Canadian aboriginal land dispute turns violent

Canadian with a hyphen

Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2006
OTTAWA, May 22 (Xinhua) -- Tensions escalated again at the site of an aboriginal protest in Southern Ontario, Canada, after clashes between native and non-native locals erupted into violence on Monday.

Ontario Provincial Police officers separated the two sides Monday afternoon, lining up in a pair of columns to keep them apart on Highway 6, the main road running through Caledonia, a small town very close to the Six Nations reserve.

Earlier, a number of native, non-native demonstrators and police officers were injured in scuffles as two large backhoes dug up a section of road in front of the native blockade.

Tempers reached the boiling point just a few hours after what had seemed to be a breakthrough in a five-week standoff over the construction of a subdivision on land the aboriginal protesters claim is their land.

Barricades that the Six Nations protesters had erected on April 20 on Highway 6 came down early Monday as a Victoria Day gesture of goodwill to help with talks to end the dispute.

However, traffic was still being impeded because several dozen non-aboriginal protesters had set up a human barricade of their own.

That led to a scuffle between native and non-native demonstrators. Six Nations members then rushed to set up a new barrier.

The non-native blockade began Friday night, as part of a weekly demonstration by members of the community frustrated about the barricade that has been in place for almost five weeks.

At one point, shouting, pushing and shoving broke out as a vehicle tried to get through the new barricade. Some people from the opposing sides traded punches, and each side accused the other of using racial slurs.

The Six Nations community claims the land on which the subdivision was being built was never signed away by their ancestors, but was illegally taken from them 200 years ago.

Former Ontario premier David Peterson, who was appointed at the end of April to help resolve the standoff, arrived at the scene late Monday. He appealed for calm, saying he hoped cooler heads would prevail and that demonstrators from both sides would go home.

Peterson has said it was crucial that the Caledonia dispute be ended responsibly because it was being watched by native groups across North America. Enditem

Editor: Luan Shanglin from
How do u guys think this dipute will be solved?

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Jersay said:
Totally support the natives in their protest.
So you support the natives breaking the law? Setting Fires to tires, vehicles and assualting Police Officers..


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
If you see it that way. I see people protesting the taking of their land. And the other side of this has broken the law just as much as the native protestors but nothing from you or people who support these kinds of people who were the ones who were wrestling with the Police Officers not the Native.

It was the non-natives who were fighting the cops.


Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Jersay said:
If you see it that way. I see people protesting the taking of their land. And the other side of this has broken the law just as much as the native protestors but nothing from you or people who support these kinds of people who were the ones who were wrestling with the Police Officers not the Native.

It was the non-natives who were fighting the cops.

The Turn of The Tables...
Monday, May 22, 2006
Funny how quickly the tables turn, and the Natives are faced with the same things that White residents of Caledonia, Ontario were faced with. Having had enough of the bullshit, residents of the town decided to set up roadblocks of their own, preventing Natives from accessing their land. That Natives didn't like it. Apparently, blocking the Native's access was racist. The Whites weren't allowing the Natives to cross. The horror!

The Native spokesperson said things like; "They're making it an issue of hate crimes and race, which we never ever did," and, "Any inconvenience the aboriginal blockade may have caused area residents is negligible, compared to the hundreds of years of abuse and neglect experienced by Six Nations members." (How about the last 30 years of you guys getting whatever the hell you want, while we pay your way. You use the healthcare, roads, and social programs that you don't pay for. You get all the hunting and fishing you want. And, to top it all off, you accuse Non-Natives of being abusive, negligent and racist - because they blocked your access...

The Corporal sums up the whole situation damn well. I couldn't have said it better myself..


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
So the non-natives are just as criminal as the natives. Why thank you Johnny boy for stating that clearly for us. So I hope to see the whole Caledonia town be shipped off for breaking the law like you state about the native Johnny Boy.

Get bent, its their land, and if they have to protest over it it is their right as is the right of non-natives to peacefully protest.

Last time I checked the only ones going around with weapons were non native shits so your argument holds no water.

But I do hope your non-native boys, and Corporals non-native boys do something real stupid. I hope they do. Because the world is watching and they will see which is the peaceful force and which isn't.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
In basics I have to agree with Jersey. Being Cherokee/Chawktaw I was brought up knowing then racism of the States. My Mom was born on the res in oklahoma. She made us swear as we were younger not to claim our heratage. And here I am now learning Shamanism.

The part that disturbs me is that there has been violence. The Pagan way (Aboriginal is apart of Paganism) is a peaceful walk. Their gut instincts are that of the pacifist.

People usually fight because they are scared. They feel up against a wall with no way out. Personally I feel if the Aboriginies continue on their historical path of Peace. They will be heard, because the other side will look hurtful in the eyes of the world.

Hope thate made sense.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Agreed the ones that started the fighting were some non-native radicals. Up until that time, when the violence occured and the natives responded, unlike what Johnny Boy would want you to believe, the natives were peacefully protesting which is a right in Canada. Maybe not in America but in Canada it is a right.

So as long as they do not stray from non-violent protests, Natives hold the moral ground always above racist non-native radicals who don't want to even recognize them and give them any rights.

As long as Natives are peaceful the world will side with them.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
You are trying to tell me that digging up a road with a backhoe and lighting fire to tires, vans and pulling down a Hydro Tower is their right?


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
After reading this article I think They followed the Shaman way, Which is that when a conflict appears its always best to step back and reflect. (my hardest lesson to learn).

It says the tower was already down and the aboriginies used it as a barracade. It says the electric was cut BUT it doesnt say by who. It says talks that were to occur today where canceled and that the aboriginies where the first to offer a gesture in Peace.

Ugly scene at protest

Six Nations protesters stand atop their barricade on Tuesday. (Nathan Denette/CP)
Hundreds of town residents turned up Monday and barred access to the site. The scene turned ugly when a van driven by a Six Nations protester tried to force its way through the locals, prompting a fist fight.

Several native and non-native demonstrators were injured in scuffles after natives blocked the highway with the electrical transmission tower taken from a construction site and then used backhoes to tear a shallow trench across the road in front of their blockade.

The non-native blockade began Friday night, as part of a weekly demonstration by members of the community frustrated about the barricade that has been in place for almost five weeks.

One non-native protester denied that residents had made the situation worse by coming out to face the natives.

"We're not provoking the situation," Jeff MacNeil told CBC News early Tuesday.

"We're just treating them the same way they're treating us — refusing them access to various things, like, 'We're not allowed over there? OK, you can't come over here.' "

Many First Nations watching dispute

Peterson told CBC Newsworld the Caledonia dispute is being watched by native groups across North America.

"Don't underestimate the significance," he said. "All of us were praying and working hard to ensure that something ugly didn't develop out of this, like an Oka or a Wounded Knee or something like that."

In a development that seemed to underline Peterson's concerns, members of First Nations in the North Battleford area of Saskatchewan set up a short-lived blockade of their own at a major highway near the community Monday afternoon.

As in all things theres two sides and neither are the truth. Acting like small children playing cowboys and indians doesnt help. And its NOT the way of the Aboriginies to be violent. Not as a whole. BUT push a man to the brink of extinction with hatred and ignorance, I think even I might be tempted to resort to Fear based actions.

I hope that makes a bit of sense

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Jersay said:
Totally support the natives in their protest.

Gotta agree with you, Jersay, finally! :D

I've known about the Grand River Land claim for as long as I can remember, and I know next to nothing about Native issues. That tells me they've been being put on a back burner for decades.


New Member
May 23, 2006
Jersay said:
Totally support the natives in their protest.

We have military forces. Let's use them to remove the protesters. Nothing speaks louder than the mailed fist. Let us show the natives what we think of their land claims yes?


New Member
May 23, 2006
Just the Facts said:
Jersay said:
Totally support the natives in their protest.

Gotta agree with you, Jersay, finally! :D

I've known about the Grand River Land claim for as long as I can remember, and I know next to nothing about Native issues. That tells me they've been being put on a back burner for decades.

The natives are a conquered people. Let them learn to accept this fact by simply conquering them AGAIN.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
FascistCanuck said:
Jersay said:
Totally support the natives in their protest.

We have military forces. Let's use them to remove the protesters. Nothing speaks louder than the mailed fist. Let us show the natives what we think of their land claims yes?

Okie Dokie. Your from Texas right?

If you read the article you'll see the Aboriginies walked away in Peace ;) Nice guys Eh? They felt fighting wasnt getting anyone anywhere. How dare they figure out a Peaceful ending!


New Member
May 23, 2006
selfactivated said:
After reading this article I think They followed the Shaman way, Which is that when a conflict appears its always best to step back and reflect. (my hardest lesson to learn).

It says the tower was already down and the aboriginies used it as a barracade. It says the electric was cut BUT it doesnt say by who. It says talks that were to occur today where canceled and that the aboriginies where the first to offer a gesture in Peace.

Ugly scene at protest

Six Nations protesters stand atop their barricade on Tuesday. (Nathan Denette/CP)
Hundreds of town residents turned up Monday and barred access to the site. The scene turned ugly when a van driven by a Six Nations protester tried to force its way through the locals, prompting a fist fight.

Several native and non-native demonstrators were injured in scuffles after natives blocked the highway with the electrical transmission tower taken from a construction site and then used backhoes to tear a shallow trench across the road in front of their blockade.

The non-native blockade began Friday night, as part of a weekly demonstration by members of the community frustrated about the barricade that has been in place for almost five weeks.

One non-native protester denied that residents had made the situation worse by coming out to face the natives.

"We're not provoking the situation," Jeff MacNeil told CBC News early Tuesday.

"We're just treating them the same way they're treating us — refusing them access to various things, like, 'We're not allowed over there? OK, you can't come over here.' "

Many First Nations watching dispute

Peterson told CBC Newsworld the Caledonia dispute is being watched by native groups across North America.

"Don't underestimate the significance," he said. "All of us were praying and working hard to ensure that something ugly didn't develop out of this, like an Oka or a Wounded Knee or something like that."

In a development that seemed to underline Peterson's concerns, members of First Nations in the North Battleford area of Saskatchewan set up a short-lived blockade of their own at a major highway near the community Monday afternoon.

As in all things theres two sides and neither are the truth. Acting like small children playing cowboys and indians doesnt help. And its NOT the way of the Aboriginies to be violent. Not as a whole. BUT push a man to the brink of extinction with hatred and ignorance, I think even I might be tempted to resort to Fear based actions.

I hope that makes a bit of sense

I should like to remind all Canadians that this country is called CANADA, not the SIX NATIONS. Enough with the land claims. This being pushed around by such an irrelevant force such as these 'natives' must end and do so with the business ends of our military's assault rifles pointed squarely at the rabble-rousers. There are people trying to get to work. Their ability to earn a living is being affected. Businesses are suffering, all over a land claim that had been settled over 100 years ago? Please people. Get a grip. It is time to show these 'natives' who the boss is.


New Member
May 23, 2006
selfactivated said:
FascistCanuck said:
Jersay said:
Totally support the natives in their protest.

We have military forces. Let's use them to remove the protesters. Nothing speaks louder than the mailed fist. Let us show the natives what we think of their land claims yes?

Okie Dokie. Your from Texas right?

If you read the article you'll see the Aboriginies walked away in Peace ;) Nice guys Eh? They felt fighting wasnt getting anyone anywhere. How dare they figure out a Peaceful ending!

Yet they returned and once again erected a barricade. Why? I should be most interested in the answer. We as Canadians grow weary of these Six Nations holding us hostage. They are given BILLIONS of $$ per year although they do not pay taxes, nor have they ever. This gives us the very right to steamroll their very reservations into oblivion. We have 'paid' for 'their land' many times over. It is not the government's fault there is so much corruption in the ranks of 'native' authority. Chiefs and their cronies have been squirreling away hundreds of millions of YOUR hard-earned money. This needs to end immediately. Force is the answer. A native will never believe erecting barricades which effect a community's economic well-being is worthy with Canadian Leopard I tanks pointing their turrets at them. Solution discovered. Solution enacted. End of discussion.


New Member
May 23, 2006
I would ask that those who read the article as posted at the beginning of this thread look at its source. China. You are posting news from Chinese news agencies? That would have been no different from posting news from Tass regarding our natives. You do understand the communist Chinese media is a propaganda outlet yes? I ask that next time you post something, please be sure it does not originate from Xinhua. That is a propaganda agency for the communists. Big surprise. Communists speaking up for the 'poor, downtrodden natives'.
I would challenge anyone to visit a native reservation. See how they live. Everything they own was paid for by you and I. The land claims can kiss my ass. I have been to the Northwest Territory city of Yellowknife. I lived there for one year. The natives up there lived like kings. Brand-new homes. Brand-new trucks. Brand-new snowmobiles. All paid for by you and I. Yet you would expect the average Canadian taxpayer who works his/her ass off to earn a living should feel sympathetic towards such individuals? You do understand the natives need not work a single day in their lives yes? We are supporting them and their drinking habits. This needs to end pronto. We must remove them from the reservations and absorb them into Canadian society. Assimilate their asses by force if necessary.