Colloidal Silver maligned


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Mainstream medicine does not like the helpfull substances that cannot be patented - not as much profits to be made from them - and so there is an effort to malign all the products that use naturally occuring substances, no matter how effective they are.

Colloidal Silver [CS] is one of those - it is an effective anti-bacterial, and it works for many things where bacteria are a problem. So, Health Canada, and their minions at CBC, put out some warnings about CS occaisionally. The most common "problem" cited is "Agryia", but there has not been a case of that in many many years, because the new "electro-colloids" will not build up in the body. Ancient cases of agryria were only from taking huge amounts of silver minerals, not colloidal silver. And yet, they still talk about them as it is were a problem of CS.

to wit:
Sept 2007: CBC put out TWO stories about CS and the Health Canada recall of a CS product, citing the unacceptable levels of silver they could produce in consumers of it.

One was about an infection risk, and there could be a validity to that but it is so highly unlikley because colloidal silver is an effective antibiotic, so how could it contain bacertia?

The other article is about AGRYIA, the problem where a blue-gray coloring of the skin occurs in people exposed to high amounts of silver ; some groups are trying to say colloidal silver [CS] has been purported to cause agryia, but it has not ever occured in modern times with the "electro-colloidal silver" because of the small particle size and the ability of the human body to eliminate excess.

In recent years, millions of people have been using CS and NONE have reported this problem [I am one of them].

Dr. Altman tried to make it happen with huge doses of CS, but it would not happen - see link below.

Health Canada does not even have any data about what those "unacceptable levels of colloidal silver particles" are, other than a total amount of actual silver mineral [1000mg daily] From the H.C. website, a 1986 notice: "The exact quantity of silver required to produce argyria is unknown, but it is believed to be in the order of 1000 mg" [K - daily, yearly, lifetime? - they did not say!! ha ha ha, what a joke].

The CS I make is about 200ppm, and I take about 20ml. topically on a daily basis to control body odur [armpits] [yes, it works]. Oral dosing would range from about 10ml. to perhaps 50ml. daily for internal infections. These levels of dosing would not come anywhere near the

-----------Press Releases - Warning about CS:

Same day, two releases by HC - faithfully paraded out by CBC - slight difference -

Health Canada warns against Silver Water product that could pose infection risk

Colloidal silver supplement poses health risks: Health Canada

Dr, Altmans CS Toxicity study -


Jun 23, 2006
kind of depends on what you use to make your colloids. A colloidal solution of silver doesn't JUST contain silver. Perhaps the silver is harmless, probably it is, but I wouldn't go out and start randomly drinking colloidal silver solutions.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Seems that it's a case of consumers' should research for themselves. All I can find about the Argryia is that it will turn you silver ish blue...not that bad really.

Eat a large enough quantity of carrots and you might be able to get a lovely shade of lavender....


Jun 23, 2006
some compounds of silver are rather dangerous as well. Obviously there are thos ewho have found safe ways to make and consume colloidal silver, but caution should be employed if you're trying to do it yourself. In fact I'd advise against doing any home-chemistry unless you're a chemist.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Nobody turned blue in 20 years!

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Yes, silver might be harmful if taken "whole", but colloidal silver is a process that produces a solution with only very tiny particles. It is the advancements in electronics where electricity is trickled into the silver rods ["99.9% pure"] thatmakes for harmless colloidal silver [CS] .

As for the Quackwatch article, it might sound like a nightmare, but NOT ONE person using CS- or making their own CS - has "turned blue" in recent decades. The Cure Zone site has 100s of people using it, and not one has turned blue and nobody else has in the past 20 years - since the technology got better - and before them there was only A FEW cases where they took huge amounts of highly impure silver. Really. Try to find one case of someone turning blue - they are all from many years ago. Try - search it out for yourself, PLEASE!!!!

I tend to believe the reports that say this "Quackwatch" site the PRIME site for the medical mainstream lies, it has been laughed out of popularity, Dr. Barret has been sued for his own "quackery". All they are doing is maligning any natural cures, things that CANNOT BE PATENTED and therefore cannot produce a big PROFIT. Natural cures are in direct competition to the patented products that tend to keep us sick as more than make us well.

One of the best known and most obvious examples is the mainstream's "heartburn remedies" that claim to reduce acid in the gut - actually, the gut reacts to these products by producing MORE acid, and THEN you feel better - it is all based on lies!! If you try this you will know - eat more acidic foods [apple cider vinegar for eg.] to increase the acid and feel better directly!! In reality, it is the H Pylori bacteria that is the cause of most heartburn, a discovery made by an Aurstralian doctor/scientist. H Pylori takes away the acid and that creates heartburn. People should know that by now - google it yourself, PLEASE!!!

The mainstream products will mess up your acid-producing systems and then you are dependant on them!! Really!! One cure, ironically enough, is to take coloidal silver to kill off the H Pylori, and then your heartburn will be gone. Or, take anti-biotics, but they killoff your intestinal fora too and thats not good. {amazingly, CS does not kill off intestinal flora because it only acts on aerobic bacteria]. We should all know this by now, education is our right, Health is our right.

I know, I know, ya ya, getting the Darwin Awards.... sure, send it to me, but this is NOT rocket science. It is the basic knowledge of natural sciences and medicine.It is kept from us on purpose, but it is avialable online if you please just google it up. but even there you will find conflicting information from the medical mainstream sites, they don't even mention that the Austrailina scientists who discovered H Pylori got a Nobel Award for his work, but other sites do. Yes, they are trying to dis-educate us!! . {search - Heliobacter Pylori heartburn]


Jun 23, 2006
Oh dear. Your advice backfired a little:

The consequences of the H. pylori infection

Most people harbouring this infection will suffer no ill effects throughout their lives. Ten percent of them, however, will go on to develop peptic ulcers. It is not known exactly what triggers this.

When the infection is present, it causes the stomach to produce more acid and the stomach lining to become thinner, allowing acid to penetrate.

H. pylori infection does not cause heartburn or GORD and in some patients it appears to protect against some of the symptoms of these two conditions. It is not yet fully understood why this happens. It is also not yet clear which role, if any, the infection plays in the development of stomach cancer.

The discovery of these bacteria certainly changed the way doctors treat peptic ulcers. A short course of antibiotics, instead of acid-reducing medication, has become the norm. It should be noted, though, that lifestyle changes are still important in people who have peptic ulcers, as unhealthy habits can trigger peptic ulcers, when the infection is present. It is very easy to become re-infected with H. pylori.


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Hold the AWARDS - not Heartburn ULCERS!!

I am such an idiot - its not heartburn, it is ULCERS that H Pylori causes

Here is an excerpt:
In 1981 Barry J. Marshall was training in internal medicine at the Royal Perth Hospital, in Western Australia, when he became interested in incidences of spiral bacteria in the stomach lining. The bacteria were assumed to be irrelevant to ulcer pathology, but Marshall and J. R. Warren, a histopathologist who had previously observed the bacteria, reviewed the records of patients whose stomachs were infected with large numbers of these bacteria. They noticed that when one patient was treated with tetracycline for unrelated reasons, his pain vanished, and an endoscopy revealed that his ulcer was gone.

An article by Marshall and Warren on their culturing of "unidentified curved bacilli" appeared in the British medical journal The Lancet in 1984, and was followed by other suggestive studies. For years, however, the medical establishment remained deaf to their findings, and around the world ulcer patients continued to dine on bland food, swear off stress, and swill Pepto-Bismol. Finally Marshall personally ingested a batch of the spiral bacteria and came down with painful gastritis, thereby fulfilling all of Koch's postulates.

There is now little doubt that Helicobacter pylori, found in the stomachs of a third of adults in the United States, causes inflammation of the stomach lining. In 20 percent of infected people it produces an ulcer. Nearly everyone with a duodenal ulcer is infected. H. pylori infections can be readily diagnosed with endoscopic biopsy tests, a
blood test for antibodies, or a breath test. In 90 percent of cases the infections can be cured in less than a month with antibiotics. (Unfortunately, many doctors still haven't gotten the news. A Colorado survey found that 46 percent of patients seeking medical attention for ulcer symptoms are never tested for H. pylori by their physicians.)

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
...NOT ONE person using CS- or making their own CS - has "turned blue" in recent decades
Reference #10 at the end of the Quackwatch article documents cases of argyria as recent as 2005.

I tend to believe the reports that say this "Quackwatch" site the PRIME site for the medical mainstream lies...
Those would be reports from promoters of alternative medicine. Stephen Barrett is a legitimate and successful physician with quite an impressive list of highly credentialed supporters, and there is a libelous campaign going on against him, starting with the accusation that he's been stripped of his licence, by the people he targets. Once again I would urge caution upon you, sounds like you're edging over toward the conspiracy theory view of the medical establishment. Most of the objections Quackwatch raises against alternative therapies involve claims of efficacy that are either unproven or proven false, things that are known to be actively dangerous, and the lamentable lack of quality control in preparing alternative medications. I think you're quite wrong to dismiss it.


New Member
Jul 7, 2009
Found a "Blue Man"


I am new to this site and to this topic so please correct me if I am wrong on this. I started do some research into the use of colloidal silver and one of the first things I came across was a Youtube video of a man who turned blue from using colloidal silver.
One of the posts I read said this had not happened in "years and years". This video is dated Dec. 2007. Can someone please explain this case? Is it a fake? Here's the link for the Youtube video.
YouTube - The Dangers of Colloidal Silver


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
First, Welcome to Canadian Content Forums stmickey!!!

Second, I think I can answer your question with respect to time frames.
The post above yours (the last one before yours) is dated Oct 5th, 2007.

Your video is dated Dec 2007, so it would have been published since the
last post was made on this Thread. Therefore, the statement that "this had
not happened in years and years" could have been an accurate statement
at that time. Trippy, eh? 8O


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Colloidal Silver
By Ken Adachi <>
[SIZE=+1]January 17, 2001[/SIZE]
Due to FDA assertions that colloidal silver (CS) is now considered a drug and under their jurisdiction, we have removed Colloidal Silver products from our Products page, but our Deluxe Colloidal Silver Generators are still available, so you can make your own. The present deal with the FDA is this: If you publish articles about all the wonderful things that colloidal silver can do for you, you can't make the colloidal silver itself available because-according to the FDA-you would be making "unsubstantiated medical claims". If you don't post any information about the health benefits of CS, you therefore aren't making ''medical claims", and they won't bother you. I've decided to leave the CS articles in place and encourage you to obtain your own generator. You can always obtain much more information about CS products by sending an E mail to the Editor at
[SIZE=+1]November 20, 2001[/SIZE]
The FTC is now trying to intimidate all web sites that make CS available with legal sanctions. We have removed all articles from this web site which indicates any therapeutic benefits from colloidal silver, ozone, or Eewahkee. They do make excellent paperweights however. You might want to consider getting some unusual paperweights. Interested parties should contact the Editor at if you desire more information.


New Member
Nov 17, 2010
If anyone knows anything about drugs you will know these scumbags at the pharmaceuticals do everything to fight natural cures. In this case all they have is a couple of people turning blue, they couldn't even come up with a single health risk... these people took 200-3000 times the prescribed amount and they are 1 out of billions. Who gives a **** anyway, being blue ain't that bad.

HC is a total farce. Do you know why people turn to CS, because you can't get a doctor in Canada. The drug companies and the laser machine companies have lobbied our govts and took away all essential services so they can sell us a $2000 laser package .. I called a few derms in Toronto and they were booking for 1 year later and they suggested laser treatments for warts. Does that sound normal ? Nigeria has better health care.

You want the truth about CS , go to you tube. people aren't even selling, they are teaching you how to make it. Even the guy who turned blue says the thing works great.