Can Canada Survive?

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: Can Canada Survive?

Toro said:
I think not said:
Toro said:
Derry McKinney said:
Grow up, Lawn Mower Man. I doubt the CIA would take anybody as inept as you. You stink like a neocon shill though...right down to the talking points and misinformation.

Where's the customary "Bush supporter!" shrill?

Join the club Toro, you're not the only one being accused of it.

They probably don't even know what a neocon is. Sure sounds cool though.

Yes, but the amusing thing about this is I don't even like Bush, nor have I ever voted republican, EVER! :?

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
They probably don't even know what a neocon is. Sure sounds cool though.

What an arrogant little twerp you are. I know what an neo-con is. I know all about Leo Strauss and his followers. I know about the Chicago school and its off-shoot the Calgary school. I know that most of the world calls the insane economic theories that you guys follow neo-liberalism. Did you know that one of the foremost scholars on Straussian politics in the world is a prof at the University of Regina?

So far in this thread you've managed to show that you know nothing of Canadian politics. In other threads you've demonstrated ignorance of other kinds.

Your cheerleader here, Mr. Can't Think, spends most of his time screaming, "anti-American," every time somebody dares to point out the policies of your country in a negative light. Why don't you join him in his off-key, tone-deaf chorus? Oh wait, you already have.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Derry McKinney said:
Mr. Can't Think, spends most of his time screaming, "anti-American," every time somebody dares to point out the policies of your country in a negative light. Why don't you join him in his off-key, tone-deaf chorus? Oh wait, you already have.

I have an idea, show me a post for anything positive you have said about the US, ANYTHING, on ANY topic and then I'll agree with you I'm Mr Can't Think.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: Can Canada Survive?

Derry McKinney said:
Someplace or other I mentioned liking Marlboros. Guess it's time to change your name.

Case and point, you're a model anti-American. Hence a bigot. And the worst kind to boot. You get paid for it.

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
I'm just a goat farmer from Saskatchewan, Never Think. I get paid by the or meat.

Your sensitivity about your country, likely because of its indefensible criminal acts, is kind of sad. You do have Marlboros though.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: Can Canada Survive?

Derry McKinney said:
I'm just a goat farmer from Saskatchewan, Never Think. I get paid by the or meat.

Cut the crap Rev, I got barked at from Peapod claiming you know your shit because you do research for a living.

Your sensitivity about your country, likely because of its indefensible criminal acts, is kind of sad. You do have Marlboros though.

Alot of it is indefensible, I have said that repeatedly, but thats not enough for you. I have to trash everything that comes out of the US, only THAT is good enough for you. Well too bad you have to wake up and see us on every corner. Better luck in your next lifetime. In the meantime, please continue to engage in your self-promoting blather.


New Member
Jun 1, 2005
What is it exactly that everyone finds so scary about Steven Harper? Is it because he wants smaller government? Is it because he wants you to keep more of your money and pay less taxes? Is it because he thinks parents should be given tax credits for you to decide the best options for your child care (including stay at home parents)? Is it because he thinks Canada is actually a democracy? Please someone enlighten me!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
You know what...never mind...this is all to familar :roll:

Read the thread, you should be able to see why we do not want steven harper running the government.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Can Canada Survive?

KariLynne said:
What is it exactly that everyone finds so scary about Steven Harper? Is it because he wants smaller government? Is it because he wants you to keep more of your money and pay less taxes? Is it because he thinks parents should be given tax credits for you to decide the best options for your child care (including stay at home parents)? Is it because he thinks Canada is actually a democracy? Please someone enlighten me!

It's because he and his caucus are bigots and zealots, and would legislate away the Charter of Rights and Freedoms...

It's because he opposes the Kyoto Accord, and denies the effects of global warming, or that global warming is caused by greenhouse gas emissions produced by his corporate sponsors...

It's because he would gladly cut taxes to corporations and the richest segments of our society at the expense of social programs...

It's because he is for deep integration with the US, which, under the current administration is just frightening...

It's because he would scrap the Canada Health Act in favour of privatizating healthcare after the US model...

It's because his party, while they try to maintain a facade of incorruptability, is starting to show that they are just as prone to corruption as any other...

It's because he has rightly taken the name of Dithers from Paul Martin...


New Member
Jun 1, 2005
Oh Okay you don't know.......You just hate keeping your money, let me ask you are you sad when the end of June rolls around and you start working for yourself?


Senate Member
Derry McKinney said:
They probably don't even know what a neocon is. Sure sounds cool though.

What an arrogant little twerp you are. I know what an neo-con is. I know all about Leo Strauss and his followers. I know about the Chicago school and its off-shoot the Calgary school. I know that most of the world calls the insane economic theories that you guys follow neo-liberalism. Did you know that one of the foremost scholars on Straussian politics in the world is a prof at the University of Regina?

So far in this thread you've managed to show that you know nothing of Canadian politics. In other threads you've demonstrated ignorance of other kinds.

Your cheerleader here, Mr. Can't Think, spends most of his time screaming, "anti-American," every time somebody dares to point out the policies of your country in a negative light. Why don't you join him in his off-key, tone-deaf chorus? Oh wait, you already have.

"Wah! Wah! Mommy, there's a new kid at on the playground! And he's mean Mommy! Make him stop. I called him all sorts of names, Mommy, but he wouldn't play the way I wanted! Wah! Wah!"

Neo-liberalism. Neocons. Neo-jargon. "The Calgary School." "The Chicago School." Did you go to school? Not if you're making that connection.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Well toro, we will take up your latest signature with andem...are you trying to create something?? Be more creative than, that looks like a personal attack to me, but I will run it by the wizard, before I get my fathers belt. :twisted:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Yes Joe karilynne is trollin, kept it up karri, and I don't care if you burned down your school gym on prom night, you will be banned if all your here to do is troll...

Derry...Please stop trying to bait these guys, you have the intelligence and knowledge, your wasting it falling into this dumb ass trap. So Derry lets get a handle on the insults.

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
I'm not baiting anyone, Peapod...just calling them on their bullshit and lies.

Neo-liberalism. Neocons. Neo-jargon. "The Calgary School." "The Chicago School." Did you go to school? Not if you're making that connection.

What connection is that? The well known fact that Leo Strauss is considered the father of neo-conservatism? The fact that his American followers are generally referred to as the Chicago School because that's where he taught his stupid theories...including the ones about lying to people and using jingoism and religion to keep the population in line? The fact that his Canadian followers are generally known as the Calgary School because of nutbags, including Stephen Harper, who were connected with the U of C?

You have a lot to learn, Lawnmower Man. The first thing you should learn is that people don't buy your crap the way rich Floridian rednecks do.

The Philosopher

Nominee Member
If I remember Leo Strauss best he believed in the "ultimate" limitation of power. Not only did he want the powers of state limited he wanted the powers of the individual limited. He did not think that democracy could be trusted. The reason for this is that democracy has no goal, no end, no common denomination to move to. When you say, "Why do you support freedom" you have no real unifying answer.

Instead all you have is a division of powers and division of interests. John Nash, the famed economists said that you have to all do something different but act in the common interest to gain the ultimate achievement. Unfortunately with everyone doing different things they cannot get anywhere neat this.

So this Neo-con school justified lying to the people on the basis that the people will always do what is wrong. Leo Strauss started that the most important and the only important thing for the government is the economy. The government DOES NOT need to do anything else. This is one justification for a strong limited authoritarian rule.

This school interested a lot of people because although Leo Strauss did not write it he was an old-fashioned kind of guy who did not take to those foreign interests (European free culture).

In his class was Flannigan, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz. Flannigan came to Canada to teach, Harper was one of his students. The major link is that Flannigan became a backer of the Reform Party and remains a supporter of the Conservatives.

Where the pillows gets dirty is when Flannigan wrote a book named "First Nations? Second Thoughts" with many suggestive themes about natives. None of it was truly offensive, but it stated positions that a lot of people tend to agree with but few want to say it outside of circles. One point is that we are a multicultural society so we should work that way and not differentiate between two status quos.

Two problems, first it was written with full funding from the Liberals (either they didn't look far into the project or they simply did not care). Second is that when this book actually came out (around 2000), a lot of liberals when asked agreed with most of the points. The media showed a general unrepairable "falling out" with the natives who have always voted in droves for liberals.

Leo Strauss was not a moron, and neither was Tom Flanigan. They know what people wanted and as Leo Strauss said, "you warp it so it fits to the goal."

Do I support Leo Strauss' teachings? Of course not. I believe in people being open and truthful (which is why I'm dissatisfied about this Grewal thing since one of them is obviously lying).

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
According to the lawnmower man, everything you just wrote is jargon, Philosopher.

If I remember Leo Strauss best he believed in the "ultimate" limitation of power. Not only did he want the powers of state limited he wanted the powers of the individual limited. He did not think that democracy could be trusted. The reason for this is that democracy has no goal, no end, no common denomination to move to. When you say, "Why do you support freedom" you have no real unifying answer.

He also very much believed in an elite ruling class. When you look at the US system and, to a lesser extent, what has happened in Canada, the influence of his teachings is clear.

This school interested a lot of people because although Leo Strauss did not write it he was an old-fashioned kind of guy who did not take to those foreign interests (European free culture).

In his class was Flannigan, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz. Flannigan came to Canada to teach, Harper was one of his students. The major link is that Flannigan became a backer of the Reform Party and remains a supporter of the Conservatives.

Straussian theory is still taught today and has become a major force in some circles. Many poli-sci profs come from the Straussian school.

While Flannigan was a student of Strauss, he didn't land in the Reform Party by accident. In fact he was welcomed in by like-minded people, most significantly Stephen Harper, and has a lot of influence in radical-right politics in Canada.

Where the pillows gets dirty is when Flannigan wrote a book named "First Nations? Second Thoughts" with many suggestive themes about natives. None of it was truly offensive, but it stated positions that a lot of people tend to agree with but few want to say it outside of circles. One point is that we are a multicultural society so we should work that way and not differentiate between two status quos.

I found it truly offensive. It revealed Flannigan to be an unabashed racist who wanted to destroy international-level treaties. He was pandering to small-town bigotry.

Two problems, first it was written with full funding from the Liberals (either they didn't look far into the project or they simply did not care). Second is that when this book actually came out (around 2000), a lot of liberals when asked agreed with most of the points. The media showed a general unrepairable "falling out" with the natives who have always voted in droves for liberals.

I didn't see those as problems, I found them to be very revealing. It wasn't "a lot of Liberals", it was a very specific group of Liberals...the right wing of the party. The Martinites. Much of the continued native support for the Liberals stemmed from the Trudeau years, specifically Jean Chretien's time as Minister of Indian Affairs. The right side of the party didn't realize the importance of that support. Watching Martin's meetings with Native leaders this week, it is apparent that he has now recognized the importance of aboriginal support, especially in Quebec and on the prairies.

Leo Strauss was not a moron, and neither was Tom Flanigan. They know what people wanted and as Leo Strauss said, "you warp it so it fits to the goal."

Nope, and I never said they were. They are very frightening people and everybody should be aware of them, their associates, and their followers. People should also be aware that many of their ideas have crept from the radical right to the right side of the Liberals.


New Member
Jun 1, 2005
I'm not sure what trollin' is. I'm sorry I didn't realize that you couldn't post opposing opinions on this site. Ithought this was a place where you could discuss the present political situation.