Artistic Expression/The Written Word/Speak Your Mind


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Sooner or later, the clever (open) ones,
figure it out, and they fly the cuckoos nest
of the status quo! And it is with great joy that they spread
their wings and fly away from man’s limited,
life-draining, and militant constructs.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009


House Member
Apr 16, 2008

Women gave birth to a baby head...Nothing more than a head. Miraculously the head survived...She called it, Headly. She would prop Headly up in the window because he/she(?) liked to watch the kids play outside and dream about being able play with them.

One night Headly saw a shooting star stream across his bedroom window, and took the opportunity to wish upon it. He wished he had arms, legs, a body like other kids, and could go out and play, with the other kids.

Next morning Headly awoke to his dream realized. He had arms, legs, and body! He quickly jumped out of bed, ecstatically ran down stairs yelling, "Ma, Ma...Look...I'm a normal kid...I wished on a star and my wish came true! Can I go outside and play with the other kids?"
" Of coarse you can son," his mom replied, laughing unbelievably through tears of joy at her son; the miracle.

She watched as Headly ran out into the yard and towards the children...As he crossed the street, out of nowhere came a truck and hit the child. Killing him dead!

Moral of the story?

Sometimes it's best to quit while your a head.
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
"Be yourself...Everyone else is taken." - Oscar Wilde


"You are the only one that can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility" - Zig Ziglar


Things won't get better being bitter...Oh wait, maybe that's; Things taste better with butter. Damn! Never-mind.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'Fault In Our Stars' author John Green apologizes for 'stealing' quote from fan
First posted: Friday, February 20, 2015 09:48 AM EST | Updated: Friday, February 20, 2015 09:56 AM EST
The Fault In Our Stars author John Green has issued an apology to a young fan after taking credit for a quote he thought he had written.

Fans have long attributed the phrase, “I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met”, to Green’s 2008 book Paper Towns, so he became convinced he had penned the thought-provoking line too.

He even sold posters featuring the words, but Green has since discovered the truth about the quote, which was originally sourced from fan Melody Truong’s social networking page on

Truong was accused of stealing the line from Green, but when her friend went public with the story on recently it caught the author’s attention.

In a video apology issued on Tuesday, Green reveals he actually illegally downloaded a digital copy of Paper Towns to search through the copy and check the story - and now he admits, “I’m the thief!”

He explains, “When I saw the quote, I assumed it came from Paper Towns. People kept sourcing it as coming from Paper Towns.”

Now Green has started retroactively paying royalties from poster sales to Truong and he admits the Internet has made it easy for mistakes like this to happen.

He says, “We do an epically bad job of acknowledging one another’s work and checking our sources.”

A stunned Truong has since responded to the news, saying, “I’m still in a state of shock about the situation, actually. I never expected any of this to happen. I’ve always looked up to John Green as a role model. I know that if this happened to me with another person or company, nothing of this calibre would have occurred. He is the prime example of a wonderful person.”

Paper Towns is set to be adapted for the big screen with British model/actress Cara Delevingne in the lead role.
Honoree and author John Green arrives at the Time 100 gala celebrating the magazine's naming of the 100 most influential people in the world for the past year in New York April 29, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

'Fault In Our Stars' author John Green apologizes for 'stealing' quote from fan


House Member
Apr 16, 2008

Entropical Times

Turbulent Times.
Cracks in the Ice.
A Cold Smile.
Pale Blue Lips Blow,
Prevailing Winds.

Dead Frozen Eyes.
Old Man Winter.
Ghost White.

Entropical Times.
Through Torturous Times.
Tempestuous Times.
The Sun Will Rise.
So Hope, Again.

Cracks In The Ice.
A Cold Smile, Warms;
The Sun Peaks Out,
Wide Open;
Fire Eye's.
Dream Again,
Of Clear Blue Skies.
In Tropical Times.
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008


Heaven Above,
Help us;
Save This Love.

Eye's Above.
Save Us;
From The Forbidden One.

Like rain from above,
we will fall to the ground,
in our love,
we would drowned.

Like rain from above,
in our love,
we will fall to the ground.
We would drowned,
in our love;
we could drowned,
in our love;
we will drowned.
Help Us.
Save Us.
Save This Love.

Heaven Above,
Help us;
Save This Love.

Eye's Above.
Save Us;
From The Forbidden One.

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House Member
Apr 16, 2008

The Great Wild.

Tired of playing games; so bet it all.
Yeah took a big risk; lost and walked away.
Ah it's better that way. It's better that way.

Yeah, gotta take a chance.
Will rise, will fall.
Gotta pick yourself up.
Gotta keep movin' along.
Ah, it's never too late. It's never too late.

Have your hopes been frozen? Dreams seem shattered?
Should have noticed by now, it' a cold cold world.
It'll freeze your heart and soul, if you let.
With a chill to the bone, isolation leaves a hole.

If your always afraid that the sky is falling,
then your gonna find out it's a cruel, cruel world.
It'll rip and tear you apart; if you let it.
Dig the hole; you know the way out.

Ya, now your Catchin' fire; piss n' gasoline.
1st on the scene. You knew it was comin'.
Oh yeah, now you'll make it your way.
It's better that way.

Won your pride; soon you'll have it all!
Just keep in mind; where you got it all from.
Your breakin' away.
Don't throw it away.

You know what you want. Do you know how to get it?
Don't be foolin' yourself, it's a great big world.
It'll push, pull you apart, if you let it.
Sharp twisted tongues, warp minds, spin heads around.

If your always afraid that sky could come crashing down.
Then your gonna find out, it's a cruel n' brutal world.
It will turn you inside out; if you give in.
Just stand your ground, things will turn around.
You'll come around.

Give it your best.
Never give it all.
Enjoy what you got, or you'll never know 'till it's gone.

It's never too late.
Never too late to,
But you don't have to,
'till you have to;
It's never too late.
It's never too late to,

Don't throw it away.
You'll make it;
your way.

Time for,



on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The Lake Isle of Innisfree

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
And live alone in the bee loud glade.​

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.​

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.​

– W.B. Yeats

a little late for St. Padraig's Day.. but in the afterglow.​


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Here is a little ditty my In laws used to sing before their family band took a short break.
we have sung it for years

Little Grey Mouse

The liquor was spilled on the barroom floor
And the bar was closed for the night
Out from his corner came a little grey mouse
And he sat in the pale moonlight
He lapped up all the liquor on the barroom floor
And back on his haunches he sat
And all night long you could hear him roar
Bring on the Goddam Cat



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
We Live, We Dream; We Create...Cuz That's What Humans Do.

Now's where it's at. That's for sure...
The Future is still to come; just imagine.

Gotta Dream...Make a Goal. Plan to Make it so.
That's what humans do best.
We live, We Dream; We Create...
Make it real.Keep it real.
That's what humans do.
Remember where we were that day?
Where/What we would like to be, someday?

An idea to be something greater; A plan to be somewhere, later.
We are all here, now. Free to Dream, of something more.
Make it so.
Plan to wake up tomorrow.
Start Anew.

Live for life.Not for Death.
Life has a Far Brighter Future.
Death is just 1 day.
I Fear not, 1 day.
I'll Dream Free Tonight.
Plan to wake tomorrow.
Got to.
Cuz that's what we humans do.

I've made many plans.Plans I plan to keep.
I dreamed big Dreams.
Will keep me busy.For sometime yet.
Til, I'm dead.
I won't go quietly into the night. No...Not yet.
I still have too much to do.
So much to complete.
Cuz that's what humans do.
We live.We Dream.We Create.We make; True... True.
So Believe.
Cuz that's what human do.