Bringing the heavenly values to people

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In God we trust .. Praise be to God .. Glory be to God .. Thanks to God ..etc. Such great values have been diminished in the world of today.
Materialism has spread .. ignorance (in spite of graduation from universities) has prevailed .. values have been turned upside down.
Even at the time of danger, most people do not remember God to pray Him .. their minds have been occupied by lust, wine and adultery.

The Quran teaches people [as did the Torah and the Gospel before]..
The Quran is marvelous .. it cures the psychological disturbances of believers

The last segment of most of the ayat tells this.. to be inserted as a stated fact in the conscience of man:

The Quran starts with (In the name of God: Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

The terminal part of most of the Quran ayat tells people that:
49 ayat end with (God is the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful)

Other ayat end with (God is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing)
Others have their terminal segment telling that (God it the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
"God most merciful"? Your god is going to burn everybody who doesn't think like you. Your god is a psychopath. That is why you kiss his ass every day.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
.God actually does fuk up those who don,t get the message,however. There certainly is one God at least. the underlying sruff that keeps you erect in the material realm might be taken as God easily. The compacted descriptor God is universaly underdstood . Us humans need a center to swing arroud. God had better be pscopathic or he/she isan,t worth listening to.

adjective: psychopathic

  1. suffering from or constituting a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.
    "a psychopathic disorder"

    • informal
      abnormal and obsessive; manic.
      "an obsessive attention to detail that looked almost psychopathic"

  2. God has an obcessive attention to detail eh.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
.God actually does fuk up those who don,t get the message,however. There certainly is one God at least. the underlying sruff that keeps you erect in the material realm might be taken as God easily. The compacted descriptor God is universaly underdstood . Us humans need a center to swing arroud. God had better be pscopathic or he/she isan,t worth listening to.

adjective: psychopathic

  1. suffering from or constituting a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.
    "a psychopathic disorder"
    • informal
      abnormal and obsessive; manic.
      "an obsessive attention to detail that looked almost psychopathic"

  2. God has an obcessive attention to detail eh.
Pay attention to those details


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
When you write the beginning and the end before the middle does it really matter what happens in that part of the story as long as what needs to be done is done so the end can arrive like it should. The 'start from scratch' outlook should not be sneered at.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This actually fits here. Since the Clergy is close to God their breath of life is not needed in the body for them to feel the love of God. In the old days they would have been chased down and hung, now they get a raise and the victim has to still give them money every Sunday. I can see where a few changes might help the Flock down the road that is short of God having to show up.
As dioceses around the country are disclosing names of priests accused of misconduct, a law firm on Tuesday released a report containing the names of 212 Catholic Clergy members accused of sexual misconduct in the Bay Area.
The report, compiled by lawyers from Jeff Anderson and Associates based in St. Paul, Minn., accuses 135 offenders from the Archdiocese of San Francisco, 95 from the Diocese of Oakland and 33 from the Diocese of San Jose. A total of 111 of these priests are dead or thought to be dead.
It was initially reported that there were 263 names on the list but 51 of those names were duplicates, because some of the priests served in multiple diocese.
So why release the names? Because it’s important to let other survivors know that they weren’t alone, said Tom Emens, a sex abuse survivor, at a news conference in San Francisco.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

In a movie: a millionaire had cancer .. the doctor told him his remaining days are few .. I saw part of the movie .. the man is about to die, and even though he did not remember God .. he did not remember the afterlife .. what are these people .. erring and misguided!?

He must remember God his Creator, he should pray God to cure him, he should work every righteous work and charity especially expending some of his wealth in God's way and for God's sake .. he should believe in God the One without associate or son or parents .. he should believe in all the apostles of God including Mohammed, and should believe in all the original heavenly books (particularly the Ten Commandments and the Quran) ..
So as to ensure a prosperous future for himself in the Next Life (the afterlife)

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
.God actually does fuk up those who don,t get the message,however. There certainly is one God at least. the underlying sruff that keeps you erect in the material realm might be taken as God easily. The compacted descriptor God is universaly underdstood . Us humans need a center to swing arroud. God had better be pscopathic or he/she isan,t worth listening to.
adjective: psychopathic
  1. suffering from or constituting a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.
    "a psychopathic disorder"
    • informal
      abnormal and obsessive; manic.
      "an obsessive attention to detail that looked almost psychopathic"
  2. God has an obcessive attention to detail eh.

You are misguided and have been extremely misguided, and will lose if you keep to such ideas.

God is One: His order and law in the universe is the same.

God is not psychopath: He is Most Merciful in the life of the World: He shows mercy to both the believer and the unbeliever, and in the Next Life His mercy includes only the believers.
He is All-Avenging and All-Mighty against His enemy: the wrongdoers: they cannot escape His capture.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC