Several former Canadian soldiers plan to join Kurds to combat Islamic State militants in coming weeks, Canadian media reported on Friday, bolstering the ranks of foreigners fighting alongside the group.
Canadian vets plan to join Kurdish fight against Islamic State | Reuters
I am opposed.
While there is no doubt that if anyone deserves to die it's these Muslim fanatics raping and murdering their way across the Middle East and I genuinely sympathise with former troop wanting to get back into the fight........but......if we tell all the hyphenated Canadians they can't go how can we turn around and let the real Canadians they can?
No good ever comes from these never ending Islamic wars and trying to help over there is about as pointless as a porn storyline.
Canadian vets plan to join Kurdish fight against Islamic State | Reuters
I am opposed.
While there is no doubt that if anyone deserves to die it's these Muslim fanatics raping and murdering their way across the Middle East and I genuinely sympathise with former troop wanting to get back into the fight........but......if we tell all the hyphenated Canadians they can't go how can we turn around and let the real Canadians they can?
No good ever comes from these never ending Islamic wars and trying to help over there is about as pointless as a porn storyline.