Canada inches toward private medicine


Electoral Member
Jun 16, 2005
Re: RE: Canada inches toward

Vanni Fucci said:
Reverend Blair said:
In the end, it will cost you more, Jay. A lot more. The care you get may or may not improve, depending on your financial situation and the benefits package your employer gives you. For millions of Canadians, the quality of care will sink even further though.

...and I can hardly wait until companies start to lay people off because they can't afford to pay for their employees' healthcare insurance... oh man, won't that be a f*cking treat... :evil:

That's not always what happens. Companies lose many employees due to attrition, and if it's a high-paid employee reaching retirement age, they may offer an incentive (golden parachute or other bonuses) for them to retire a little early.

Then, when the need becomes great enough - the company takes on temps and works them just enough hours to help the employees who are left, but not enough for benefits. It makes for no company loyalty and massive dissatisfaction.

Bull Dog

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Canada inches toward

bulldog said:
That's not always what happens. Companies lose many employees due to attrition, and if it's a high-paid employee reaching retirement age, they may offer an incentive (golden parachute or other bonuses) for them to retire a little early.

Then, when the need becomes great enough - the company takes on temps and works them just enough hours to help the employees who are left, but not enough for benefits. It makes for no company loyalty and massive dissatisfaction.

Bull Dog

Yep...and just when things are as shitty as they can get, they ship all the jobs offshore and pretend they're doing the world a favour... :twisted:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Canada inches toward

Off-shore medical jobs are already a reality. You can get a new hip in India for about $15 K US. That's about the same as it costs here in Canada. Prices in the US can run up to $40K though. People who can't afford that figure it's worth the trip.