Calling all Cannuks!: About your music


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
Yes Paula Anka is from Canada, Ottawa actually, but I don't really consider him a Canadian artist as he has lived most of his life in L.A.

Ok really I don't consider him an artist at all..hate his music hahahha


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Hate 'em all! Actually maybe not Gordon Lightfoot, he does have that ONE good song about that ship being beched or something.

Did you like that song because it was about an American ship? Lightfoot wrote a lot of good songs. Tell me, do you consider rap to be music? There is no shortage of good Canadian music. Only you are concerned about it.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Michael Crawford - Phantom of the Opera

Oscar Peterson - Jazz pianist


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Isn't Michael Crawford English?

I'm not sure but he was living in Kits in Vancouver when he took on Phantom.

Edit: don't hold me to that. I read it quite some time ago that he lived in Kits prior to Phantom but see no reference to it now. I do see he is English.
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Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Speaking of Phantom of the Opera, ex-Phantom Jeff Hyslop now resides in Campbell River BC and produces stage shows for our local Tidemark Theatre.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.

Ah yes, another troll.

We get a lot of them.

But, to press on:

Cape Breton fiddling music (if you like Celtic/Maritime music) has to be some of the best of it's type. But, then again, no type of music was specified, just that ours' sucked.

Flat picking guitar: JP Cormier
Fiddle: Buddy McMaster, Natalie McMaster, .......The list of these fantastic fiddlers goes on and on. Too many to name.

Canadians sort of take the *****y stuff which passes for music in other places and improve on it. Then we send our performers, entertainers, comedians, bands, out into the world to educate and elucidate as to what true talent is.

A lot of true genius such as Lightfoot, Conners, Lenny Breau, (tragic figure), Leona Boyd, Bruce Cockburn, Glenn Gould, can claim to be Canuck.

For a country with a (relatively) small population I think we do rather well musically.

Rather better than most. Way better than one which has a ground-dwelling worm eater as its emblem.




Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Celine Dion. Complain all we wish, she has more talent than most from anywhere.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
While we wait for the kiwi list:

Bryan Adams
Barenaked Ladies
Maynard Ferguson
Jeff Healey
Sarah MacLachlan
Alanis Morissette
Tom Cochrane - Red Rider
Eric Clapton
K D Lang


Nominee Member
Oct 24, 2006
I think he is- we got a few "heavy hitters" in the schmaltz-musik category

How bout the Tragically Hip? I kinda despise them but they're not exactly "pop=crap" so much

Ever heard of Big Sugar?? They, too, have a couple of decent tunes

Maybe the Philosopher Kings, if ya like that type of music- I don't, again, but they are musically really impressive

Triumph had some decent "classic rock" tunes, and Rik Emmet is prety damn impressive tho he is out of the "mainstream" with his current setup....

Anvil were wicked, and for some fine heavy metal, Exciter is damn good although they don't have too much material

How bout Voivod?? They are alright, too

And there's always Saga (if ya likes Prog-rock)

Or maybe Trooper, everyone loves raise a little hell (especially the Ontario NDP ;))

Thems some alright acts I think, not all my cup of tea but alright

OH and for "current" bands, I kinda dig some of Sloans stuff

Hmmm... I'm not sure if I shoul dare try some of these bands, some of the names sound a bit too much like the Crash test Dummies.


Nominee Member
Oct 24, 2006
Yes Paula Anka is from Canada, Ottawa actually, but I don't really consider him a Canadian artist as he has lived most of his life in L.A.

Ok really I don't consider him an artist at all..hate his music hahahha

I think Paul Anka is the dogs nutsack. He's so much better than Alana Myles or Andy Kim.


Nominee Member
Oct 24, 2006
Did you like that song because it was about an American ship?

Umm... no... I had no idea it was about an American ship. I'm not quite sure I understand where you are coming from here mate.

Lightfoot wrote a lot of good songs.

The only ones I've ever heard were pretty average at best

Tell me, do you consider rap to be music?

Hmmm... not really. I think it's all balls really.

There is no shortage of good Canadian music. Only you are concerned about it.

Well I did start this thread. And it's been resolved by reminding me on Neil Young, Paul Anka and Joni Mitchell. So there IS good Canadian music out there Yaaaay!


Nominee Member
Oct 24, 2006
Ah yes, another troll.

We get a lot of them.

But, to press on:

Cape Breton fiddling music (if you like Celtic/Maritime music) has to be some of the best of it's type. But, then again, no type of music was specified, just that ours' sucked.

Flat picking guitar: JP Cormier
Fiddle: Buddy McMaster, Natalie McMaster, .......The list of these fantastic fiddlers goes on and on. Too many to name.

Canadians sort of take the *****y stuff which passes for music in other places and improve on it. Then we send our performers, entertainers, comedians, bands, out into the world to educate and elucidate as to what true talent is.

A lot of true genius such as Lightfoot, Conners, Lenny Breau, (tragic figure), Leona Boyd, Bruce Cockburn, Glenn Gould, can claim to be Canuck.

For a country with a (relatively) small population I think we do rather well musically.

Rather better than most. Way better than one which has a ground-dwelling worm eater as its emblem.



Truekiwiwanker? gosh thats not very nice!I'm not trolling! I'm just an ordinary joker who was seriously wondering about the existence of good Canadian music and where to find this elusive entity. So who better to ask than you Cannucks?

I'm also confused about calling Gordon Lightfoot a Genius (?). Each and to their own in appreciation of him but c'mon mate he sang that Sundown thing1 And that read my mind thing!

And adding further to my sense of confusion is your claim that Canada has a relatively small population. On top of being prosperous and successful Canada is home to some [SIZE=-1]32,805,041 inhabitants and has one of the largest geographical areas. So Canada is actually a pretty big country.

So per head of population and per kilometer Canada does way worse than most, especially New Zealand. I mean weve established a whopping 3 acts! don't hate me! I'm not your enemy, hate your musicians!


New Member
Nov 7, 2006

I am a new forumer. This is my first time here in this forum. How do I make a new post? ^_^ This may seem dumb but I dunno what else to do...:(


Nominee Member
Oct 24, 2006
I am a new forumer. This is my first time here in this forum. How do I make a new post? ^_^ This may seem dumb but I dunno what else to do...:(

Just do what you just did mate, except try and think of some good musical acts from canada to add to the three we've established.