Bombardier at the Trough


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Bombardier at the Tro

Reverend Blair said:
Whether we should get together with Brazil and Ireland and form a three-way Crown Corporation to handle our aerospace industries.

Perhaps in my first answer, I should have said “Airplane factory” instead of “car factory”. I suppose that would have made it easier for you to understand.

No, I don't think we should give it a shot. As if the aerospace industry needs us to rise to that extreme level of incompetence to have a three way government project do the job.

How about Canada does what it can afford to do and try to do it well?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Perhaps in my first answer, I should have said “Airplane factory” instead of “car factory”.

Since the auto-industry has a history of profitability and the aerospace industry does not, that might have been an idea.

There are technological spin-offs from the aerospace industry though, as well as prestige, so most governments want such an industry in their country.

No, I don't think we should give it a shot. As if the aerospace industry needs us to rise to that extreme level of incompetence to have a three way government project do the job.

Yet it was you who brought up Airbus. Although the example is slightly different, so are the countries involved and the end product they produce.

That's why I was wondering, Jay. I wouldn't be against such three-way crown if we are going to stay in the industry, but personally I think we'd be better off signing trade deals to take advantage of the spin-off technologies and let Bombardier sink or swim on its own.

I'm prepared to accept the unemployment that would come from that though, and would expect there to be re-training and assistance costs etc that we would have to bear through the federal government.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Yet it was you who brought up Airbus.

Am I the only one who sees what is happening here?

Thank God its Friday...

jackd said:
I don't like corporate welfare, but as long as we enter into trade deals where foreign governments make the rules there isn't much we can do but play the game.
I totally agree.
If you remember years ago, France, Britain, Germany and Spain teamed-up to form Airbus. It was a risky business for the government to get into this low-margin business, but eventually Airbus became profitable and eventually got into aerospace, defense end of the business.

Jack, Jay, Jim, Jenn, Joe, Jeff, Joice......


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005

As I said Thank God its Friday.

Think I'll have a few beers tonight.