Best Way to Steal Oil I've Heard of in a While.


Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009

The article is about a landmark Island that the Mexicans use to mark their economic boundry for the Gulf oil field going missing. They are hinting at a CIA plot and a bombing that distroyed the Island. The other forums are eating it up. I'll tell you what happened. All physics.

When the oil from under the Island was sucked out the crust under the Island and the Island sunk. There is a technique they use now (when they want to) the pump sea water into the space to prevent this and increase the oil yields from the space.

The US just got themselves a whole lot more oil.

This is better then when they prefected slant drilling back in the 1980's.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon

The article is about a landmark Island that the Mexicans use to mark their economic boundry for the Gulf oil field going missing. They are hinting at a CIA plot and a bombing that distroyed the Island. The other forums are eating it up. I'll tell you what happened. All physics.

When the oil from under the Island was sucked out the crust under the Island and the Island sunk. There is a technique they use now (when they want to) the pump sea water into the space to prevent this and increase the oil yields from the space.

The US just got themselves a whole lot more oil.

This is better then when they prefected slant drilling back in the 1980's.

I admit it seems odd for an Island to sink out of sight.

Generally speaking all oil reservoir's have a natural pressure or drive.
If you suck out the oil without replacing the lost volume formation pressure rapidly drops and so does oil production.
Thus large groups of engineers and programmer people make big bucks working for oil companies to maximize oil production.
Water, gas, co2, n2 or solvents can be used to maintain reservoir pressure and flush the underground oil towards production wells.
Water injection is by far the cheapest and most common method of preserving reservoir pressure.
Any oil company that would allow their wells to dry up because of lack of re-injection would be out of business in no time flat.
Subsidence from old shallow oil production on the Gulf Coast does occur.
Usually it's measured in inches per decade.

Slant drilling used to be a term that generally described directional drilling.
Now slant drilling is understood to describe a drilling rig that is built on a slant and drills a naturally slanted hole.
It was invented by Canadians.
Quote: Slant drilling rig technology moved forward in the early 1990s when Precision Drilling Corp., in conjunction with Pan Canadian Petroleum Ltd., designed and implemented a new slant drilling rig.

Directional or horizontal drilling is something else.
These days an oil well bore can be drilled sideways up to 12 kilometers.
It's done with diamond bits, turbines, rotary steerable systems and very, very sophisticated underground surveying instrumentation.
And a lot of engineering.
That means I can put my rig five km from an international border, drill straight down a little ways, turn the hole sideways, drill 5km sideways(horizontal) to the border, then drill another 5 km sideways onto your land, then turn the hole into the nearest oil reservoir.
That would be illegal of course.
