Eve knew about the tree, knew she was forbidden to eat its fruit, but let the serpent talk her into eating it anyway, and she knew she was wrong to do so, she later admits to Yahweh that the serpent beguiled her. I don't see how you can invoke mens rea in her defense, first because she knew perfectly well she was wrong, and second because mens rea is a human invention rooted in the common law, which didn't exist at the time. In any event, it made no difference to Yahweh, he expelled them both. The OT records Yahweh as destroying a lot of people who as far as we can tell had no evil intent, so it can't reasonably be invoked to protect Eve from him, he's set himself up as being above merely human laws.
In the myth, yes.
You list all the good and evil things that Eve knew.
Show where she got all this judging knowledge, given that she had yet to have eaten from where all knowledge was stored. The Tree of Knowledge.
God putting the serpent there is what you are missing. You would take her job in the myth away from her.
Just by giving it to him. If he didn't know what it was, that's a dirty trick, because Eve knew exactly what she was giving him. It's not clear in Genesis 3 whether he knew what it was or not, but even if he did know, if Eve hadn't eaten of it he might not have either. Either way, the story clearly makes the primary fault Eve's.
I disagree with your conclusion.
They just wanted to make her look stupid. Remember that later, when all the teaching is basically in the temples, women are ordered to shut the F up.
I think that your views concludes that ---- putting something in front of someone, without knowing if it is good or evil, --- be it an apple or knowledge, --- and holding it out or telling an innocent party, who does not even know what he is taking, --- is guilty and worthy of death.
Are you insane bud? We would have to kill all the babies and stupid people in the world because we have all done that.
Are you a Christian praying for Armageddon?