Are you a nazi and don't even know it?


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
Actually Jay, it has been about 20 years since I believed in a historical Jesus, though it's more recently that I have been led to the conclusions that a) the "historical Jesus" is a fabrication and that b) the idea that Biblical historicity is a recent one, born when the Fundementalists (in the original sense of the word) sought to try to make Christianity consistent with the rationalism of the Enlightenment at the end of the 19th century.

What I do respect most highly is what the mythical Jesus tells humankind about the way we should live and interact with each other, which things are important and which are not, and that death is not to be feared. As myth (in the positive sense), the Gospels are a brilliant allegory that hold the best of humanity's moral and social wisdom in the form of a figure who has incorporated the best we can strive for (God) with the essence of what we are (flawed humans).

I tend to see attempts to historicize the Bible and focus on miracles and the children's stories portions (Noah, Jonah etc), at best, childish and at worst, idolatry.

There is nothing found in Christianity that can't be found in any of the world's religions if one approaches them with love and humility and an eye to the truth.

Last word: Any religion that is in contradicition with the discoveries of science, is just superstition.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Nice post, Pasta.

Who do you beleieve fabricated this stuff, and to what avail?

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
"There is nothing found in Christianity that can't be found in any of the world's religions "

this is exactly it, pasta. the underlying messages are of a common ground addressing the what humanity is. Even the suggested discrepencies between eastern and western philosophy are not real when one looks deep enough.

What is often overlooked though is how the revealed religions are all products of mythologies that have either come before them or have been introduced to them. We honestly can go back to the oldest of the unrevealed and have the essence of "humanity" explained without the added layers of superficiality of all the following religions. "As above, so below"

The revealed religions are a product designed to control masses. They are the "stabilizing" forces within society. Not designed for elightenment, but for subjugation.


Electoral Member
Jan 6, 2006
Wow this topic has gone a bit off topic,

So down the rabbit hole we go....

Caracal Kid: have you read "The Jesus Mysteries" it's a great series of reserch that lays out the gnosic foundations of the christian religion and the slow take over of the gnostic foundations by literalists who became the mainstream and grew christianity on a principle of literalism which is far from the original myths that form the christian religion.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
nope, have not read that.

i have looked at the historical aspect of christianity. how its mythology was created from that of mithrism, and added in other pagan beliefs to aid in the adoption of it within the Roman empire. I have looked at how it became a cult of man-idolatry. I have looked at how it did not introduce anything new to the mix of mythologies and philosophies.

I have also looked at the historical accounts of the first generation christians.


Electoral Member
Jan 6, 2006
Re: RE: Are you a nazi and don't even know it?

the caracal kid said:
nope, have not read that.

i have looked at the historical aspect of christianity. how its mythology was created from that of mithrism, and added in other pagan beliefs to aid in the adoption of it within the Roman empire. I have looked at how it became a cult of man-idolatry. I have looked at how it did not introduce anything new to the mix of mythologies and philosophies.

I have also looked at the historical accounts of the first generation christians.

You would really like this book it's by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy.

It goes through the patterns of religion at the time which were all gnostic religions that relied on mythology to illustrate a quest for "gnosis" or knowledge. It also shows how all gnostic myths have a three part progression of life, death and rebirth (to represent a gnostic awakening) and illustrates how this very central gnostic myth is present in the bible in three central myths... genesis, The Jesus myth (which is the central one they concentrate on) and Abraham.... there are more but those are the central three..

They also trace back the language of the time to show how in the old language you can see that the names used for the various people in the myths that are presented over and over (Jesus, John the Baptist ect...) are all the same name.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
i have read about its classical golden-age;fall from grace; redemtion model before.

does this book also cover the millenarian nature of the religion?


Electoral Member
Jan 6, 2006
I don't think so (been a while since I read it), I also think I need to learn more about that myself to comment coherently.


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
Even the suggested discrepencies between eastern and western philosophy are not real when one looks deep enough.

There is a quite significant difference between these as concerns the mainstream elements, though there are sects (Gnostic Christians, Sufi Muslims for example) that do bridge the difference, which is that the "Western" religions see God as wholly separate from human beings, whereas Eastern religions see humans as "God stuff" that has the appearance of separateness due to illusion.

As for the antecedents to the Christ myth, I recommend Tom Harpur's The Pagan Christ.

the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
In the mainstream elements, but not at the core/sources.

The modern systems are split between east and west as you mention, but this is still at a superficial level of the revealed. Take a look at the chinese kabbalah.


Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2006
Economic Left/Right: 4.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.77

Pretty much right on with my actual views. However I didn't like many of those questions, since I found a simple agree/disagree answer was not sufficient, and would have required a more complex answer. :)