Canadian border ‘most likely entry point’ for terrorists, U.S. Congress hears


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
Probably the same ones that are friends of mine.

You're more diplomatic than I.

And you would've really loved Tober, lol.

Could be.;)

Well, I have to be.;)

And no, I probably wouldn't have. I would have banned him and not thought twice about it. LOL!;)


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Shortly after 9/11 somebody, I think it was Hillary Clinton, said the terrorists came from Canada. Well, they didn't. The 9/11 perps flew into the U.S. from different places.......not Canada. Most of them had been in the U.S. for a week or two or longer. Some politicians even called our border leaky. The thing is, that ultimately, it is the U.S. border that is leaky. We don't let people through the U.S. border, the U.S. does.

Muricans..........It is scary that such high profile and positioned one's are so uninformed..............

At a border conference in Washington, DC, on Monday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was giving an interview to the CBC’s Neil Macdonald when she upset Canadian government officials by seeming to reinforce the false story that 9/11 hijackers entered the U.S. through Canada.

The former Arizona governor was asked by Macdonald why there was a "need for same level of security on the Canadian border as on the Mexican border given two drastically different realities?"

Responded Napolitano, "the law says the borders are the borders and these are the kind of things that have to be done at the borders." She added that "Canada is not Mexico, it doesn’t have a drug war going on, it didn’t have 6,000 homicides that were drug-related last year. Nonetheless, to the extent that terrorists have come into our country or suspected or known terrorists have entered our country across a border, it’s been across the Canadian border. There are real issues there."

Asked Macdonald: "Are you talking about the 9/11 perpetrators?"

"Not just those but others as well," Napolitano said.

But the 9/11 perpetrators did not come into the US from across the Canadian border.

Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Wilson Tuesday told reporters that "unfortunately, misconceptions arise on something as fundamental as where the 9-11 terrorists came from."

Wilson said that "as the 9/11 Commission reported in 2004, all of the 9/11 terrorists arrived in the United States from outside North America. They flew to major U.S. airports. They entered the U.S. with documents issued by the United States government and no 9/11 terrorists came from Canada."

Napolitano is hardly the first US politician to walk this path. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., told Fox News Channel’s Hannity & Colmes in 2005 that "far more of the 9/11 terrorists came across from Canada than from Mexico." Gingrich later apologized to the Canadian Ambassador.

William Elliot, Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, told the Toronto Star, "my initial reaction frankly is I was a little bit surprised and somewhat disappointed that the secretary isn’t better informed.",d.b2I


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012

Somebody gave my last post a thumbs down?

Wonder if that is really intended for Napolitano, Hillary, Michael Wilson, Newt or William Elliot...?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007

Somebody gave my last post a thumbs down?

Wonder if that is really intended for Napolitano, Hillary, Michael Wilson, Newt or William Elliot...?
meh don't sweat it, if you get reds around here it just means there's truth in your post that has rubbed someone the wrong way


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2012

Somebody gave my last post a thumbs down?

Wonder if that is really intended for Napolitano, Hillary, Michael Wilson, Newt or William Elliot...?
The only thumbs down I get are always from the same person, it doesn't bother me if he has a hate on for me. I'm safe from him my name isn't really Christianna.