and the enthusiastic about Jesus, the saints, the imams and the idols.

Quran 6: 65, which means:
(Say: He is All-Able to send forth upon you, [associaters,]
chastisement from above you
or from under your feet c
, or to confuse you into sects d and to make you suffer of the violence of one another e.
Behold [Mohammed] how We turn about the revelations
f; haply that they may understand. g)

65 b Like thunderbolts, meteors, meteorites, comets, hurricanes, heat and coldness so that He may destroy you with one of these factors.

65 c Like the cleavage, earthquake, volcano, drowning with sea water and microbes which are on the surface of the earth, so that He may destroy you with anyone of them.

65 d i.e. Or He may confound you, and you then become many sects, i.e. divisions and parties opposing each other, and so the enmity will be inserted among you.

65 e Which is the war and fighting that will occur among you because of the enmity.
65 f i.e. We explain and repeat [in many ways] the revelations as parables, admonition, and warning.

65 g i.e. so that they may realize the truth, and they may be relieved from their doubt and suspicion.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I see the leaders in Iran are sick from Covid19. Wrong kind of Muslim, I guess.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I see the leaders in Iran are sick from Covid19. Wrong kind of Muslim, I guess.
Don't you read? Don't you mind and reason?

Yes, they are the enthusiastic about the imams, maybe to a lesser extent than the enthusiasm of Christians about Jesus Christ and the patron saints.

It is the idolatry and the associating of these persons with God Almighty.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
They also said the Pope (who is the main leader of the enthusiasm) has cold and to have rest for one week, then they denied it.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Today, I went to a mosque to pray the mid-day prayers, and while I wash my face, forearms and feet in preparation for the prayers, I heard some men beside me:

One said to his friend: "How is the work and gain and provision?"
He said: "Praise be to God; once you pray for blessing for the Prophet, you will see the profuse provision."
I said: "Is it God Who provide for you, or is it the Prophet?"
The man said: "I haven't said the Prophet provides for me."
I said: "But you said: Once you pray for the blessings for the Prophet, the provision will come to you abundantly."
The man disagreed and said: "No wonder the virus has come!"
I said: "The virus will come to whom: to those who are enthusiastic about the prophet and the righteous men like the idolatry."
And I recited to another man the ayat relating that God is the Only True Provider.

Quran 35: 3, which means:
(O people remember the grace of God to you [and show gratitude to Him];
is there any creator, apart from God, who provides for you out of the sky [with the rain] and the earth [with the plant, trees, fruits and cattle]?
No god [in the universe] but He;
how then are you perverted [from the way of the truth to the misguidance?]
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
N.B. The cases of Coronavirus in Iraq are almost entirely the visitors of the tomb of Ali Riza in Iran; they contracted the infection there and then came back to Iraq.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A parable of the 'association' with God or the idolatry:
A military unit: if the commander of the military unit is weak: you find many mini-commanders will appear: the deputy, and many officers will be commanders with him.
But if the commander is powerful and his leadership is strong, he will control his unit perfectly, and no other officer will share with him in the leadership.

So what do you think: Is God weak or All-Mighty? So God will not agree that anyone (whether a prophet or angel or imam or saint) may share with Him in the sovereignty and authority.

Quran 30: 28, which means:
([God] sets for you, [associaters], an example from your own [customs and traditions]:

Do you have – out of [the slaves: males and females] whom your right hands own – any associates in the [wealth, property and others] that We provide for you,

so that you are equal about it
b: you fear them [in disposal and inheritance] as do you fear each other [in the disposal in wealth and in consulting your partners]?c

Thus do We detail the revelations d for a people who discern [the truth. e])

28 b The meaning: Do you agree that your slaves share with you in your property and wealth, so that you will be equal [to them] in the ownership and position so that they then will not show respect and reverence to you?

28 c So in case you do not accept that your slaves be associates with you in the possession, then how do you ascribe associates to God out of His servants and creatures?

28 d i.e. We explain them in details.

28 e And distinguish it from the falsehood.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
A parable of the 'association' with God or the idolatry:
A military unit: if the commander of the military unit is weak: you find many mini-commanders will appear: the deputy, and many officers will be commanders with him.
But if the commander is powerful and his leadership is strong, he will control his unit perfectly, and no other officer will share with him in the leadership.

So what do you think: Is God weak or All-Mighty? So God will not agree that anyone (whether a prophet or angel or imam or saint) may share with Him in the sovereignty and authority.

Quran 30: 28, which means:
([God] sets for you, [associaters], an example from your own [customs and traditions]:

Do you have – out of [the slaves: males and females] whom your right hands own – any associates in the [wealth, property and others] that We provide for you,

so that you are equal about it
b: you fear them [in disposal and inheritance] as do you fear each other [in the disposal in wealth and in consulting your partners]?c

Thus do We detail the revelations d for a people who discern [the truth. e])

28 b The meaning: Do you agree that your slaves share with you in your property and wealth, so that you will be equal [to them] in the ownership and position so that they then will not show respect and reverence to you?

28 c So in case you do not accept that your slaves be associates with you in the possession, then how do you ascribe associates to God out of His servants and creatures?

28 d i.e. We explain them in details.

28 e And distinguish it from the falsehood.

Thank you Torch Light.................................

you make it abundantly CLEAR why there will NEVER be peace..........................

in the Middle East!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those whom God would destroy- he first makes INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BEWARE Torch Light.............................

I THINK GOD WANTS TO HURT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are so foolish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If God wants to hurt me, who can save me from Him??
I deserve His punishment, but I hope for His forgiveness and mercy.
I am the weak, and He is the All-Powerful. I am the sinner, and He is the All-Forgiving.
So while I make a diagnosis of the common cold in the Middle East, as you call it, and you disregard the cancer in the West, and you spill the bear .. and you spill the bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You are so foolish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If God wants to hurt me, who can save me from Him??
I deserve His punishment, but I hope for His forgiveness and mercy.
I am the weak, and He is the All-Powerful. I am the sinner, and He is the All-Forgiving.
So while I make a diagnosis of the common cold in the Middle East, as you call it, and you disregard the cancer in the West, and you spill the bear .. and you spill the bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

POOR FOOLISH CREATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps you should pray to Allah for a dose of SANITY???????????????????????

Or maybe you should appeal to JESUS................................

since he is much more into that whole "forgive your enemies" thing than any Muslim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
both of you...



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
both of you...

POOR STUPID CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He thinks he will be safe from Wuhan Virus.....................................

and from Muslim terrorists on his fly in reserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a FUN THOUGHT for you Cliffy.......................................

what will you do when the Muslim Caliphate SHUTS OFF YOUR WELFARE...........................

because all men are SUPPOSED TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of Gods children ARE ENTITLED TO REAP WHAT THEY SOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And your fields are fallow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And have been for a LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
COVID-19 Coronavirus is obscure:

How it appeared.. queery; what exact clinical features during the active illness and in the convalescence .. queery!

They said: from eating the stew of bats.. queery, then how it is a droplet disease? Then they said: it spreads by contact? how by eating bat's stew, then droplets spread, then by touch?? So why sensitizing the ground and the walls??

Therefore, most of it is only the guessing of puzzles..
There is no adequate description of the patients being cured nor in their convalescence.
It may be that the concerned people dread the patient (including his family also they dread him) and this may give misdiagnosis, mistreatment and mismanagement.. so most of it is only the queer guessing ...
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God - be glorified - has made lawful to us the wholesome and pure food, and forbids us the bad food.

So the lawful meat is wholesome and delicious in addition to being lawful.

The lawful meat: the mutton (meat of sheep), the meat of goat, the beef (the meat of the cow), the meat of the camel .. all are delicious, wholesome, pure and beneficial to man.
Birds that eat seeds and plants are lawful, like the chicken, the duck, the pigeon and dove, are lawful and pure and wholesome.
Wild animals that are similar to the cattle are also lawful by hunting or otherwise: like the ibex which is like the goat, and the gazelle which is like the sheep, etc.
The fish is also lawful and delicious.

The unlawful meat: the meat of dead animals even the cattle, the meat of swine, the blood, and that cattle sacrificed to idols and to those other than God Most Gracious. The meat of animals of prey: the animals that devour other animals like the wolf, the lion, the tiger ..etc is also unlawful.
The meat of the crow and every bird eating the carrion of dead animals is also unlawful.

Quran 2: 172-173, which mean:
(172. Believers, eat of the 'good and wholesome' [foods] wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to God if you do worship Him alone.

173. [God] only prohibits for you the eating of the carrion, the blood, the meat of pigs, and the [cattle] dedicated to other than God.)

Moreover, the birds that eat the carrion of dead animals are unlawful to eat.

[A Muslim came to the Prophet – salam to him – and said: "Is the meat of the raven lawful?
The prophet said: "It is abhorrent (disliked or undesirable or detested or reprehensible.)"
The man said: "It is available in large numbers; so had it been lawful, we would have filled our stomachs with it!"
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

(Quran 5: 100. Say [Mohammed to this man]: "The bad and the good [kinds of meat] are not equal, though the abundance of the bad [bird] attracts you [man]; so ward off [the punishment of] God, O intelligent men; haply so you will prosper [in all your affairs.])

See the explanation of this aya by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly here:

Therefore, such customs of eating the bad animal meat like of the bat, the dog, etc are very bad customs and way of living, because eating such bad meats will certainly cause many diseases and illnesses.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
They also said the Pope (who is the main leader of the enthusiasm) has cold and to have rest for one week, then they denied it.

Yes....................the Pope .....................Peace and blessings be upon him...........................................

is about NINETY YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as such is a FRAIL old man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The pope is in exactly the sort of condition that Chickensh+t Mohamed would have been in....................................

if he had not FLED THE SCENE while still relatively young ...........................................

and climbed that Golden Ladder let down from Heaven...............................

to the roof if the Al Aqsa Monsque!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mohamed went away when relatively young..............................

the Pope stays with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I note also - with some amusement - that your understanding of the medical consequences of eating

DISEASED MEAT ARE QUITE DEFICIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someday perhaps the Muslim world will learn about the MYSTERIOUS CREATURES CALLED GERMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Germs ARE NOT RELATED OR CAUSED BY THE WILL OF ALLAH......................IMBECILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yo! Torch Light...

Are you looking for a part time job??

Jehovah Witnesses are recruiting!

OH LORD GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do NOT ALLOW Torch Light to even consider joining Jehovah Witnesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Standard issue Witnesses come to the door and ask politely if you wish to be Saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you say no thanks they will nod sadly at your FATE as one of the DAMNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But they will leave quietly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But consider Torch Light on your door step............................................

using that MIX of Witness and standard Muslim thinking - as in "would you like to hear the good word"?????????????????????

And you say "no thanks"...............................................

and just consider the mayhem that Torch Light would wreak on your house, your dog, your kids and YOU............................

in standard Muslim fashion if you refuse to allow him to save you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even worse - consider what Torch Light would be like if he joined the Hare Krishnas......................................

and got in your face seeking donations.........................................

and would not take NO for an answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
OH LORD GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




But consider Torch Light on your door step............................................

using that MIX of Witness and standard Muslim thinking - as in "would you like to hear the good word"?????????????????????

And you say "no thanks"...............................................



And you have exclamation stutter!
How do you manage to stay so stupid!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
And you have exclamation stutter!
How do you manage to stay so stupid!

I dont engage in profound, detailed, serious discussion........................................

with LIE-berals or religious ZEALOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I simply explain why and how they are wrong......................................

and leave it at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I ENJOY IT when LIE-berals respond with WHINES about my punctuation.............................

simply because IT PROVES they HAVE NO VIABLE, logical or factual rebuttal.........................................

of ANY of my arguments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But do not wish to remain mute - so the mention punctuation......................................

as if it would somehow DETRACT from the validity of my argument!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then LIE-berals have also PROVEN they are prepared to DISMISS an entire, detailed and logical argument............................

that they do not like and cannot logically respond to.................................

if it has a SPELLING ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a bunch of LIE-beral TRIVIA MINDED MAROONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!