9/11 Remembered


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
9/11 was an inside job!!

It is impossible that this happened in some of the most heavily defended airspace on the planet. Most of the Eastern seaboard has a scramble response time of less than 8 minutes. Washington DC has a scramble response time of 4-6 minutes. So as soon as somebody can give a plausible explanation as to why there wasn't even 1 fighter in the air for over 2 1/2 hours, especially around DC, then I will start to consider their impossible cover story. Well, no I won't because there is no plausible explanation. Too many things happened that day that are statistical impossibilities.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
9/11 was an inside job!!

It is impossible that this happened in some of the most heavily defended airspace on the planet. Most of the Eastern seaboard has a scramble response time of less than 8 minutes. Washington DC has a scramble response time of 4-6 minutes. So as soon as somebody can give a plausible explanation as to why there wasn't even 1 fighter in the air for over 2 1/2 hours, especially around DC, then I will start to consider their impossible cover story. Well, no I won't because there is no plausible explanation. Too many things happened that day that are statistical impossibilities.

Scramble time in a preplanned drill isn't the same as a real event. This whole disaster was too far off the wall for military to respond to in a timely manner. Sort of like a modern day Pearl Harbour. The military got caught with their pants down there too.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Inside job or not, why did Bush Jr. pin it on Saddam Hussain?

Why did the US approach the UN if it never intended to abide by its decision anyway. If its mind was already made up, it should have just gone to fight Iraq and bipassed the UN. To approach the UN only to snub it afterwards didn't make sense.

Why did it fight Iraq on such flimsy evidence?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
This is you.

And another one. This is you.

Say what you want Wanker. But please do at least explain how it happened. Just even address the 1 single point I raise. How is that SAC did not scramble even 1 fighter that day? Just answer that 1 little question.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Conspiracy theories abound about government actions. Fact is for the most part government employees and politicians lack the imagination and logistic ability to carry out most of these theories. Government runs mostly on chaos theory.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Scramble time in a preplanned drill isn't the same as a real event. This whole disaster was too far off the wall for military to respond to in a timely manner. Sort of like a modern day Pearl Harbour. The military got caught with their pants down there too.

The pilots who scramble are never told if it is a drill. 8 minutes to anywhere on the east coast. Heck give them some grace and say 12 minutes. That still means there should have been planes up there BEFORE the second impact at WTC. There wasn't even an intercept fighter launched after the second WTC impact. You need to recognize bullsh^t when you see it. The 'offical' story is the biggest load of bullsh^t ever put forward.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
The pilots who scramble are never told if it is a drill. 8 minutes to anywhere on the east coast. Heck give them some grace and say 12 minutes. That still means there should have been planes up there BEFORE the second impact at WTC. There wasn't even an intercept fighter launched after the second WTC impact. You need to recognize bullsh^t when you see it. The 'offical' story is the biggest load of bullsh^t ever put forward.
This is still you.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...... the government can't run anything else they touch efficiently, but they can keep this "inside job" going for decades.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. Isaac Azimov.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Inside job or not, why did Bush Jr. pin it on Saddam Hussain?

Why did the US approach the UN if it never intended to abide by its decision anyway. If its mind was already made up, it should have just gone to fight Iraq and bipassed the UN. To approach the UN only to snub it afterwards didn't make sense.

Why did it fight Iraq on such flimsy evidence?

He didn't. you go ahead and believe he did. Why break your own record of getting everything wrong , now.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
9/11 was an inside job!!

It is impossible that this happened in some of the most heavily defended airspace on the planet. Most of the Eastern seaboard has a scramble response time of less than 8 minutes. Washington DC has a scramble response time of 4-6 minutes. So as soon as somebody can give a plausible explanation as to why there wasn't even 1 fighter in the air for over 2 1/2 hours, especially around DC, then I will start to consider their impossible cover story. Well, no I won't because there is no plausible explanation. Too many things happened that day that are statistical impossibilities.

All of the sensing of our airspace was facing outward, at the time and not inward. I had never occured to NORAD that civilian airliners that were already in transit represented a military threat, of any sort. What were fighters going to do? Shoot down all the civilian airliners, just it case? I remember the confusion of that day ... multiple aircraft, hijacked, aircraft shot down, missile attacks ... all of this stuff was coming one after another an no one had an overall picture. That is part of the brilliance of this attack, that it was so far out of the box.

The first two fighters were scrambled by the US AirForce at 08:46 from Falmouth Mass. These were Air National Guard F-15s. This was also a period of peacetime. The Soviet Union was gone and its remnants very weak. The US was not at war anywhere. China was a shadow of what it is becoming. There were no waves of attacking aircraft coming from any nation, out there. The big enemy armada did not exist. The last big conflict was the breakup of Yugoslavia and there were not ready-rooms full of fighter pilots on three minutes notice, all over the continent. The "heavily defended airspace" that you talk about was not even over US soil but mostly extended high up in the Canadian Arctic, where any North American air battle would need to be fought. If you're fighting an air defence battle right over your head, It is way too late. The suprise of it all and the lack of US preparedness was certainly a factor as, the air defences of North America were for a time that day, directed from a NATO-manned AWACS with a Canadiian/ German/ Danish/ Dutch crew. Canada also scrambled F-18s armed with Sidewinders and, presumeably, with orders to shoot down civilian airliners, if commanded to do so.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
All of the sensing of our airspace was facing outward, at the time and not inward. I had never occured to NORAD that civilian airliners that were already in transit represented a military threat, of any sort. What were fighters going to do? Shoot down all the civilian airliners, just it case? I remember the confusion of that day ... multiple aircraft, hijacked, aircraft shot down, missile attacks ... all of this stuff was coming one after another an no one had an overall picture. That is part of the brilliance of this attack, that it was so far out of the box.

The first two fighters were scrambled by the US airforce at 08:46 from Falmouth Mass. These were Air National Guard F-15s. This was also a period of peacetime. The Soviet Union was gone and its remnants very weak. The US was not at war anywhere. China was a shadow of what it is becoming. There were no waves of attacking aircraft coming from any bation, out there. The last big conflict was the breakup of Yugoslavia and there were not ready-rooms full of fighter pilots on three minutes notice, all over the continent. The "heavily defended airspace" that you talk about was not even over US soil but mostly extended high up in the Canadian Arctic, where any North American air battle would need to be fought. If you're fighting an air defence battle right over your head, It is way too late. The suprise of it all and the lack of US preparedness was certainly a factor as, the air defences of North America were for a time that day, directed from a NATO-manned AWACS with a Canadiian/ German/ Danish/ Dutch crew. Canada also scrambled F-18s armed with Sidewinders and, presumeably, with orders to shoot down civilian airliners, if commanded to do so.

Why did you bother? He already stated that he wouldn't believe any explanation brought forward.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...... the government can't run anything else they touch efficiently, but they can keep this "inside job" going for decades.

They haven't. Their cover story has been picked apart and proven wrong so many times in so many ways. What perpetuates the myth is idiots like you and Wally who refuse to look at the evidence and will never actually have an answer for the tough questions. Instead you guys just start hurling insults and yelling 'tin-foil hat'. Start answering the questions and stop being a blind sheep.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
They haven't. Their cover story has been picked apart and proven wrong so many times in so many ways. What perpetuates the myth is idiots like you and Wally who refuse to look at the evidence and will never actually have an answer for the tough questions. Instead you guys just start hurling insults and yelling 'tin-foil hat'. Start answering the questions and stop being a blind sheep.

How old are you? Just curious to know how much of that history you have lived and how much of it you "learned" from the internet?

I didn't read about it and make it up. I remember it unfolding in real time. I also have some knowledge of the broader military context of that period.

By the way, who is the "they" who have picked the story apart? The Putin Russians who claim that the Americans/Israelis/Ukranians/ just about everyone but themselves shot down Air Malaysia? The Saudis? They have blamed it on the Jews, all along. Who is this mysterious 'they" that you follow so slavishly? Do you even know who "they" are?
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
They haven't. Their cover story has been picked apart and proven wrong so many times in so many ways. What perpetuates the myth is idiots like you and Wally who refuse to look at the evidence and will never actually have an answer for the tough questions. Instead you guys just start hurling insults and yelling 'tin-foil hat'. Start answering the questions and stop being a blind sheep.

Why the fu ck should I bother answering any of your "questions" when you have already stated that you won't believe any explanation that is brought forward? Better to just ridicule you and have fun at your, ignorance and stupidity.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No Walnut it's you.
This is more like a selfie of Walnut.