Time to call the CCP's bluff. Their navy is nothing more than a paper tiger and they know it. No functional aircraft carriers. No stealth fighters. Well, they do have one but it's missing one important element to being a stealth fighter, stealth. Their naval radars tend to overheat and shutdown when put under simulated full combat stress. Their command and control is highly centralized, as most militaries ruled by extremist dickheads tend to be. This means there's no flexibility and if the command and control ship is sunk or severely damaged, the rest of the fleet becomes target practice.
The West has an idiotic habit of taking the claims of the CCP and Russia (and before that the USSR) at face value. Yet time and time again their claims of superior weaponry have proven to be nothing more than mental masturbations designed to cow Westerners into letting them do what they want without challenge.
How many times has Putin threatened to let the nukes fly if some arbitrary line of his was crossed? And how many nukes has he fired off? Now he's trying to ramp it up a notch by having nuclear weapons drills for the tactical nuke force.
The CCP does the same shit sans the nuclear dick-waving. And Xi is engaging in obfuscation when he says that Taiwan is part of China. While it is technically a province of the Republic of China, it is NOT a province of the People's Republic of China. A difference with a distinction that the UN refuses to acknowledge because China is a permanent member of the UNSC.
Once again I argue that the UN (and ALL of its organs) is an illegitimate organization, elected by no-one, answerable to no-one, and unable to control its own Security Council members. Why do we listen to anything those shit fucks tell us?! Now they wanna give Palestine statehood as a reward for 76 years of terrorist warfare and multiple calls for exterminating the Jews.
In 1974 I remember thinking with wonderment how amazing things would be in 50 years. Too bad it's amazingly stupid. I really miss 1974.