Canadian Election Debate on CSPAN-2

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: Interesting Broadcast

FiveParadox said:
I am surprised that the public affairs channel in the United States would air our leaders' debate; I was under the impression that the Governmental landscape in Canada was not of any particular interest to a majority of citizens of the United States.

Au contrare, mon frere, with my anscestors buried in Canadien Soil, we are keenly aware of wht is happening in the Mother Country!

A small part of Vieux Canada lives in Acadien Louisiane, we are you lost province, please claim us before the Hurricanes take us and scatters us in the Duxieme Derangement.

We are watching on Jan. 24.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
We certainly don't want their hurricane land; they can keep that, thanks. Otherwise, they are more than free to apply to immigrate here...