Americans kill 3 British soldiers in Afghanistan


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
And you would assumed wrong :)
I don't know if you know this but back in the 80's there was a international treaty call NATO it stand for North Atlantic Treaty Organization to combat the Warsaw Pact, the "communist threats"

Us Canadian Airbornes regularly excercides trainings side by side with U.S. Marines in W. Germany so I can confidently say that I know what I'm talking about.

NATO goes a lot further back than the 1980's. It was made in the late 1940's or early 1950's.

And I have to tell you that US Marines do not regularly train next to Canadian Airborne troops. I was in the Marine Infantry and we never trained with any Canadians. Have Marines trained with Canadians? I imagine they do from time to time.

But when you really dropped the ball was when you mentioned W. Germany. Marines were never stationed in West Germany. Particularly during the Cold War each service had an area to cover. Where Europe is concerned the Marines would deploy to Norway and cover the Mediterranean Sea with their Amphibious fleets. W. Germany was the US Army theater and Marines were not stationed their except maybe a few liasion officers. We trained in Norway regularly as well as various places in the Med.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
heheh... my "jarhead expression" to you was a compliment, not an insult. Do you see what I mean ? You freaking jarheads can't even see a compliment for what it is. :)

Maybe it's better if the only thought in a U.S. Marine tiny brain is "KILL, KILL, KILL !!!"

You U.S. marines make good fighters and cannon fodders, but you don't make a good human beings !!!

By the tone of your post how can anything be taken as a compliment.

With the KILL, KILL, KILL part I think you are getting a bit closer to Marine training because that is what we are trained to do. As a fighting force it is silly to train for anything else. We are not politically correct. Marines are sent over seas to indeed KILL the enemy. I don't think you have any clue of the scope of what these guys and gals are going through trying to kill the enemy AND get their country squared away so they can leave.

Marines are very good human beings and they feel the same feelings, have the same dreams... but they are Marines. The mission comes first... all else is on hold.