Alberta urged to prove oilsands recommendations were followed


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If you want to play on words you might want to try comprehending that again then,I can play that game also.
Anyways,your deflecting from the original question also,wheres the hundreds of thousands of square kilometers that are in jeapordy,if you cant answer like an adult just say so.
I will understand,thats 3 of you so far that are refuseing to answer questions about ridiculous claims.

Huge fail on your part and about as pathetic as it gets on any discussion forum I have ever been on.

Man up when you make a mistake,you get more respect that way.

Your deflections are getting a tad monotonous.
I imagine if bear said the earth was flat you and the rest of his fanbois would bend over backwards to back him,like a bunch of sheep,try thinking for your self some time.
The question was answered, it was even answered in great detail by petros. You know petros. He's the guy you told me I should listen to. He understood what I was implying completely.

Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean the answer wasn't given.

The question is. are court cases required or is it a combination of grandstanding and laziness by eco groups? SInce I have not tried to find any of this information I don't know. Could be they just want a book given to them they can use as ammunition without doing any research.
Went through similar experiences with ecoterrorists protesting logging years ago. They were publicly demanding answers to questions that even the newest of hourly employees knew. They also blockading workers and demanded that companies change practices even when all the current rules were being followed.
Dude, you know I'm no nutter. I know full well that there are folks on both sides grand standing.

Which is why I have said numerous times, if only 10% of what it stated/claimed or what have you, is true. There are issues that need to be addressed.

Given that land and fresh water as at a premium, it behooves us as a people to simply be vigilant.

Which doesn't mean I'm saying we should all become eco nutters, but equally, when internet experts, oil exec's and bureaucratic officials smile and say every thing's OK, we shouldn't just swallow it.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
If you want to play on words you might want to try comprehending that again then,I can play that game also.
They were your words to begin with (specifically you said, "I think all the strip mines in the world could fit into 5000 square miles and have lots of room to spare.") and since then you've been playing on your own words. It's kind of sad that even though others point that out, you still can't see it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Holy smokes! Enough already! Posting the instances of bad repping doesn't come across very well, and it needs to stop(as does the constant bad-repping for bad-repping's sake!). I'm going to trim a bunch of posts from this thread, and I would appreciate if discussion would resume rather than the constant back-and-forth griping that's going on! It really doesn't help the forum.

Thank God.