Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Thankfully even after 4000-5000 years of history there has not been even a nanoparticle of evidence that the Big Invisible Head In The Sky even exists and therefore a gigatonne of evidence that He/She/It/They never existed.
As a lifelong atheist I continue to be amazed at the silliness of it all.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Eve knew about the tree, knew she was forbidden to eat its fruit, but let the serpent talk her into eating it anyway, and she knew she was wrong to do so, she later admits to Yahweh that the serpent beguiled her. I don't see how you can invoke mens rea in her defense, first because she knew perfectly well she was wrong, and second because mens rea is a human invention rooted in the common law, which didn't exist at the time. In any event, it made no difference to Yahweh, he expelled them both. The OT records Yahweh as destroying a lot of people who as far as we can tell had no evil intent, so it can't reasonably be invoked to protect Eve from him, he's set himself up as being above merely human laws.
In the myth, yes.

You list all the good and evil things that Eve knew.

Show where she got all this judging knowledge, given that she had yet to have eaten from where all knowledge was stored. The Tree of Knowledge.

God putting the serpent there is what you are missing. You would take her job in the myth away from her.

Just by giving it to him. If he didn't know what it was, that's a dirty trick, because Eve knew exactly what she was giving him. It's not clear in Genesis 3 whether he knew what it was or not, but even if he did know, if Eve hadn't eaten of it he might not have either. Either way, the story clearly makes the primary fault Eve's.
I disagree with your conclusion.

They just wanted to make her look stupid. Remember that later, when all the teaching is basically in the temples, women are ordered to shut the F up.

I think that your views concludes that ---- putting something in front of someone, without knowing if it is good or evil, --- be it an apple or knowledge, --- and holding it out or telling an innocent party, who does not even know what he is taking, --- is guilty and worthy of death.

Are you insane bud? We would have to kill all the babies and stupid people in the world because we have all done that.

Are you a Christian praying for Armageddon?


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
The gays and women are doing just fine and dandy these days in the world. It is the straight white males that seems to be the ones that are being blamed for all of the world's troubles since time began. It was pretty much the straight white males that built up this gawd dam world and made it decent enough place to live in and all they get for it is a kick in the ass by those other two and those non-white people out there also. White straight males are under attack by those globalist bastards that hate our white straight male guts. Even if those global billionaires look white they seem to have a problem and an hatred for their own white skin.

It is not the ays and women that are suffering all that much anymore, It is the white straight males that are taken the shit kicking now. Everything you see coming out of Hollyweird is pretty much all anti-white, anti straight male propaganda and bullshit. Even commercials have gone more non-white these days. There appears to be more gays, women and non-whites in commercials than what we use to see just over a decade ago. The white straight conservative folk are just plain bad and racists terrorist extremists now. The world will miss white straight folk when they have been reduced to a minority status. The world will revert back to the jungle days when that happens and it ain't going to be pretty looking. All just my opinion of course. Works for me. :cool:
If not for blacks, there would be no whites.

All human DNA came out of Black Africa.

I enjoy all the colors in the spectrum, and black is the prominent color there too, just as in all of the worlds DNA.

We all be Niggers under the skin.

Woman Is The Nigger Of The World (Remastered 2010) - YouTube


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
So, why should we really give a shit as to what happened way back when in Adam and Eve's time? Who really gives a shit? The way things are going these days it would appear as though it is not all about Adam and Eve anymore but more about Adam and Steve these days. (n)
I do not know I was talking to a maladjusted homophobe who puts sex above love.

No wonder you think as you do.

Listen. Love is more important than sex, sexual orientation or gender.

Your pedophile priest steered you wrong.

Jesus says to put love above all.

Try it and see that gender does not matter.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Thankfully even after 4000-5000 years of history there has not been even a nanoparticle of evidence that the Big Invisible Head In The Sky even exists and therefore a gigatonne of evidence that He/She/It/They never existed.
As a lifelong atheist I continue to be amazed at the silliness of it all.
What you are looking at obviously is.

I have tried to ramp away from stupid beliefs and into legal language to instruct poor thinking Christians, by showing what a poor judge Yahweh is.

Ramp up their thinking along those line if you like.


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
In the myth, yes.
The myth is all there is.
You list all the good and evil things that Eve knew.
All of them? I hardly think so, it was just a few. She knew about the tree, knew she was forbidden to eat its fruit, but ate it anyway knowing it was wrong. That's all I listed, and she knew them because Yahweh told her so: there's the tree, don't eat of it. In fact he said she'd die on the day she ate of it. She didn't, so after she'd eaten it she'd also know Yahweh lies.
I think that your views concludes that ---- putting something in front of someone, without knowing if it is good or evil, --- be it an apple or knowledge, --- and holding it out or telling an innocent party, who does not even know what he is taking, --- is guilty and worthy of death.
That was Yahweh's judgment on them, not mine, he was the one who condemned Adam and Eve, I was just pointing out the logic of the situation as the writer of Genesis set it up. Don't confuse the writer's views, or his depiction of Yahweh's views, with mine. I haven't really said much about my views of this tale.
Are you insane bud? We would have to kill all the babies and stupid people in the world because we have all done that.

Are you a Christian praying for Armageddon?
You know perfectly well what the answers to those silly questions are.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
So you hate people just because they don't think like you and don't approve of the same things you do.
Opinions are like arseholes..... everybody has one!
Learn how to read, as that was not implied.

Are you familiar with the term lesbian?

I do hate homophobes and other poor mentally deranged bastards who put sex above love. I hate them because love should be above sex in all loving people.

Homophobes are maladjusted as compared to those who put love above sex, the way gays and lesbians and more normal people do.

I hate haters without just causes. Mine is a just cause.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
So you hate people just because they don't think like you and don't approve of the same things you do.
Opinions are like arseholes..... everybody has one!
Correct, and the biggest and foulest are those like homophobes who put sex and gender above love.

Pray for all the mentally and morally defective homophobes. Add misogynous.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
So you hate people just because they don't think like you
No, you pathetic piece of human garbage.

I hate that they are not thinking in a moral way and discriminating negatively against half the planet's people, --- without a just cause.

I hate such utter stupidity.



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
No, you pathetic piece of human garbage.

I hate that they are not thinking in a moral way and discriminating negatively against half the planet's people, --- without a just cause.

I hate such utter stupidity.

And by now, everybody knows you are just a condescending know-it-all........enjoy!
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I did not ask for my enlightenment buddy.
Oh I knew why you asked alright, that's just your style. When you can't convince someone that you're right, you switch to condescension and insults. That one was a little more subtle than usual, calling DaSleeper a pathetic piece of human garbage as you did above is more typical, but it's always where you end up when someone continues to disagree with you. Enlightenment has passed you by.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
If not for blacks, there would be no whites.

All human DNA came out of Black Africa.

I enjoy all the colors in the spectrum, and black is the prominent color there too, just as in all of the worlds DNA.

We all be Niggers under the skin.

Woman Is The Nigger Of The World (Remastered 2010) - YouTube


"If not for blacks, there would be no white people". How did white people change from being a black skin human being into a white skin human being?

How can a beautiful white Swedish looking girl, with blue eyes and blond hair, evolve from once being black?

And why are there still black people around? Why or how did some black Africans stay black while others turned white or Asian? How did that happen?

Please explain.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I do not know I was talking to a maladjusted homophobe who puts sex above love.

No wonder you think as you do.

Listen. Love is more important than sex, sexual orientation or gender.

Your pedophile priest steered you wrong.

Jesus says to put love above all.

Try it and see that gender does not matter.


Personally, I do not believe that you are quite capable of thinking at all. Just saying. :rolleyes:
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French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
"If not for blacks, there would be no white people". How did white people change from being a black skin human being into a white skin human being?

How can a beautiful white Swedish looking girl, with blue eyes and blond hair, evolve from once being black?

And why are there still black people around? Why or how did some black Africans stay black while others turned white or Asian? How did that happen?

Please explain.
Biology and bleach.
