Cdn Vets Joining The Fight Against ISIS


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Several former Canadian soldiers plan to join Kurds to combat Islamic State militants in coming weeks, Canadian media reported on Friday, bolstering the ranks of foreigners fighting alongside the group.

Canadian vets plan to join Kurdish fight against Islamic State | Reuters

I am opposed.

While there is no doubt that if anyone deserves to die it's these Muslim fanatics raping and murdering their way across the Middle East and I genuinely sympathise with former troop wanting to get back into the fight........but......if we tell all the hyphenated Canadians they can't go how can we turn around and let the real Canadians they can?

No good ever comes from these never ending Islamic wars and trying to help over there is about as pointless as a porn storyline.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
if we tell all the hyphenated Canadians they can't go how can we turn around and let the real Canadians they can?

So far we havent told the hyphenated ones they cant. I read a case last week of a hyphenated one who has no military history who has joined the Kurds. We've said they can't join ISIS or other similar groups, but thats about it.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
So far we havent told the hyphenated ones they cant. I read a case last week of a hyphenated one who has no military history who has joined the Kurds. We've said they can't join ISIS or other similar groups, but thats about it.

It is only illegal for a Canadian to fight with a known terror organization (as defined by the Canadian government) or a country or group fighting against Canada or its allies.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
So far we havent told the hyphenated ones they cant. I read a case last week of a hyphenated one who has no military history who has joined the Kurds. We've said they can't join ISIS or other similar groups, but thats about it.

As one example, the PKK is listed terrorist organistation that any vet turned merc would inevitably wind up fighting alongside making it absolutely no different than some Somali-Canadian fighting with ISIS.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Can't find enough Muslims to fight in the Muslim wars so outsiders have to be imported? What a way to run a war.

Perhaps their English will make them a quarter-master of something away from the front lines and how many people get to move around pallets of money for 'the boys on the front line'.
Same job Black-water did a few years back so the wages are probably $250,000 tax free per year. If they are going to crawl through the trenches then I'm a little disappointed in their career choice. Would that evaporate after the war ot would ISIS still need the supply lines and crew just move some different product, like Afghan heroin and all the fun toys that NATO likes.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It is only illegal for a Canadian to fight with a known terror organization (as defined by the Canadian government) or a country or group fighting against Canada or its allies.
Like the elected Government of Syria? (even though technically they are defending themselves against outside vagression from nations like Canada. When do we label ourselves terrorists?