Seeing that the non vaccinated people are now on the communist hit list in communist Canada, I wonder as to how much longer it will be before they come for me and lock me up? And for those who are cheering their communist governments here in communist Canada to come for me, it won't be too much longer after that before they will come for you, vaccinated or not. Guaranteed. You will have to take those booster jabs or else watch your ass. You will be next to feel the punch and find yourself on the outside looking in. Either you are in with the globalist covid vaccine club or you are not.
The useful idiots who are blaming the non vaccinated people for the covid crisis will soon enough find out that they have become a bunch of useful idiots for their politicians and the globalists, and they will then be treated as useful idiots and be pushed to the side just like the non vaccinated today are being shoved to the side. We are in a war for freedom in Canada. It's the communists politicians in Canada against the freedom loving fighter patriots in Canada.
We already have banned independent alternative media thought in Canada today thanks to our communist political leaders and the lying Chinese Communist Daily MSM in Canada. We just have not seen it in full force as of yet, but it is coming. Believe it or not. Enjoy what little freedom you have left today.