Probably because even a HS or First Year of College physics or chemistry will prove two very clear and apparent things.
1. CO2 cannot possibly be the cause of global warming which in of itself is no greater than the average over the past millenia since we came out of an Ice Age 18,000 years ago.
2. If you haven't noticed the media bias ("if it bleeds, it leads") you haven't been paying attention.
3. No matter the rhetoric and bs, all the countries such as the EU etc., have trumpeted their love and adoration of the Paris Accord but haven't signed on, and in fact have given up on wind and solar (although you will have to look closely to see that).
For those that did sign on, the Paris Accord has no checking and reporting mechanism and no reporting mechanism either. In other words it is entirely meaningless and un-enforceable.
This is probably why Trudeau loves it. Just empty words and hot fetid air from the Liberal virtue signalling bs artists.
3. The two biggest polluters by far, India and China have "signed on" but with the proviso that they will do it in
their way and on
their schedule. Meanwhile they are building coal and other fossil fuel plants like crazy.
4. America, the Great Satan and evil heart of Capitalism has always refused to sign on to this nonsense but is the only major power whose GDP goes up while their emissions do NOT. Go figure LOL.
History will label this as one of the most shameful times in the history of science.