Abortion is harmful to the economy

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Get your thoughts straight. First you say that orphan's lives are worth something and then you are labelling them as prostitutes, thieves, etc.

Also there is impending disaster for some kids who have both parents, too, so your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Also, how do you think I am your good pal???8O

My good pal, just a figure of polite speach, besides we are all pals here, or should be.:roll:


May 24, 2006
I am not labeling them as such, pay close attention my good pal, I am simply saying that the do-goodderss of pro choice beech and protest, but not one of them or maybe with the exception of a small number that volunteer their time to help a desuetude human being, the rest of them sit and yak yak all day long lets protect life. After life is born and life reaches the age of 20 with out a home with out anyone to care for them then societies do-gooder bible prolife thumps call them prostitutes drug addicts and so on, pay attention man, I am not the denigrator, I am the protector that doesn’t want to see a desuetude human life which could have been prevented.
Well the way you ramble on, no wonder no one can follow what you are saying. And there is more malarky this time.You think that these do-gooders and bible thumpers think everyone over 20 who are homeless are drug addicts, etc?? Man you are mistaken. Many of these 'unfortunate' people (you call them desuetude whatever that is) have turned their life around, and yet you think their life should have been prevented? Are you God, judge and jury? I think not, you are one brick short of a load.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Of course not..... murderers always have a justification for their actions.

1.) No they don't.
2.) seriously you can't see the fault in your logic there?

How on earth is an embryo a person?

I guess our definition is what is a living person. In your view a person who is braindead on lifesupport is alive. In my view they are not.

No brain or conciousness, and its not any kind of murder to unplug them.

Ergo, a sperm than entered an egg five minutes ago is not magically a person.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
1.) No they don't.
2.) seriously you can't see the fault in your logic there?

How on earth is an embryo a person?

I guess our definition is what is a living person. In your view a person who is braindead on lifesupport is alive. In my view they are not.

No brain or conciousness, and its not any kind of murder to unplug them.

Ergo, a sperm than entered an egg five minutes ago is not magically a person.

WHatever you say.......whatever helps ya'll sleep at night.....


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
a beating heart does not give fetuses rights. rights do not depend on having a beating heart

I'm stuck on whether abortion is killing ... if it is, there has to be something that defines life, because there is no killing if there is no life.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
Risus, my pal I will get you a link, but keep in mind that criminals have become criminals because they were abandoned in a very young age. In many cases some of these children have committed suicide because life had nothing to offer them. They would have been better off DEAD DURING THEIR FIRST THREE MONTHS OF INCUBATION THAN COMING INTO A LIFE THAT HAS VERY LITTLE FOR THEM AND IN MANY CASES NOTHING FOR THEM.

An example to support your theory is the Corey Mitchell book about Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena in Houston 1993. Each of the young people that were initially sentenced to death (2 commuted because of ages under 18) has a story of a tragic childhood. That, however, is quite different from the new white collar murderer such as Joshua Lall.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Well the way you ramble on, no wonder no one can follow what you are saying. And there is more malarky this time.You think that these do-gooders and bible thumpers think everyone over 20 who are homeless are drug addicts, etc?? Man you are mistaken. Many of these 'unfortunate' people (you call them desuetude whatever that is) have turned their life around, and yet you think their life should have been prevented? Are you God, judge and jury? I think not, you are one brick short of a load.

Look stop that. Reality will tell you that from all walks of life there has been people that have been f ucked by society whether you like it or not.

Start from unwanted children after birth abandoned in a black plastic bag inside a garbage container, children were the mother was raped and never had any intension to have a chilled before she got raped, or some holly perverted priests have sexually assaulted thousands of children because fortunately for the perverted priests these children had no one to care for them and were very easy to take advantage of them, some people in high positions their computers have children at the age of 2 years old having sex with seekos.

Some of these children are the byproduct of doom during conception and the bible thumper said, these children belong in a world that is out to f uck them and no one from the bible thumpers are there to help them when they enter the real cruel world. Today is children’s day around the world while some f ucking pervert priest is sexually abusing some of them. So, Socrates is talking truth, and the pro-lifers are calling Socrates crazy. :roll:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
..... Most bad criminals are orphans and the byproduct of a start that was not right for them.....

Kindly show some proof of this rather than just making a broad inaccurate statement...


With his evil distribution of obesity to the masses!!! CRIMINAL!!! :p


May 24, 2006
Look stop that. Reality will tell you that from all walks of life there has been people that have been f ucked by society whether you like it or not.

Start from unwanted children after birth abandoned in a black plastic bag inside a garbage container, children were the mother was raped and never had any intension to have a chilled before she got raped, or some holly perverted priests have sexually assaulted thousands of children because fortunately for the perverted priests these children had no one to care for them and were very easy to take advantage of them, some people in high positions their computers have children at the age of 2 years old having sex with seekos.

Some of these children are the byproduct of doom during conception and the bible thumper said, these children belong in a world that is out to f uck them and no one from the bible thumpers are there to help them when they enter the real cruel world. Today is children’s day around the world while some f ucking pervert priest is sexually abusing some of them. So, Socrates is talking truth, and the pro-lifers are calling Socrates crazy. :roll:

You are long on BS and short on substance and truth. You have still not justified your comment that serious criminals are orphans....

Abortion is just a cop-out for people that have no regard for the consequences of their actions.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
WHatever you say.......whatever helps ya'll sleep at night.....

I think the question should be, Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Because while murderers don't have justifications for their actions at all times,

those whose blood is full of discrimination always seem to have "magic reasons" why their unsupported and harmful views are "the way it is"

Perhaps you could enlighten us at what point someone becomes alive and why?

Also at what point does someone become dead and why?

An embryo can't become a person anymore than a sperm or egg, because it still requires many other factors to become a person. Unless you believe having a period is murder too.

Just another version of "women are babymachines"


Electoral Member
Aug 19, 2007
Makes sense, I'm glad you finally came to that conclusion.
Yeah, I came to that conclusion because I'm "beep" disgusted with myself, you, and so many human beings who never seem to grow up for "beep" sake.

Ages pass and mankind remains the same as ever. Perhaps, statistically, abortion might be a solution to ever-growing problems of overpopulation and wasteful amount of human beings that are alive today. Abortion is what keeping China's population growth rate at lowest ever and perhaps even Canada. Nonetheless, I don't give a sh*t about statistic. What I do care about is people's incapability to understand possibilities that arises from growing fetus. Whatever consequence might be from the fetus, should he/she suffer immensely from the carrier's negligence and hatred, it would be the sufferer's decision to comprehend his/her life in whatever direct he/she wishes to take. It is not for us to decide what that fetus decides later in his life regardless the situation of its birth because elimination of life should and must never be accepted by any social morality.
Do you not think I care for women suffering from rape and torture? I do care. I lack experience, yes, but does that make me a person who cares nothing of her? I have much to do in life you see as I am only a undergraduate entering one of the important stage of my life. As of now, sir and madame, this is what I believe. I shall see as my life proceeds and according to sight and experiences I will take and I do think it might differ. For now, this is what I am.

While I was taking World Issues class, my teacher told me an interesting story I could never forget. You see, the abortion isn't just about getting rid of mother's fetus, people around it gets influenced as well. Doctors, nurses, and medical staff who handles the dead bodies of fetus are influenced. Such was the case of this one lady my teacher told me about (true story). She was a sort of an garbage man for the doctors. Wastes such as fetus, baby body parts, etc, ended up in her hands everyday and threw them into a black garbage bag or sort like of it. She touched, felt and smelt the parts of the fetus. Months later, she resigned and days later she resigned, she committed suicide. Well, this is just one of many story I heard from him. I won't argue that abortion kills nurses...no...that's not the point...the point is...why is it happening.
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
But was he an orphan???8O

Sure he was, didn't you know? I think they have their own Wendy's orphanage program or something like that.... next time you go into Wendy's take a look around the walls near the entrances, you should see a poster with him on it, or a picture with a house and some kids or something relating to adoptions and such and talking about how Dave Thomas was an orphan, etc. etc.


So he was an evil grease peddler who used his money to build a foundation for many other orphans so they can organize their own military faction, fatten us all up with their food and then when the time is right, they will stike and take over the world, while we suffer from clogged arteries, no energy, breathing issues.... we'll all be too fat to fight back and the Dave Thomas New World Order will be in full effect.

Think about it!


May 24, 2006
Sure he was, didn't you know? I think they have their own Wendy's orphanage program or something like that.... next time you go into Wendy's take a look around the walls near the entrances, you should see a poster with him on it, or a picture with a house and some kids or something relating to adoptions and such and talking about how Dave Thomas was an orphan, etc. etc.


So he was an evil grease peddler who used his money to build a foundation for many other orphans so they can organize their own military faction, fatten us all up with their food and then when the time is right, they will stike and take over the world, while we suffer from clogged arteries, no energy, breathing issues.... we'll all be too fat to fight back and the Dave Thomas New World Order will be in full effect.

Think about it!
Didn't know that, I don't get into Wendy's too often. But they do have good salads.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Yeah, I came to that conclusion because I'm "beep" disgusted with myself, you, and so many human beings who never seem to grow up for "beep" sake.

Ages pass and mankind remains the same as ever. Perhaps, statistically, abortion might be a solution to ever-growing problems of overpopulation and wasteful amount of human beings that are alive today. Abortion is what keeping China's population growth rate at lowest ever and perhaps even Canada. Nonetheless, I don't give a sh*t about statistic. What I do care about is people's incapability to understand possibilities that arises from growing fetus. Whatever consequence might be from the fetus, should he/she suffer immensely from the carrier's negligence and hatred, it would be the sufferer's decision to comprehend his/her life in whatever direct he/she wishes to take. It is not for us to decide what that fetus decides later in his life regardless the situation of its birth because elimination of life should and must never be accepted by any social morality.

You can't even get a 6 month old baby to pick which color he or she likes.... how they hell are you going to sit there and tell us a Fetus can make all those decisions while still in development and in the womb, where it has no concept of anything (if anything) besides the inside walls of the womb?

That fetus has none, and gets no rights and a human until it becomes a living human once it is breathing independantly outside of the womb as able to at least operate it's body and internal functions independantly from the mother.... therefore that little chunk of potiential human in the uterus has about as much human rights as a sea monkey.

If you want to give a fetus human rights, then classify it as a human, and not a fetus..... and while you're at it, start classifying chicken eggs as full grown chickens.

Hell if we're just going to split hairs on when something is classified as a human, how about we go back and look at how close chimps and other monkies are to humans and see if we can get them to have human rights as well..... they sorta look human too ya know?

"Oh but that's not the same thing Prax."

Isn't it?

Do you not think I care for women suffering from rape and torture? I do care. I lack experience, yes, but does that make me a person who cares nothing of her? I have much to do in life you see as I am only a undergraduate entering one of the important stage of my life. As of now, sir and madame, this is what I believe. I shall see as my life proceeds and according to sight and experiences I will take and I do think it might differ. For now, this is what I am.

Fair enough, and for now, I guess I'm one of your humans who's "Never Grown Up" since I don't believe what you believe. :roll:

While I was taking World Issues class, my teacher told me an interesting story I could never forget. You see, the abortion isn't just about getting rid of mother's fetus, people around it gets influenced as well. Doctors, nurses, and medical staff who handles the dead bodies of fetus are influenced. Such was the case of this one lady my teacher told me about (true story). She was a sort of an garbage man for the doctors. Wastes such as fetus, baby body parts, etc, ended up in her hands everyday and threw them into a black garbage bag or sort like of it. She touched, felt and smelt the parts of the fetus. Months later, she resigned and days later she resigned, she committed suicide. Well, this is just one of many story I heard from him. I won't argue that abortion kills nurses...no...that's not the point...the point is...why is it happening.

Because it does.... perhaps she was in the wrong line of work, just as some people are not cut out to be medics on a battlefield, pulling out shrapnel and bullets and trying to stop to bleeding of exposed organs and muscle..... knowing that you're not going to be able to save everyone..... when you're in that line of work where you're faced with things that can be mentally difficult, you either accept those things as a fact, or you look for another job.

If you don't like abortions, then don't participate in them... if everybody hates abortions and won't put up with whatever mental issues that come with abortions, then nobody will perform the job, and if nobody will perform the job, then nobody will have abortions.

But that's not the case, others don't have a problem with them, don't have a problem performing them, and people don't have a problem choosing one..... so they will continue to happen.

But I'm not concerned about a hearsay story that you were told about in school about what might or might not have happened to someone cleaning up after abortions that can not be proven one way or another in my view (Plus one can not prove based on your information if her suicide was related to her experiences with abortions, or due to something else in her life)..... what I am concerned about is that the potiential parents who have to make this decision are fully aware of the consequences of their actions, can they live with the thought that they won't be having this child and raising it, and if they are making the right decision for themselves, because they're the ones who truly have to live with the decision, not the doctors or the nurses who perform the procedure..... they accept their actions everytime they perform an abortion, therefore their view is irrelevent.

An abortion isn't a simple decision someone makes while waiting in the checkout lane at the store.... they must think about it in great detail and make sure this is what they want or need to do, and they have to deal with those actions.... if they can not, then they shouldn't have an abortion. Whichever way they decide to go, it will change their lives no matter what.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
You are long on BS and short on substance and truth. You have still not justified your comment that serious criminals are orphans....

Abortion is just a cop-out for people that have no regard for the consequences of their actions.

Hey Risus, tell me do you volunteer as a big brother to children who were born from a rape pregnancy? Unless you are a current volunteer to any one of these unfortunate forgotten lives then you can make the statement you are making here,
That “Abortion is just a cop-out for people that have no regard for the consequence of their actions”
And to allow a life come into the wrong world for them, how can you make that right? :roll::roll::roll:


May 24, 2006
Hey Risus, tell me do you volunteer as a big brother to children who were born from a rape pregnancy? Unless you are a current volunteer to any one of these unfortunate forgotten lives then you can make the statement you are making here,
That “Abortion is just a cop-out for people that have no regard for the consequence of their actions”
And to allow a life come into the wrong world for them, how can you make that right? :roll::roll::roll:
First, let me say that I used to be a big brother and I do know what I'm talking about.
Second, if you read back in the thread you will find out that I said rape would be the exception.
So so much for your argument this time...

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
First, let me say that I used to be a big brother and I do know what I'm talking about.
Second, if you read back in the thread you will find out that I said rape would be the exception.
So so much for your argument this time...

if you have worked as a big brother, I am sure you must know the pain inside some of these misfortunate souls, to fight the odds, some times is better not fighting them at all, being that many of these young people the odds were badly stacked against them with no hope of a chance to a batter life.

I do congratulate you in your ambassadorship to the “act of kindness”, you devoting free of monetary consideration your time for the bettering of a destitute ( by the way I have spelled DESTITUTE correctly) young person, that is a very strong fiber with in you. By the way I am not patronizing I am simply calling it as it is.

I have not been a big brother to other people’s kids but I have razed two nice people my kids of course and my liberal message has been respect and help some one les fortunate then you.

Yes I correct my self on the rape statement you made I apologize.