Air Canada Porn on Flight Decks


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
A commercial airline pilot who wants Canadians to know the truth about pornography found in Air Canada flight decks says she’s speaking out to defend another pilot whose complaints were reported in a previous CBC News story, saying she has seen images that included "genitals and full nudity."

The pilot said she is challenging claims the airline made in a previous CBC News story that the images were mostly "inappropriate business cards" from Las Vegas, found with limited frequency mainly on one aircraft type, the Embraer E-90.

"You could encounter it once or twice every month," said the pilot, whose identity CBC News is not revealing, given her concerns about reprisals from colleagues and Air Canada...............

Sexual images in Air Canada flight decks worse than airline admits: pilot - Business - CBC News

Jesus Christ, they let women fly the planes now and there's more than one?!


El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
lol , you mean Porn on airlines ... ok
Women pilots .... not ok
... priceless Grain :D

lol , you mean Porn on airlines ... ok
Women pilots .... not ok
... priceless Grain :D


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I think the people leaving it behind are doing it intentionally and as a joke/jab. Why would you leave your porn behind? repeatedly? Aren't you going to need it when you're at home too?

If it were me that kept finding it, I wouldn't be bothered. I would do my best to find out who'd been flying the plane before me and see if I couldn't narrow down the culprit, then maybe mail it back to them. I love solving mysteries and I'm pretty good at it. I might also decide to slip in a magazine of my own for their perusal. And I've laugh to myself for days on end.

get lemons, make lemonade. Have fun. Life is too short and for me there are other more important things to get your knickers in a bunch over


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I think the people leaving it behind are doing it intentionally and as a joke/jab. Why would you leave your porn behind? repeatedly? Aren't you going to need it when you're at home too?

If it were me that kept finding it, I wouldn't be bothered. I would do my best to find out who'd been flying the plane before me and see if I couldn't narrow down the culprit, then maybe mail it back to them. I love solving mysteries and I'm pretty good at it. I might also decide to slip in a magazine of my own for their perusal. And I've laugh to myself for days on end.

get lemons, make lemonade. Have fun. Life is too short and for me there are other more important things to get your knickers in a bunch over

Mail it back to their significant other.