Karma.... I hear she's a bitch
I've had cats and dogs around since day 1. The first one was eating the leg off a pig while the pig was still running, that was a wolf so we stayed inside, being in diapers I wasn't allowed to use any gun. That changed when I was about 4 and the dog was a long coated Border-collie. The last dogs I had to put down when the new neighbors moved in and in their gated community mentality. $1,000 in tickets in two days because 'the friends' coming and going combined with the 'new rules' meant the dogs had to be put down simply because they were older and would not have adjusted well to any radical change and at the time I would gladly have kicked the lids out and kept the pets but the only option was to put them to sleep. Way out in the country I gassed them and then carried them to the deep grass and left them there. I will never own another dog just because in agreeing to have a pet it was sort of with the understanding the pet is their for life and that comes via old-age or an tragic accident. That 'agreement' had meant only being at that location for a few months and this was 12 years later and you cannot rent a pet friendly place at any price so there was no exit that way either. You do not want to know how that event went but the next day two white twisters came right over the same spot I left them in, that is the only part I want to remember of that time. Just a few months ago I had to also put down the cats that are in the photos of the house from hell (literally he came up through the sewer and was there for 14 years straight) This time I did the carbon monoxide in the back yard and buried them under a tree in the back yard (my first choice was to take them to the same forest location Buster and Frankie were left but that really was a day (2 days before eviction) that started off bad and just got worse, a lot worse and that is why I will never have a cat either. In hindsight being able to count (and have the cash to fix them all that don't get given away) having 12 all black cats would have filled the basement with money in the 30 days before Halloween. The first time a cop came to the back door he passed about 4 of them. I heard the was actually a bit spooked so dress the whole yard up and the whole town would be there to see the show. Well it didn't end that way apparently. I'll have to settle for a metal pet I guess as I doubt I will dread it's passing for two months and the hit the real low for another 30 days.
Even believing I will be like Job in that in gaining 2x what he lost he received all he had lost and then another increase of that same amount. Satan has a selection of weapons he can torment us with, limited by the word of God. If I am to have dominion over other flesh in the new earth then the ones I had dominion over in this life would automatically be the first ones I would 'retrieve' there. That would be in theory only and only hindsight will show what reality looks like that. 'The plan' would have had both the dogs and cats pass away via old age and me a year or so later.
The tombstones for the dogs and cats are in picture form, I'll try to make it part of the plot in the book I'm reading, I hear chapter 4 is exciting. Can I insist I be cuffed to the chair opposite my 'opponent'? (that would be so much fun) I was holding the dogs when they gave it up and standing beside the older gas powered truck that is rich in monoxide, Hardly a meow, that didn't make it one bit less dramatic internally.
Having to do something like that quickly is bad enough but the alive till they starved is the cruel part and is the impossible to forgive part in my world and I don't expect that to change anytime soon. And with that good-bye to this thread.
Does one mitigate the other?
Yes, babies are more important to us and to God so if we harbor the ones that mean less to us (and to God) then the babies are even more safe as quality of life is based on how well the least capable in society are doing compared to how well a few can live on the shoulders of many others. Only one method works if long term stability is factored in.