Conservative MP backs Wildrose leader in Fort McMurray


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012

Provincial Tories in northern Alberta are not pleased with Fort McMurray-Athabasca Conservative Member of Parliament David Yurdiga after he appeared in a photo on social media this weekend helping Wildrose leader Brian Jean and party volunteers assemble election signs

Mr. Jean is the former MP for the area and is currently running against PC MLA and Innovation and Advanced Education Minister Don Scott in the Fort McMurray-Conklin constituency.

Facing a strong challenge from federal Liberal candidate Kyle Harreitha in the 2014 by-election, Mr. Yurdiga’s campaign received a last minute endorsement from PC leadership candidate, and now Premier, Jim Prentice. Mr. Yurdiga’s support for Mr. Jean is sure to have raised the ire of Mr. Prentice’s inner circle.

Mr. Harreitha will once again challenge Mr. Yurdiga in the October 2015 federal election in the newly redrawn Fort McMurray-Cold Lake constituency.

Mr. Yurdiga’s by-election campaign manager, Kim Farwell also tweeted a photo of volunteers helping Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater Wildrose candidate Travis Olson build campaign signs. Mr. Olson is running against PC MLA Jeff Johnson, who also endorsed Mr. Yurdiga in the 2014 by-election.

A deep divide between the federal Conservatives and provincial PCs emerged during the 2012 provincial election when a number of Conservative MPs actively campaigned for Wildrose candidates in their areas of the province. The ascension of former Ottawa cabinet minister Mr. Prentice to the PC leadership and mass floor-crossing of Wildrose MLAs was expected to erase the divide.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
SOmeone is trying to manufacture news. THe same in BC. Many people vote Liberal provincially but would not be caught dead being associated with just-in. About the only ones that vote consistently party name are dippers and greens.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The Calgary Sun

The PCs do not deserve to win.

They are a party so deeply entitled, so terribly dishonest, and so incredibly arrogant, it is more surprising that they continue to win than the possibility they might lose.

Wildrose voters should be weary of these tactics, as should anyone being urged to lend their vote to another party during an election. In Alberta, any vote against the PCs is a vote for good governance. The dynasty deserves to fall. Regardless of whether Alberta swings left or right, the province will be in better hands.

The Alberta PCs stand for nothing. They shamelessly slide from left to right, depending on who is challenging them and with what ammunition. A party that lacks core principles and common values can easily become a cesspool for special interest groups and corruption. The PCs exemplify this.

It’s time for change in Alberta. It’s time to throw the bums out.

Alberta, throw PC bums out | MALCOLM | Columnists | Opinion | Calgary Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Both the PC and wildrose are the centralist parties. Alberta NDP like dippers elsewhere in Canada are so far out in left field they make even the greens seem rightish.


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