Please tell me no one really believes this Al-Qaeda crapola!
The Issue of Terrorism
Why do Muslims hate us? They hate our freedoms? (George Bush)
Forty-five years ago, President Eisenhower discussed what he called the "campaign of hatred against us" in the Arab world, "not by the governments but by the people."
The National Security Council did their analysis and advised, it is the recognition that the U.S. supports corrupt and brutal governments that block democracy and development and does so because of its concern "to protect its interest in Near East oil."
Milt Bearden former CIA agent who directed bin Laden's covert CIA operation known as Maktab al Khidamar, the MAK in Afghanistan was on Dan Rather's national TV show Sept. 12th 2001.
When Rather asked, if he (Bearden) thought bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, Bearden downright snubbed the possibility. Bearden explained "a far more sophisticated intelligence operation had to be behind these precise coordinated attacks... if they didn't have a bin Laden they would have invented one."
Friendly-fire and False-flag terrorism share the same objectives: governments orchestrate terrorist attacks to be carried out on their own soil in order to strike fear in the population and to create a "public enemy".
German Minister of Technology (which included supervision of German intelligence - the BND), Andreas von Bülow:
"This tactic is called a “false flag operation” or a “false flag recruitment”, used by both the CIA and Mossad for purposes of propaganda. “Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation,” von Bülow said, which is widely propagated in the mainstream media creating an accepted version of events.
“Journalists don’t even raise the simplest questions,” he said, adding, “those who differ are labeled as crazy.” "
The 9/11 participants were mules in a sophisticated intelligence operation.
Canadian University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky writes: "The "intelligence asset" is not in direct contact with its covert sponsors. It is not necessarily cognizant of the role it plays on behalf of its intelligence sponsors.
The fundamental question is who is behind them? Through what sources are they being financed? What is the underlying network of ties?
A recent (2002) classified out-brief drafted to guide the Pentagon "calls for the creation of a so-called 'Proactive, Pre-emptive Operations Group' (P2OG), to launch secret operations aimed at "stimulating reactions" among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction -- that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to "quick-response" attacks by U.S. forces."
The P2OG initiative is nothing new. It essentially extends an existing apparatus of covert operations. Amply documented, the CIA has supported terrorist groups since the Cold War era. This "prodding of terrorist cells" under covert intelligence operations often requires the infiltration and training of the radical groups linked to Al Qaida.
Covert support by the US military and intelligence apparatus has been channelled to various Islamic terrorist organisations through a complex network of intermediaries and intelligence proxies. Moreover, numerous official statements, intelligence reports confirm recent links (in the post Cold War era) between US military-intelligence units and Al Qaida operatives, as occurred in Bosnia (mid 1990s), Kosovo (1998-99) and Macedonia (2001)."
And really, is al-Qa’eda this large network of organized terrorists able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?
International affairs analyst Eric Margolis writes -- "Al-Qaida, an organization that never exceeded 300 men, and now has only about 100, was never the vast threat claimed by the White House and US media. The Bush Administration has enflamed the entire Muslim World by its invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, antagonistic rhetoric, and total identification with Israel’s repression of the Palestinians.
We are still not even sure al-Qaida was responsible for 9/11, as Bush claims. If the Bush Administration was so totally wrong about Iraq’s secret weapons and links to al-Qaida, why is its information any more reliable about the shadowy bin Laden?
After promising in 2002 to release proof of al-Qaida’s guilt for 9/11, the Administration never did. German courts recently determined the 9/11 plot was hatched in Hamburg, not Afghanistan, and could find no direct link to al-Qaida. Al-Qaida leaders applauded 9/11 –after the fact – but may not have been actively involved in planning or finance."
Why would al-Qaida attack America? What purpose does it serve? al-Qaida is America's best friend. Attacks against America give the Americans the excuse to invade and occupy Middle East countries. This serves al-Qaida's interest?
Canadian writer Gwynne Dyer: "He [George Bush] thinks that the terrorists are trying to make Americans unhappy in order to 'induce them to accept terrorist demands?' What demands could the Islamist terrorists of al-Qaida possibly make that the United States could conceivably grant?
Fly them all to Havana? Convert to Islam? Put the money in unmarked notes in a brown paper bag and leave it behind the radiator? The whole notion that this is some sort of giant extortion operation is as naive (or as wilfully ignorant) as the Bush administration's pet explanation that the terrorists attack the U.S. because 'they hate our freedoms.' Unfortunately, the post-9-11 intellectual climate in the United States has prevented any serious discussion of the terrorists' goals and their strategies for achieving them.
The Islamist radicals have always been completely open about their goals. They want to take power in the Muslim countries (phase one of the project), and then unite the entire Muslim world in a final struggle to overthrow the power of the West (phase two). They are still stuck in phase one, with little to show for it despite 30 years of trying, so in the early 1990s Osama bin Laden and his colleagues switched from head-on assaults on the regimes in Muslim countries to direct attacks on Western targets. Yet their first-phase goal remains seizing power in the Muslim world, not some fantasy about "bringing the West to its knees."
British and American foreign policy is based on a series of highly improbable theories, the biggest of which is that an evil Saudi millionaire genius in a cave in the Hindu Kush controls a secret worldwide network of ‘tens of thousands of terrorists’ ‘in more than 60 countries’ (George Bush).
News reports frequently tell us that terrorist organisations, such as those which have attacked Bali or Istanbul, have ‘links’ to al-Qa’eda, but we never learn quite what those ‘links’ are. According to two terrorism experts in California, Adam Dolnik and Kimberly McCloud, this is because they do not exist.
The al-Qaida myth: Alain Chouet, a high-level expert at the French Ministry of Defense, is one among many to sustain that this is how the al-Qaeda myth was born - encouraged by the Bush administration spin machine and fully embraced, for the opposite reasons, by the Arab-Muslim world. But now there's a different situation: as Chouet puts it: "Bin Laden only existed by the interaction between his personality and the al-Qaeda capacity of being a nuisance." With the Taliban out of power in Afghanistan, but now plotting a comeback, and most of al-Qaeda's leaders captured or killed, what happens to bin Laden is now largely irrelevant.
Al-Qaeda may have given the neo-conservatives in the Bush administration the perfect motive for bombing Afghanistan and then invading Iraq. But even seriously disabled, al-Qaeda benefits enormously, although not directly. The fact is that the US military machine now rules over more than 50 million Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. Untold numbers are turning to a myriad Islamist radicals groups and sub-groups all over the Muslim world - which they identify as the only force, although incoherent, capable of at least facing and demoralizing bit by bit the American empire.
And really, how did 19 'suicide' hijackers pull off the 9/11 attacks when seven are still alive? They supposedly pulled off an assault that military pilots stated on the record couldn't have been done by crack fighter pilots.
It is established as fact that in 1962 the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lyman L. Lemnitzer, tried to convince President Kennedy to authorise an attack on John Glenn’s rocket, or on a US navy vessel, or a US civilian aircraft, to provide a pretext for invading Cuba. These tactics are basic political/military strategy. Why would such tactics confined to history?
British MP Michael Meacher wrote in the Guardian in September that the "war on terrorism" was a hoax. A convenient excuse for the US to dominate the world (it does) and to secure its energy supplies (it's doing so.)
If I have posted this here before I apologize. But let us all get real. Then perhaps we can begin to solve the problems of the world.
The Issue of Terrorism
Why do Muslims hate us? They hate our freedoms? (George Bush)
Forty-five years ago, President Eisenhower discussed what he called the "campaign of hatred against us" in the Arab world, "not by the governments but by the people."
The National Security Council did their analysis and advised, it is the recognition that the U.S. supports corrupt and brutal governments that block democracy and development and does so because of its concern "to protect its interest in Near East oil."
Milt Bearden former CIA agent who directed bin Laden's covert CIA operation known as Maktab al Khidamar, the MAK in Afghanistan was on Dan Rather's national TV show Sept. 12th 2001.
When Rather asked, if he (Bearden) thought bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, Bearden downright snubbed the possibility. Bearden explained "a far more sophisticated intelligence operation had to be behind these precise coordinated attacks... if they didn't have a bin Laden they would have invented one."
Friendly-fire and False-flag terrorism share the same objectives: governments orchestrate terrorist attacks to be carried out on their own soil in order to strike fear in the population and to create a "public enemy".
German Minister of Technology (which included supervision of German intelligence - the BND), Andreas von Bülow:
"This tactic is called a “false flag operation” or a “false flag recruitment”, used by both the CIA and Mossad for purposes of propaganda. “Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation,” von Bülow said, which is widely propagated in the mainstream media creating an accepted version of events.
“Journalists don’t even raise the simplest questions,” he said, adding, “those who differ are labeled as crazy.” "
The 9/11 participants were mules in a sophisticated intelligence operation.
Canadian University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky writes: "The "intelligence asset" is not in direct contact with its covert sponsors. It is not necessarily cognizant of the role it plays on behalf of its intelligence sponsors.
The fundamental question is who is behind them? Through what sources are they being financed? What is the underlying network of ties?
A recent (2002) classified out-brief drafted to guide the Pentagon "calls for the creation of a so-called 'Proactive, Pre-emptive Operations Group' (P2OG), to launch secret operations aimed at "stimulating reactions" among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction -- that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to "quick-response" attacks by U.S. forces."
The P2OG initiative is nothing new. It essentially extends an existing apparatus of covert operations. Amply documented, the CIA has supported terrorist groups since the Cold War era. This "prodding of terrorist cells" under covert intelligence operations often requires the infiltration and training of the radical groups linked to Al Qaida.
Covert support by the US military and intelligence apparatus has been channelled to various Islamic terrorist organisations through a complex network of intermediaries and intelligence proxies. Moreover, numerous official statements, intelligence reports confirm recent links (in the post Cold War era) between US military-intelligence units and Al Qaida operatives, as occurred in Bosnia (mid 1990s), Kosovo (1998-99) and Macedonia (2001)."
And really, is al-Qa’eda this large network of organized terrorists able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?
International affairs analyst Eric Margolis writes -- "Al-Qaida, an organization that never exceeded 300 men, and now has only about 100, was never the vast threat claimed by the White House and US media. The Bush Administration has enflamed the entire Muslim World by its invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, antagonistic rhetoric, and total identification with Israel’s repression of the Palestinians.
We are still not even sure al-Qaida was responsible for 9/11, as Bush claims. If the Bush Administration was so totally wrong about Iraq’s secret weapons and links to al-Qaida, why is its information any more reliable about the shadowy bin Laden?
After promising in 2002 to release proof of al-Qaida’s guilt for 9/11, the Administration never did. German courts recently determined the 9/11 plot was hatched in Hamburg, not Afghanistan, and could find no direct link to al-Qaida. Al-Qaida leaders applauded 9/11 –after the fact – but may not have been actively involved in planning or finance."
Why would al-Qaida attack America? What purpose does it serve? al-Qaida is America's best friend. Attacks against America give the Americans the excuse to invade and occupy Middle East countries. This serves al-Qaida's interest?
Canadian writer Gwynne Dyer: "He [George Bush] thinks that the terrorists are trying to make Americans unhappy in order to 'induce them to accept terrorist demands?' What demands could the Islamist terrorists of al-Qaida possibly make that the United States could conceivably grant?
Fly them all to Havana? Convert to Islam? Put the money in unmarked notes in a brown paper bag and leave it behind the radiator? The whole notion that this is some sort of giant extortion operation is as naive (or as wilfully ignorant) as the Bush administration's pet explanation that the terrorists attack the U.S. because 'they hate our freedoms.' Unfortunately, the post-9-11 intellectual climate in the United States has prevented any serious discussion of the terrorists' goals and their strategies for achieving them.
The Islamist radicals have always been completely open about their goals. They want to take power in the Muslim countries (phase one of the project), and then unite the entire Muslim world in a final struggle to overthrow the power of the West (phase two). They are still stuck in phase one, with little to show for it despite 30 years of trying, so in the early 1990s Osama bin Laden and his colleagues switched from head-on assaults on the regimes in Muslim countries to direct attacks on Western targets. Yet their first-phase goal remains seizing power in the Muslim world, not some fantasy about "bringing the West to its knees."
British and American foreign policy is based on a series of highly improbable theories, the biggest of which is that an evil Saudi millionaire genius in a cave in the Hindu Kush controls a secret worldwide network of ‘tens of thousands of terrorists’ ‘in more than 60 countries’ (George Bush).
News reports frequently tell us that terrorist organisations, such as those which have attacked Bali or Istanbul, have ‘links’ to al-Qa’eda, but we never learn quite what those ‘links’ are. According to two terrorism experts in California, Adam Dolnik and Kimberly McCloud, this is because they do not exist.
The al-Qaida myth: Alain Chouet, a high-level expert at the French Ministry of Defense, is one among many to sustain that this is how the al-Qaeda myth was born - encouraged by the Bush administration spin machine and fully embraced, for the opposite reasons, by the Arab-Muslim world. But now there's a different situation: as Chouet puts it: "Bin Laden only existed by the interaction between his personality and the al-Qaeda capacity of being a nuisance." With the Taliban out of power in Afghanistan, but now plotting a comeback, and most of al-Qaeda's leaders captured or killed, what happens to bin Laden is now largely irrelevant.
Al-Qaeda may have given the neo-conservatives in the Bush administration the perfect motive for bombing Afghanistan and then invading Iraq. But even seriously disabled, al-Qaeda benefits enormously, although not directly. The fact is that the US military machine now rules over more than 50 million Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. Untold numbers are turning to a myriad Islamist radicals groups and sub-groups all over the Muslim world - which they identify as the only force, although incoherent, capable of at least facing and demoralizing bit by bit the American empire.
And really, how did 19 'suicide' hijackers pull off the 9/11 attacks when seven are still alive? They supposedly pulled off an assault that military pilots stated on the record couldn't have been done by crack fighter pilots.
It is established as fact that in 1962 the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lyman L. Lemnitzer, tried to convince President Kennedy to authorise an attack on John Glenn’s rocket, or on a US navy vessel, or a US civilian aircraft, to provide a pretext for invading Cuba. These tactics are basic political/military strategy. Why would such tactics confined to history?
British MP Michael Meacher wrote in the Guardian in September that the "war on terrorism" was a hoax. A convenient excuse for the US to dominate the world (it does) and to secure its energy supplies (it's doing so.)
If I have posted this here before I apologize. But let us all get real. Then perhaps we can begin to solve the problems of the world.