British soldier: "We cornered Taliban then US Apache pilot turned his gun on ME"


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
My Dad was in ww2 and had a saying - When the British fired their guns the Germans ducked, When the Germans fired theirs , the British ducked- But when the Americans fired theirs EVERYBODY DUCKED!


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
The two F-16s in question were flying at 12,000 feet when they saw rifle fire. Schmidt, the one who dropped the bomb on the Canadians said he was defending himself from rifle fire that was over two miles down. The guy was toking something because rifle fire would have been little danger to F-16s at 12,000 feet.

If he was toking I can assure you he would be doing barrle rolls many many miles away from anyone with guns. maybe a loop de loop as well and then land that puppy and cruise through a McDrivethrough claiming he is the Burger King and he demands to see the mayor with fries and a coke. :headbang: