Soora 76
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
Soora 76
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
(1. Did not a long period of time pass, concerning man [: before his creation] when he was nothing [of importance, so as ] to be mentioned [by angels]?
2. We have created man from a "scanty [seminal] fluid": sperms, mixed [with the ovum of woman], to try him, and have made him hear and see.
3. We have shown to him the [correct] way; [and have given to him the free choice] whether to be grateful or ungrateful.
4. Surely, We have prepared, for disbelievers, chains and yokes [binding hands to necks] and a blazing fire.)
More explanation:
Quran 76: 5-22, which mean:
[About the praise of the pious who do charity, His saying – be glorified – was revealed:]
5. The charitable [in the life of the World] shall drink [in Paradise] a cup of wine mixed with the Kafoor [flavor.]
6. [Therein is] a [water-] spring of which the [righteous] servants of God shall drink [and in which they shall bathe], and make it gush out [as they please.]
7. [They who] fulfill their vowing [to God], and fear a day whereof the evil is wide-spreading [involving all disbelievers and the guilty.]
8. And they feed, for the love of [God], the needy, the orphan and the captive.
9. [Saying to them:] "We feed you only for the sake of God [and in His way]; we desire no recompense from you, nor gratitude."
10. "We fear of a day, from our Lord, which will be hard and tough."
11. So God averted them from the evil of that day [by admitting them into the Paradise of Refuge, and they did not remain on earth after their death], and let them have [in Paradise] beautiful scenic views and gladness.
12. And, on account of their perseverance, [God] recompensed them with a Garden [in which they dwelt] and silk [garments which they wore.]
13. Reclining in the [Garden] upon couches; they shall neither see therein sun [or heat] nor moon [or piercing coldness.]
14. [The trees giving] the shade thereof being close above them, and [the tree branches thereof, bearing] the fruit bow down meekly above them.
15. And there shall be passed, round about them, dishes of silver [in which food is put] and goblets [in which water is put; in the World such goblets were] transparent glass goblets.
16. Crystal [as if they were – and as the people of Paradise estimate –] of silver, according to their estimation.
17. And in the [Garden] they shall be given to drink [another] cup [of wine], which was l mixed with ginger.
18. Therein is a [water] spring named Salsabiel.
19. And there will wait on [and attend] them immortal youths [who will not grow older.] When you [man] see them, you suppose them some pearls scattered about.
20. When you see [the prosperity of Paradise], you do see there a [perpetual] prosperity and a tremendous possession [which will never be demolished or disappear forever.]
21. There [will] be, on their [ethereal bodies], some green garments of fine silk and thick brocade;
and they [will] be adorned [on their wrists] with bracelets [which issued] from the silver [bracelets, which were in the life of the World];
and their Lord [will] give them to drink a purifying beverage.
22. [And it will be said to them:] "This [prosperity] was [prepared] for you as a recompense [of obeying your Lord’s commands]; and your striving [for God's good pleasure] is accepted and approved.")
More explanation of these ayat and the rest of this blessed soora is here:
And here is the recitation of this soora by another reciter: